Unique Holidays: October 8th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

American Touch Tag Day– is always observed on October 8th

Many of the October holidays center around Halloween and pumpkin themes. Although there is ample room on the October calendar for plenty of holidays and observances celebrating or commemorating other subjects and topics. American Touch Tag Day is one of these important Holidays.

American Touch Tag Day is a day to play Touch Tag. That’s right, we’re talking about the child’s game of Tag. Tag is probably the most popular children’s outdoor game in America. Almost all kids have played some version of Tag.

We are uncertain as to why this day was titled “American” Touch Tag Day which has been known by many names, including Tag, Touch, Touch Tag, It, Chasey, and Catching. Tag has been played by children all over the world for thousands of years, going back as far as Ancient Egypt. If it was ours to call, we would certainly name this day World Tag Day.

 In some places, some people call Tag “Catch and Catch” or simply “You’re it”.

How to Celebrate American Touch Tag Day

Celebrate American Touch Tag Day today. No matter how old you are, go outside and play Touch Tag.

 If it’s raining, you can play Tag indoors.

You can play Tag in the dark. Did you know people say. Tag is best played in the darkness. If played at night, we recommend giving each player a flashlight because it’s dark outside.

History and Origin of American Touch Tag Day

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of American Touch Tag Day. We discovered lots of reference to this holiday on Ecard sites and calendar sites. Although, we found no factual information about the Holiday.

We are mildly surprised that American Touch Tag Day is in October, when the Weather is cold in many areas. Touch tag is most often played on warm Summer days or nights.

National Motorcycle Ride Day –  second Saturday in October

It’s mid-October. The air is crisp and chilly although it might be just a bit too cold to head out on your motorcycle before mid-morning when the low-hanging Sun warms up the air enough for a comfortable ride.

While motorcyclists never need the incentive to jump on their “Hog” and feel the freedom of the road,  there’s some added incentive: Today is National Motorcycle Ride Day. The open road beckons for one last ride before the Winter Season arrives in full force. Grab a couple of buddies and take off for parts unknown.

Related Holidays:

Motorcycle Trivia

  • Motorcycles first appeared in 1867 in Paris, France. Ernest Micheaux fitted a small steam engine to a velocipede, creating the Michaux-Perreaux Steam Velocipede.
  • The first Harley Davidson motorcycle used a tomato can as a carburetor.
  • The world’s longest motorcycle was built in Russia in 2005. This Motorcycle was 31 feet long and could hold up to 16 people.
  • Vespa means “wasp” in Italian.

How to Celebrate National Motorcycle Ride Day

National Motorcycle Ride Day is all about celebrating and promoting motorcycle riding and showing your pride. The creator of this holiday states two objectives:

  1. Simply celebrate motorcycle riding. Taking a long ride with a few friends is a great way to celebrate.
  2. Build and strengthen relationships between everyone involved with motorcycling: riders, dealers, distributors, and manufacturers, to help grow the industry.

Other things you can do today:

  • Wash your bike.
  • Give your bike a tune-up
  • Watch a movie about motorcycles like Easy Rider
  • Learn more about Evel Knievel and his daring feats.

History and Origin of National Motorcycle Ride Day

National Motorcycle Day was created in 2015 by Chad Gear. We have not yet found any additional information about National Motorcycle Ride Day.

We did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” day. Our research found no congressional records or presidential proclamations.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates