Unique Holidays: October 20th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our feature sharing Unique Holidays: October 20th, 2022. Today is Brandied Fruit Day. The only think I could think this Fruit would be good for would be a Fruit Cake which I will pass on. How about you?

Brandied Fruit Day -always observed on October 20th

October 20th is National Brandied Fruit Day, a holiday that celebrates sweet-tasting Fruit, soaked and marinated in Brandy. This is a holiday that you have most certainly booked on your calendar, in eager anticipation.

Brandied Fruit is a cause for a celebration! As a matter of fact, let’s drink to that.

Enjoy a little Brandied Fruit on this holiday with friends.

How to Celebrate National Brandied Fruit Day

  • Get a variety of Fruits and soak them in Brandy.
  • Eat Branded Fruit and enjoy!

History and Origin of National Brandied Fruit Day

Our research did not find the creator or the origin of National Brandied Day.

Like many other food-related holidays say, this is often referred to as a “National” Holiday but we did not find any documentation confirming this to be a “National” Holiday and we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation.

International Chefs Day  – always observed on October 20th

Not all holidays and special events originate in the United States.Not by a long shot. Some of the really great holidays originate in just about any part of the world. International Chefs Day, on October 20th is one of the great ones. Happy International Chef Day comes to us all the way from South Africa. From the Southern tip of Africa, this holiday has spread around the world, making Happy Internataional Chefs Day a truly international holiday.

One of the things that makes International Chefs Day so great, is that it is not just about honoring or celebrating Chefs. One of the objectives of International Chefs Day is to celebrate this noble profession and to promote this exciting career. The main focus of International Chefs Day is to provide education, especially to kids, on how to eat healthily.

The organization Worldchefs is perhaps the largest promoter of  International Chefs Day. This is a worldwide network of Chef associations. Each year, the Worldchefs organization sets a theme for this holiday and helps to provide educational materials to interested groups. These materials make it pretty easy for your group to hold healthy eating programs for your community.

To celebrate International Chefs Day, schools, governments, and local organizations hold educational programs, workshops, and exhibits on how to prepare healthy foods. In keeping with the stated goals of International Chefs Day, a special emphasis is placed on holding programs for young people, helping them to establish healthy eating habits for a long and healthy life.

How to Celebrate International Chefs Day

To celebrate International Chefs Day, schools, governments, and local organizations are encouraged to hold educational programs, workshops, and exhibits on how to prepare healthy foods. In keeping with the stated goals of International Chefs Day, a special emphasis should be placed on holding programs for young people, helping them to establish healthy eating habits for a long and healthy life.

Also, show appreciation to your chefs by sending them a greeting card and a gift card is very appropriate.

History and Origin of International Chefs Day

This worldwide holiday was cooked up by South Africa’s famous chef, Dr. Bill Gallagher in 2004. Chef Gallagher is known as the “Godfather of all Chefs”.

U.K. National Waiters Day– always observed on October 20th

Today is U.K. National Waiters Day in the United Kingdom, and the rest of the world for that matter. Let’s be fair. Consider this holiday U.K. National Waitresses Day as well. When it comes to having a pleasant memorable experience, a waiter or waitress is worth their weight in gold. October 20th is your opportunity to express your appreciation for all the waiters and waitresses at the restaurants, bars, and clubs that you frequent. National Waiters Day was created “for waiters and waitresses all over the world”.

There are two goals for National Waiters Day. The first is to change the perception of waiters. However, we are not certain what needs changing.  Second, National Waiters Day recognizes their excellent hospitality skills. Much of a waiter’s compensation comes from a tip you give them. As a result, they have to be “on top of their game” all of the time, whenever they are working It’s not always easy to have a smile on your face, and a song in your voice, as a waiter must do. Waiters/Waitresses can’t be in a bad mood, feel down or depressed, or it will show on their faces or attitudes.

To maximize their tips, Waiters/Waitresses need to be always pleasant, even if the guy at the table next to you is being nasty. Like other service jobs, rule number #1 is “the customer is always right”. This applies even when the customer is wrong. Being a good waiter or waitress can be trying at times.

If you go out to a restaurant today, show your appreciation to your waiter or waitress and let them know that you appreciate all of their efforts. Give them a big, bonus in their tip!  

How Much to Tip a Waiter or Waitress

Strange as it seems, there is much debate as to how much to tip the waiter. 

The general rule of thumb is 18% to 20% of the pre-tax total. Lately, tte move has been towards 20% or more. For exceptional service, it is appropriate to give more. For self-service, 10% is a sufficient amount. Often people give somewhat less for poor service or bad food. Sadly, the Chef’s performance sometimes impacts the waiter’s tip amount.

Related Holidays

National Waiters and Waitresses Day

History and Origin of U.K. National Waiters Day

U.K. National Waiters Day comes to us from the United Kingdom. The holiday was created in 2013 by Fred Sirieix, the General Manager of Glavin @ Windows restaurant. Sirieix created National Waiters Day as a “national” holiday. However, in describing it, Sirieix stated it is “for waiters all over the world”. We are not sure why he didn’t call it International Waiters Day. 

We found no resolution from the United Kingdom’s Parliament or proclamation from the Queen Mum required to make this a true National holiday. Perhaps the new King Charles III will proclaim it a national holiday.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates