Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: October 5th, 2022. I have a question for you. Did you know today is do something nice day. Although, I believe everyday should be do something nice day. How about you?

October 5th is Do Something Nice Day, a holiday. Would you want to put a smile on someone’s face? Then do something nice, and do it to, or for, another individual. It won’t hurt you.
Doing something nice for someone evokes a pleasant response. At the very least, doing something nice results in a smile. More likely, that person will do something nice to, or for you. Best of all, doing something nice just might be contagious.
Even if people call you “the nicest guy (or gal) I know”, there’s always something else you can do to be nice. Try singling out a complete stranger and do something nice for them.
How to Celebrate Do Something Nice Day
- In keeping with the spirit of this Do Something Nice Day, set a goal to do something nice for someone.
- Make the opportunity to do something nice for a complete stranger.
- Compliment people who are nice or may not be nice as it might turn them into a nice person.
History and Origin of Do Something Nice Day
Our research did not find the creator or the origin of Do Something Nice Day. However, one thing is certain I’m sure they’re a really nice person.
National Kale Day – first Wednesday of October

National Kale Day is today. Aren’t you glad that National Kale Day has come along? Kale Greens are the latest Superfood. Kayle earned this title because it has all sorts of healthy minerals and vitamins. As a result, the list of health benefits of eating Kale is a long one.
National Kale Day exists to recognize and appreciate the health benefit.
Celebrating National Kale Day is simple. Eat Kale today just don’t eat Kale just today. Make eating Kale a regular and important part of your diet.
Get healthy and stay healthy, by eating lots of Kale!
? There is a variety grown as a flower or ornamental called “Flowering Kale” which is edible, too.
There are a lot of food-eating contests at Fairs and Festivals. There’s Pie eating, Hot Dog Eating, and other contests to see who can eat the most in a given amount of time. It only stands to reason that there are Kale Eating Contests, too.
How to Celebrate National Kale Day
Eat Kale Greens because it is good for you. Hold your nose and eat a healthy portion.
History and Origin of National Kale Day
National Kale Day was created in 2012, and the world is healthier for it. The National Kale Day Organization created National Kale Day.
This relatively new, yet important holiday, has the word “National” in the title. However, there has yet to be a congressional or presidential proclamation making this day a true national holiday.

World Teachers Day is October 5th. Teachers deserve a little recognition, and thanks and appreciation. Aside from parents and direct family, who else has as much influence on the hearts and minds of a your child? Teachers not only educate, but they help to shape and frame our child’s beliefs, values, and behaviors.
Parents and students are encouraged to offer thanks and recognition today. A simple “thanks”, or an ecard is sufficient.
An apple a day may keep the doctor away but, teachers do in fact love to get Apples.
How to Celebrate World Teacher Day
- Send an Ecard to your children’s teachers for all that they do for your child.
- Have your child say thanks to their teacher(s).
- Send an apple to there teacher.
History and Origin of World Teacher Day
World Teachers’ Day was initiated by the Director-General of UNESCO, Federico Mayor, at the International Conference on Education in Geneva in 1993.
On October 5, 1966, a UNESCO and the International Labour Organisation conference adopted a special recommendation on teachers. The date of this event was selected as the date to annually honor and recognize teachers around the world.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates