Unique Holidays: October 2nd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: October 2nd, 2022. Today is World Farm Animals Day. The perfect day to take Charlie on a Field Trip to a Farm with working Animals. Do you know were there is a Farm we could visit? Would you like to come with us?

World Farm Animals Day

World Farm Animals Day, falls on October 2nd every year. World Farm Animals Day has great significance as the holiday sheds light and brings awareness regarding the abuse and maltreatment of Animals. World Farm Animals Day makes us remember that millions of innocent Animals have lost their lives at large factory farms. World Farm Animals Day also aims to introduce regulations to fight for the equality of all Animals, regardless of their life cycles, so quality Meat and related products can be obtained from healthy and well-treated Animals.

History of World Farm Animals Day

World Farm Animals Day is also known as the ‘World Day for Farmed Animals’ and is celebrated on the birthday of the legendary Spiritual leader and human rights activist, Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi said he believed all living things needed to be treated equally and with respect and dignity, including Animals of all kinds.

World Animals Farm Day was founded as a part of an international Farm Animal Rights Movement Campaign in 1983. World Farm Animal Day raises awareness regarding the prolonged suffering that the farm Animals have been subjected to and also about their brutal slaughter. For the thousands of people who observe World Animals Farm Day, the main goal is to encourage others to work on creating a compassionate world where Animals are not treated as mere products. Over the Centuries, billions of farm Animals have been killed for food in massive factory farms and slaughterhouses worldwide.

It is not all doom and gloom; there is light at the end of the tunnel for these farm Animals. A farming scheme approved by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or R.S.P.C.A., was created and implemented around a quarter of a Century ago. It is a good solution for farmers who strive for higher Animal welfare standards and also for shoppers who want to support such welfare farming.

Today, with movements like Vegetarianism and Veganism, Animals and their rights are regularly put at the forefront. Today, such conversations and actions concerning Animal welfare and good treatment occur more frequently.

How to Observe World Farm Animals Day

  1. Many charities are geared toward improving the lives of Animals from all walks of life. Try and locate a farm near you that works towards helping Farm animals. You can also make remote and online donations to help them.
  2. Find a Petting zoo or Animal farm that is transparent about donations and take your kids for a visit. You can pet Cows and Goats.Then take pictures with the Chickens. Kids can play with the smaller farm Animals.
  3. If you wish to show your devotion to Animal rights, try going Vegetarian or even Vegan. This way, you won’t carry around the guilt of eating Meat from unregulated and poorly managed farms. Cutting out Meat and other Animal products will give you peace of mind as well.

5 Little Known Facts About Farm Animals

  1. With over 94 million Cows in the U.S., there is approximately one Cow for every three people.
  2. Did you know Chickens can communicate using over 200 different noises.
  3. Pigs can’t sweat because they lack sweat glands. Pigs must roll in mud to stay cool and avoid Sunburn.
  4. Donkey’s eyes are positioned to see all four of its feet regardless of how it is standing.
  5. Cows are highly social creatures and form bonds with one another.

Why World Farm Animals Day is Important

  1. Through celebrations and gatherings where Animals and their rights are highlighted, people learn to react positively towards Animals. Unlike Pets, farm Animals are some of the worst treated creatures on the planet and need our support.
  2. IIn an act to help improve the lives of farm Animals, people and organizations are constantly working on ways to improve farm Animals standards of living through technological innovation and drawing up new regulations for farmers.
  3. When people watch documentaries and television shows about the inhumane treatment of Animals of all kinds, they are faced with a truth that prods them to become kind and sensitive towards Animal suffering.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates