Unique Holidays: October 3rd, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: October 3rd, 2021. I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why. For me I think I will celebrate National Boyfriends Day and make dinner for David this evening.

As for Charlie he says he would like to celebrate Techies Day and work on his Game System and our tablet which is giving us trouble. Although, I think he should take both to my Nephew David who is a Techie ie Computer Programmer. As for David he want’s to celebrate Octoberfest.

National Boyfriends Day

Image result for National Boyfriends Day

Ladies, make this Holiday all about your guy, because today is National Boyfriends Day. A Holiday to really let your guy know how much you care for him, and appreciate all that he does. Pamper your boyfriend, spoil him and give him a little recognition for all those things that you love him for.

Why do you need a special day to recognize your boyfriend? There are at least two reasons. First of all, there are special days for mothers fathers, sisters, brothers, kids, and so on. So, why not have a special day for your boyfriend? Second, your guy is pretty special to you and while you may already show him how special he is every day, you can use today to really show your boyfriend you appreciate and love him.

You don’t have to bring your boyfriend his pipe and smoking jacket because there are so many ways to celebrate National Boyfriends Day. 

Here are just a few:

  • Make his favorite dinner or if you don’t want to cook or don’t know how then you can take your boyfriend out to dinner, on you.
  • Take your boyfriend to see an Action, Sci-fi, or Spy movie. No, Chick Flicks today.
  • Simply tell your boyfriend that you appreciate all the things he does for you and give him examples.
  • Give your boyfriend a card or a gift, is okay but this Holiday is more about the things you do and say.
  • Make this Holiday a day of rest for your boyfriend, no projects today.
  • Buy your boyfriend a six pack of his favorite beer.
  • When your boyfriend gets home from work, give his neck a massage, to relieve the stress of the day which might lead to another way to treat your guy special, you both will appreciate and enjoy.

Wives…. If you’ve already married your boyfriend, remember that he still your boyfriend and you should fully celebrate this Holiday. Your happiness and marriage will be all the better for it.  

Guys, you will get the opportunity to show appreciation to your girlfriend when National Girlfriends Day comes along.

Origin of National Boyfriends Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday but most references confirm this Holiday is celebrated on October 3. However, we discovered a small number of references to this day being celebrated on other dates, most notably October 4th.

Oktoberfest in Germany ends, date varies

Image result for Oktoberfest
  •  Oktoberfest 2021: September 18  – October 3
  • Oktoberfest 2022: September 17  – October 3
  • Oktoberfest 2023: September 16 – October 3

Oktoberfest is a two week German Beer festival, held in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. While this Holiday is a giant world festival in Germany, Oktoberfest celebrations are held around the world during this time. If you can’t get to the festival in Germany, you can participate in a local event.

It’s time to eat, drink, and be merry! Each year, Oktoberfest is opened, as the mayor of Munich taps a keg a of beer. There is even a special brew made, aptly called Oktoberfest Beer.

Oktoberfest is not just a celebration of Beer it’s a huge festival with lots of food, music, dancing, rides, and carnival booths. Each year millions of people from all over the world come to Oktoberfest celebrations and festivals which are held around the world during this time. These festivals also celebrate the rich heritage of the German people.

The very first Oktoberfest was held on October 12, 1810 and the day was held to commemorate the marriage of Crown Prince Ludwig (King Ludwig 1) to Princess Therese of Sachsen-Hildburghausen. The Wedding took place on October 12th, and a great horse race (in celebration of the marriage) was held a few days later on October 17th. The marriage was celebrated annually, and came to be known as Oktoberfest.

Early Oktoberfest celebrations were held in October then the festival was eventually moved to September, as the weather was better earlier in the Fall.

Oktoberfest has been held annually since 1810. Throughout this time, the event has been canceled a few times, due to wars, and once due to a major Cholera outbreak (1854) in the region.

Over the years, the festival grew. Carnival booths appeared. Beer became a central theme, and flowed freely. Food was a big part of the festivities and later rides were added. Millions of people annually flock to Oktoberfest in Munich and one day I would like to take David. Would you like to go with us?

Techies Day

Image result for Techies Day

Note: the very first National Teckies Day was held on October 5, 1999. We do not know why or when the date was changed to October 3rd.

On this Holiday, students are encouraged to consider a career in Technology. Techies Day is an opportunity to give your friendly technician(s) some well deserved appreciation.

The office technician may be a geek or a nerd but, when your PC goes down, or gets a virus, that geek is invaluable. He’s on top of his trade, and can get your system back up and running faster than you can say “gigabyte”.   

Not to be left out….. This day is for all technicians, not just computer techies because there are many highly skilled technical jobs out there that demand high quality people to assess equipment of all kinds. Let’s give them a big hand and a thanks to all techies, from all fields.

Make sure that your techie knows he, or she is appreciated. Give them a big “TY” and maybe a token gift, or an ecard. Taking good care of your Techie will reap you dividends when you need him.

History and Origin of Techies Day:

This Holiday originated in 1999 by techies.com and a consortium of government and industry leaders.

Marc Andreesen, CTO of America Online, in alliance with techies.com and other leading like-minded companies including Compaq, FedEx and Information Week, established National Techies Day.

Techies Day was established to address the long-term demand for tech workers.

Virus Appreciation Day

Image result for Virus Appreciation Day

Virus Appreciation Day is today which gives us the opportunity to show a little respect for nasty viruses.

Respect!? You want to give viruses respect? I should think not what I think. Let’s work to avoid and eradicate virus.

Unfortunately, the creators of this Holiday did not identify themselves. Nor, did they leave a record of what kind of viruses we’re supposed to appreciate on this Holiday. Human, animal and computer viruses readily come to mind. We sure can appreciate the seriousness and significance of both human and computer viruses. And, we can worry that Animal (aka Bird Flu) viruses may jump over to affect humans.

Let’s dedicate today to appreciating that viruses can be very serious, if not deadly and let’s then take measures to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and even our computers. to minimize the risk of serious viruses.

Perhaps Virus Appreciation Day would be better if titled Virus Awareness and Protection Day. That would make much more sense. If, and when, we find the creators of this special day, we will recommend they change to them.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates