Unique Holidays: October 19th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our feature sharing Unique Holidays: October 19th, 2022. Today is Evaluate Your Life Day? I would like to ask you what evaluate your life day means to you and why? Charlie and I aren’t sure what this holiday is supposed to mean. If you will excuse us were off to research the holiday.

Evaluate Your Life Day– always observed on October 19th

How’s your life going? Are you reaching all of your goals and aspirations? Are you happy? Today is Evaluate Your Life Day. Evaluate Your Life Day is a little bit scary and intimidating. Evaluate Your Life Day sounds just a little bit too serious for my liking. What if I evaluate my life, and find out that I don’t like it? Well, for starters, once you’ve assessed how your life is going, you can make positive changes, if necessary.

Evaluate Your Life Day allows us to pause and reflect upon our life. Where it’s been, and where it’s going. Are things going well? What is bothering you? What do you need, or want, to change? How’s your appearance? Are you gaining too much weight?

With a self-evaluation, you can make big changes to improve the quality of your life, as necessary. Or, if things are going well, just tinker with small adjustments.

We believe that  Evaluate Your Life Day is the beginning of a happier and healthier you!

How to Celebrate Evaluate Your Life Day

  • The first step in your evaluation, is to know your goals, hopes, and aspirations.
  • Spend time performing an honest evaluation of how your life is really going against your list. You must be honest with yourself.
  • Armed with the information from your assessment, make positive changes.
  • After the assessment, ask yourself if you are happy. If the answer is no or not completely, then your hopes and dreams may need an adjustment.

History and Origin of Evaluate Your Life Day

Evaluate Your Life Day was created by the good folks at Wellcat.com

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates