Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: October 2022: Sarcastic Month. I don’t know about you but I will tell you a secret about me. I can be SARCASTIC and I just don’t care. If you want to know the truth so can David and Charlie. Do you know someone that is sarcastic as well?

On October 1st, National Sarcastic Awareness Month begins and the fun lasts all month. Sarcasm is defined as using irony to mock or convey contempt. Here’s an example of how you might use sarcasm with every day:Parent: How was school today, honey?
Kid: It was just GREAT mom and dad.
Parent: I’m so happy to hear that!
Gets them every time, right?Anyway, sarcasm can be hilarious if it’s all done in good fun. Since many of us grew up around sarcasm and use sarcasm frequently, we don’t really think about who started this lasting humor trend. Did you know Sarcasm is thought to date back to the Viking Era? When they passed sarcasam along to the British in around 1050 A.D. So basically, sarcasm has been around for a while now. Now, lots of people use sarcasm casually in daily conversation. Even though sometimes, it’s under their breath. Comedians use sarcasam all the time. Sarcasm is a simple, fun way to make somebody laugh.
HOW TO OBSERVE #SarcasticAwarenessMonth
Be sarcastic and encourage others to join in. Make it fun! Use #SarcasticAwarenessMonth to post on Social Media. Some call sarcasm the lowest form of humor, but sarcasm often requires a quick wit, and the ability to know just when to throw sarcasm into a conversation to get the whole group rolling. Hang out with some of your sarcastic friends and observe how they work sarcasam into their conversations. Or, watch comedians do their thing!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates