Unique Holidays: October 23rd, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: October 23rd, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrate today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. For me I would like to celebrate my Mother-In-Law Sherry who isn’t only my Mother-In Law but also my best friend. With my mom gone I would be lost without Sherry ie mom.

Mother-In-Law Day – fourth Sunday in October

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If you missed Mother’s Day in May, then I would like to share another chance to honor your beloved Mother-In-Law. As we all know our Mother-In-Laws are the butt of many jokes. Mother-in-laws doesn’t usually get the Praise or appreciation she deserves.

We suspect Mother-In-Law Day was started by a card company or flower company.

Did you know Mother-In-Law Day is always the fourth Sunday in October.

There’s a lot of jokes about Mother-In-Laws, being the bane of our existence . The constant nagging voice that hangs at the back of our heads. If they happen to be riding in the back seat of the car, or sitting in your living room, or hanging out the Mother-in-law home that your wife just insisted that you had to build on the back acres of your property they are there for you even though you don’t want to admit it.

Mother-in-Laws are not often our favorite people. More often than not Mother-in-Laws are a major component of why we don’t want to get married. Either way, Mother-in-Law day celebrates all that is good about these amazing women… who raised our significant others.

History of Mother-In-Law Day

Mothers-In-Law have existed since… Well, we suppose depending on one’s point of since shortly after Eden and the second wedding. Then again, taking another angle, the first time two Neanderthal’s came together and the mother of one lectured the other about not bringing in enough game, and how Ugg brought in a mammoth last season, what have you done?

Mothers-in-Law can be the worst enemy of your relationship and can cause more problems than a sentimental love-letter from an old flame. Then they can also be the greatest gift. A true champion for your relationship during the hardest of times.

It’s really not surprising Mother-In-Laws are such a mixed bag. Ultimately parents want what’s best for their children, and it’s hard to imagine anyone being good enough for your little girl or boy.

How to celebrate Mother-In-Law Day

Start simple, give your mother-in-law a call. The ask how she’s doing and listen to what she has to say. Mother-In-Law Day is about diving into the lion’s mouth and acknowledging that Mother-In-Laws aren’t all bad. Or, if they are, letting them know exactly how bad they really are.

Never underestimate the value of a good roasting when you have someone like a mother-in-law who either doesn’t like you. Or a mother-in-law that doesn’t know that sometimes you have to let folks work things out for themselves.

On the other hand, if you have a wonderful mother-in-law be sure to spend time telling her how much you appreciate her. Which is good advice even if you don’t like her and think she’s more than a little annoying. Mother-In-Law Day is sometimes about making your partners life a little easier by appeasing the villain.

National Mole Day

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Chemistry majors, teachers and Chemistry buffs, this Holiday is for you.

National Mole Day commemorates Avogadro’s Number (6.02 x 10^23)

To thoroughly enjoy National Mole Day, one must first understand what a “Mole” in Chemistry is.

A “mole” is a basic measuring unit. It equals the atomic mass of a single molecule. It is measured in grams. This measure was discovered by Italian Amadeo Avogadro.

Chemistry teachers celebrate this day, by getting kids more interested in chemistry. They create special lesson and lab experiments around the theme of chemical measurements.

Why celebrate from 6:02 a.m., to 6:02 p.m? Look at the chemical formula for a mole. It starts with the number 6.02.

History and Origin of National Mole Day:

Did you know National Mole Day was first conceived in an article in The Science Teacher in the early 1980s.

TV Talk Show Host Day

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Tv Talk Show Host Day celebrates and honors all Tv Talk Show hosts.

This very Holiday is celebrated on the birth date of legendary night time talk show host Johnny Carson. Carson was considered the “King of late night Television”. Johnny Carson hosted The Tonight Show from 1962 to 1992. His reign lasted a record 29 years, 7 months, 21 days and there were 1,859 episodes.

While this Holiday is celebrated on Johnny Carson’s birth date, it is intended to show appreciation to all Television Talk Show Hosts, including daytime and nighttime.

Celebrate today, by having a television talk show marathon….watch TV Talk Shows all day and night.

History and Origin of Tv Talk Show Host Day:

Our research reveals that this day was created to honor all Tv Talk Show hosts. Johnny Carson’s birth date was selected, in respect for the King of the talk shows. We do not know who created this Holiday, or when it began.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates