Good evening welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: October 5th, 2021. I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Don’t forget you can share all the Holidays if you like.
Charlie and I plan on celebrating Do Something Nice Day and check on our elderly neighbors and also we plan on helping Charlie’s grandmother in her yard. Then to celebrate World Teachers Day Charlie is going to make Cookies for me and him and Charlie has offered to watch a movie with me. Would you like to join us?

Today is Do Something Nice Day and I would like to ask you to go ahead, and do something nice, anything nice. And, do for, another individual. It won’t hurt you or them. I promise.
Doing something nice for someone evokes a pleasant response or at the very least, it results in a smile because that person will do something nice to, or for you. Best of all, doing something nice just might be contagious.
In keeping with the Spirit of this Holiday, set a goal to do something nice for someone several times throughout the day and if you can do something nice for several people and if possible ask your family to also do something nice. Then, sit back and watch the results!

Teachers deserve recognition, and thanks along with appreciation. Aside from parents and direct family, who else has as much influence on the hearts and minds of a children your child? Teachers not only educate, but they help to shape and frame our child’s beliefs, values, and behaviors.
Parents and students are encouraged to offer thanks and recognition today. Remember you don’t have to purchase a Gift because a simple “thanks”, or an ecard is sufficient.
Remember an Apple a day may keep the doctor away but don’t forget teachers love to get Apples
Related Holiday: National Teachers Day
History and Origin of World Teacher Day:
World Teachers’ Day was initiated by the Director-General of UNESCO, Federico Mayor, at the International Conference on Education in Geneva in 1993.
On October 5, 1966, a UNESCO and the International Labour Organisation conference adopted a special recommendation on Teachers and the date of the event was selected as the date to annually honor and recognize teachers around the world.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates