Unique Holidays: October 7th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: October 7th, 2o21. Did you know today is Bald and Free Day the perfect Day to celebrate David who is almost bald. Or my dad who isn’t here with us anymore but was bald as well. As for International Walk to school today all Charlie has to do is get up from his bed and walk into the Front Room because as you know we Homeschool Full Time.

Bald and Free Day

Image result for Bald and Free Day

Bald and Free Day honors those with a shiny top. You don’t’ have to be bald to celebrate this Holiday but it helps. People who are Married to, or related to a bald headed person to celebrate with the bald person.

 Enough with the bald jokes and there will be zero tolerance for bald jokes today. Rather, today is a day to cherish and appreciate the freedom that comes with being bald. While the rest of us are spending money on hair cuts, hair shampoo, hair sprays, combs, and such, the bald guys is smiling because he saves money and time on his hair.

Upon becoming a lucky bald guy, you are finally freed of the worry and fret that other guys have, as they wonder for years:

  • “Will I lose my hair?”
  • Or do you think my hair turning grey?

Better still, as a bald guys are much happier because in addition to saving money on haircuts and hair accessories, they never had a “bad hair day”.

History and Origin of Bald and Free Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday but we did discover two dates for this event and its almost equally divided between the 7th and the 14th of October. Before you ask where there is two days we don’t know the reason for the confusion over the correct date. W 

International Walk to School Day

Image result for International Walk to School Day

International Walk to School Day
 is the perfect opportunity to step up and follow the theme of the day.

Skip the bus to school today and put your sneakers on and hike on over to your school. By the time you arrive at School, you will be a little healthier and wide awake. Ready to focus on classes. Don’t forget to encourage your friends to join you in the walk, and you will arrive before you know it.

Walking has many, many advantages and this exercise is easy to do, and great for your health. Walking is easy on your muscles and joints, the perfect way to “stay in shape” or “get in shape” exercise, that can be enjoyed by almost everybody. Walking is invigorating, and wakes you up naturally so you’re ready for the day ahead. Walking on  the way home from school is a natural way to decompress from the stress and pressures of the day. Walking is environmentally friendly and if more people routinely walk to school (or work or the store), the air we breath will be cleaner, and greenhouse gases will be reduced.

The goal of International Walk to School Day, is to encourage students to get more exercise, by walking instead of riding the bus, or in a car. In addition, the organizers of this Holiday seek to bring awareness of the need for safe, walkable routes to school.

Now that you’ve walked to and from school for one day, don’t stop there walk to and from school everyday, when the Weather allows.

Related Holidays:

Bike to School Day

History and Origin of International Walk to School Day:

This holiday was created in 1997 by the Partnership for a Walkable America and the Holiday appeared to be originally called “National Walk to School Day. The Holiday quickly gained world wide popularity, and was renamed International Walk to School Day. Today, over 40 countries participate.

There still remains a few references to this Holiday being a “National” day but we didn’t find a Congressional Resolution or Presidential Proclamation making this day a national day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates