Unique Holidays: October 6th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: October 6th, 2021. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why. For me it’s Mad Hatter Day because I love the Mad Hatter and the Alice and Wonderland movie. What about you?

Come and Take it Day

Image result for Come and Take it Day

Did you know today is Come and Take It Day making this day here for the taking. Grab the day and take the day and run with it. We’re sure it’s going to be a great day.

Although, there is a slight difference between the terms “come and get it” and “come and take it”. The first suggests an offer by someone, and therefore, approval to have whatever “it” is.

We’re not sure what you’ve been looking for. But, today is the day to reach out for it and to take it. Use your imagination. But if the taking involves another person in any way shape or form, get their okay before you take it.

History and Origin of Come and Take It Day:

The town of Gonzales, Texas holds a Come & Take It Festival each year commerating the firing of the first shot of the Texas revolution on Oct. 2, 1835, which took place near Gonzales.

Some people also believe that this Holiday originated from a movie of the same name in 2001 but most of us believe this to be coincidental

Mad Hatter Day

Image result for Mad Hatter Day

Mad Hatter Day is a great day to be celebrate silliness.

We all know the Mad Hatter is a fictional cartoon character in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and The Mad Hatter is always acting silly. On Mad Hatter Day, it is only fair and fitting to act a little silly yourself.  

Despite being a silly day, the selection of the date was actually quite logical. The Mad Hatter wears a top hat and on the front of the hat is a slip of paper with “10/6” written on it this paper is believed to be an order to make the hat, and that it costs ten shillings sixpence.

Grab yourself a top hat, and have a a very silly Mad Hatter’s Day!

Origin of Mad Hatter Day:

Mad Hatter Day was the brainstorm of a group of computer people in Boulder, Co and the date dates back to 1986.  Most likely a bit bored with bits and bytes, they got a little silly and created this Holiday.

 National Kale Day – first Wednesday of October

Image result for National Kale Day

Kale is the latest Superfood and Kale earned this title, because it’s loaded with all sorts of healthy minerals and vitamins.

National Kale Day is dedicated to recognizing and appreciating  the health value of Kale.

Celebrating this Holiday is simple…. eat Kale today. But, don’t eat Kale only today make Kale a regular part of your diet.

Get healthy and stay healthy, by eating lots of Kale!

History and Origin of National Kale Day:

National Kale Day was created in 2012 and the Holiday was created, and is promoted by Nationalakleday.org

This relatively new, yet important Holiday, is called a “National” day. However, there has yet to be a Congressional or Presidential Proclamation making Holiday a true national day. Nationalakleday.org is currently organizing an online petition to send to the U.S. Congress, requesting that become a true “National” day.

Physician Assistant Day

Image result for Physician Assistant Day

National Physician’s Assistant Day recognizes the importance of the skills of this career. The Physician’s Assistant is an invaluable aide to Physicians.

The profession of Physician’s Assistant was created in 1965 by Dr. Eugene Stead at Duke Medical Center and the first Physician Assistants graduated from Duke University on October 6, 1967. Since then, te job has grown to tens of thousands of people.

If you see your Physician’s Assistant today, let them know they’re appreciated.

HIistory and Origin of National Physician’s Assistant Day:

We believe that the American Academy of Physician’s Assistants (AAPA) created this Holiday although there website does not come out and claim to have created Holiday, they do sponsor National Physician’s Assistant Day, and  National Physician’s Assistant Week.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates