Unique Holidays: October 2nd, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: October 2nd, 2021. There is a lot of different Holidays to share today just look through the list and let me know which Holiday you would like to share and why.

International Frugal Fun Day – first Saturday of the month

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Frugal Fun Day is today and if you dig deeply, you will find resources that describe this day as “International” Frugal Fun Day, and “National” Frugal Fun Day. However, we found no documentation supporting International or National tags. but we did find plenty of reference to the intent of this day…. to have fun while being cheap ie frugal.

Frugal Fun Day is a day to enjoy fun activities that are free (or very inexpensive) and if you use your imagination, the things you can do are endless. Go on a bike or walking hike because Fall leaves are on display. Have a picnic in the park, or your back yard. Invite friends or neighbors over for a garage party and dance. Go fly a kite. Pull out the those old board games or puzzles that you have stored in the basement. Play cards with some friends.

History and Origin of Frugal Fun Day:

This Holiday was created by Shel Horowitz, author of The Penny-Pinching Hedonist: How to Live Like Royalty with a Peasant’s Pocketbook. We strongly suspect Frugal Fun Day was created, in part, to promote the book. Regardless of the reason for creating this day, we see nothing wrong with having inexpensive fun

National Custodial Worker Day

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National Custodial Workers Day is today and we should give custodial worker a big thanks. At school, the church, or a place of employment, other places, custodial support are silently at work all year long. They are the workers who clean and keep place in good repair. They seldom get recognition and they are usually in the background or “behind” the scene.

Take a minute on this day, to seek out custodial workers at your facility and give them a big “TY” for all that they do to keep the facility sparkling and running like a top.

Name Your Car Day

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Did you know today is name Your Car Day? Or does your car already have a name? Lots of people name their cars. People with big boats, name their boat, and we think nothing of it. So, why not name your car or truck!?

Every car has character and personality and we spend a lot of time in our cars, and caring for our cars. So, its only fitting that each car gets its own name.

Selecting a name should be made with care and consideration. Give your car a name that properly reflects its character. What you name you car should be a proper reflection of its character and performance, and your desires for your car. In general, guys names are for guys’ cars, and girl names are for the cars that you ladies drive. Aside from that, selection of a name is wide open. But, be careful….cars have feelings, too.

Thoughts in selecting an appropriate name for your car:

  • Don’t select wimpy names because that might give your car a personality complex and it will perform accordingly.
  • Choose a strong, aggressive name for sports cars and cars with powerful engines.
  • Sleek, sexy feline-like cars savor names that begin with “lady”.
  • Old junkers are proud just to be around and you can call them just about anything. Try “Tramp”, or “Old Yeller”, “Old Blue”.
  • Pick names that reflect your personality.
  • “Pickemup” trucks must have country names.
  • Don’t give common names (like Joe, Mike or Sue) to luxury cars. who beam over names like Reginald, Archibald, and Crystal.

World Card Making Day – first Saturday of the month

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This Holiday encourages everyone in the whole wide world, to make a homemade card. I sure bet the card companies won’t like that!

There are cards for just about every occasion and there are plenty of Ecard greeting card sites where you can prepare and send a card, too. But, nothing says “I care” more, than a hand made card you create at home.

The card can be made of construction paper or the card can be made from a greeting card software package right from your computer. Use your own words to get a message across to the recipient. Decorate it with pictures and images. I bet you find making cards is so much fun, that you will create more than one card.

When you make a homemade card today, don’t feel bad for the big card companies because they make plenty of money off the cards you send the other 364 days of the year.

History and Origin of World Card Making Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this Holiday which appears to have begun around 2010.

We believe the creator called it a “world” day, to encourage people around the world to create home made cards,

 Some online websites have this Holiday listed on various dates in early October and some internet sites do not do thorough research, and fail to discover that this Holiday is not a fixed date.

World Farm Animals Day

Image result for World Farm Animals Day

World Farm Animals Day was created in memory of Mahatma Ghandi, a Hindu Spiritual leader in the Country of India. Among the many things Ghandi taught was Non-violence and to treat all living beings with respect. This teaching is all inclusive. This means fair and humane treatment of Farm Animals, too and it is why this event was created to draw attention to the poor treatment and plight of Animals on farms in many parts of the world.

To many of us, there is a certain happiness and joy when we see or think of Farm Animals but we don’t usually think about the fact, that a Farm Animal is food. This Holiday is designed to be an annual protest, against factory farms and slaughterhouses, especially that treat the animals cruelly. This also extends to abandoned and abused animals anywhere in the world.   

We encourage you to participate in this Holiday, by showing your support for the fair treatment of all animals. It will also be enjoyable to visit a working farm today, to see farm Animals in their normal environment. An added bonus, is to visit a farm where there’s a petting zoo then you can feed the animals.

Related Holiday Events: National Farm Animals Day

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates