Good morning, how are you? Welcome to the weekend. I hope you have something fun planned today. As for Charlie he is outside playing with friends so I am working and so is David. Before the day gets away from my I wanted to bring you our series sharing Unique Holidays: October 9th, 2021.
I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. David says he would like to celebrate National Motorcycle Ride Day if someone would share there Hog with him.

Curious Events Day peaks one’s curiosity. Why does this Holiday exist? Who created the Holiday? What curious events are held today? The questions could go on, and on.
If you have a questioning and curious mind, this is your Holiday. The Holiday encourages you to hold some kind of event that peak’s one’s curiosity. The topics are broad and seemingly endless, from philosophical subjects, to the existence of Aliens. The only requirement is that the event must cater to our curiosity.
Always falls during the week of October 9.
According to legend, on October 8, 1871, Mrs. O’Leary was in her barn, milking her cow. The cow kicked over a lamp, which started the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. Did you know the fire burned for over 27 hours. When the fire was over, more than 300 people were killed, 100,000 people were left homeless, and over 17,000 structures were destroyed.
The Great Chicago fire sparked major efforts in Fire Prevention. Forty years later, the Fire Marshall’s Association of North America (FMANA) held the first Fire Prevention Day. In 1920 , President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Fire Prevention Week.
The Saturday during Fire Prevention Week is Fire Service Recognition Day.
Dalmatians became fire dogs because they were often kept around the horses at fire houses to guard them.
Remember “EDITH”, which stand for “Exit Drills In The Home” and today is a good day to have a practice Fire Drill or to create a Emergency Exit Plan for your home.
Leif Erikson Day gives recognition to the first European to set foot on North American soil. There is no dispute of this event in an of the History books. Historians have been able to put this together based upon records at the time. However, Leif Erikson made no maps of his journey and physical evidence of his travels are lacking.
In some writings, his first name is spelled Leif, Leifur or Leiv. His last name is sometimes spelled as Erikson, Ericson, Ericsson, or Ericksson.
Around 1002 A.D., Leif Erikson sailed to North America from his home in Greenland and he went in search of land seen (but not visited) by a Norse Sea Captain. During the voyage, Leif Erikson landed in a number of places. The landings were never documented in a map and it is believed he landed along the coast of New Foundland, and perhaps as far South as near Cape Cod. Erikson and his men spent the Winter in North America were they built a large house for lodging , and a shed to shelter the boat over the long winter.
Leif Erikson never returned to further explore North America and a number of explorers, including his brother, travelled to North America.
Leif Erikson brother was killed by Indians.
In 1964, a joint resolution of Congress declared October 9th as Leif Erikson Day and a presidential Proclamation is issued every year.
Moldy Cheese Day is today and I would like to ask you a question. Do you have any Moldy Cheese in your refrigerator? Because you need to have Moldy Cheese to celebrate this Holiday? If you have Moldy Cheese, what would you create and why?
Every once in a while, we come across a Holiday that has no apparent rhyme or reason. Today is one of those days. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t celebrate this wonderful Holiday. Look through the refrigerators at home and work for Moldy Cheese. Office refrigerators are a great place to find Moldy food. See if that Moldy piece of Cheese is salvageable and enjoy the Holiday.
If you find moldy cheese, take a slice off each side because the insides should still be good.
Mold is common in Cheese and its part of what gives a particular Cheese flavor and character including the blue stuff in Blu Cheese which is mold.
History and Origin of Moldy Cheese Day:
We found a reference or two suggesting this is a “National” Holiday but we can’t believe that the “Big Cheeses” in Washington would declare a National Holiday for Moldy Cheese. Have you ever known our elected officials to waste time debating worthless topics?
National Motorcycle Ride Day – second Saturday in October
It’s mid October, and the air is crisp and chilly and it might be just a bit too cold to head out on your Motorcycle before mid-morning, when the low hanging Sun warms up the air enough for a comfortable ride. While Motorcyclists never need incentive to jump on their “Hog” and feel the freedom of the road, there’s added incentive: It’s National Motorcycle Ride Day. The open road beckons for one last ride before Winter Season. Grab a couple friends and take off for new adventures out on the open road.
National Motorcycle Ride Day is about celebrating and promoting Motorcycle riding, and showing off you Hike. The creator of this day states two objectives:
- Simply celebrate Motorcycle riding by going on a long ride with friends is a great way to celebrate.
- Build and strengthen relationships between everyone involved with Motorcycles: including riders, dealers, distributers, and manufacturers, to help grow the industry.
Motorcycle Trivia:
- Did you know the first Motorcycle appeared in 1867 in Paris, France? Ernest Micheaux fitted a small steam engine to a Velocipede, creating the Michaux-Perreaux Steam Velocipede.
- The first Harley Davidson Motorcycle used a tomato can for a carburetor.
- The world’s longest Motorcycle was built in Russia in 2005 and the Motercycle was 31 feet long and could hold 16 people.
- Vespa means “wasp” in Italian.
Here’s wishing you a very Happy National Motorcycle Ride Day.
Related Holidays:
History and Origin of National Motorcycle Ride Day
This Holiday was created in 2015 by Chad Gear.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates