Unique Holidays: October 10th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to the series sharing Unique Holidays: October 10th, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie and I think we will host a Tea party after we go shopping for a special Teddy Bear for each other.

Emergency Nurses Day– second Wednesday of month

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Emergency Nurses Day is promoted and sponsored by the Emergency Nurses Association. The Holiday having originated in Australia back in 1989, Emergency Nurses Day is now an international celebration, intended to honor the dedication of emergency nurses all around the world. Why do emergency nurses warrant special appreciation? Because they make a huge difference to sick, injured, and even dying people every single day, offering vital assistance and support.

Nursing as a profession requires a special level of compassion. Nurses working in hospital emergency wards face numerous difficulties during their working life, yet return every day to provide crucial care for those who need it the most. A special focus is placed on Emergency Nurses Day, which forms one part of a wider celebration, called Emergency Nurses Week. Events are held around the world, in order to give thanks and show support for those who choose to work in this essential profession.

Learn about Emergency Nurses Day

As the name indicates, Emergency Nurses Day is a day to appreciate all of the hard work that is done by those working in the Nursing profession. It takes a special kind of person to work as a nurse. You need to be able to take decisive action, think quickly, and have a strong stomach. Emergency nurses work in critical care emergency facilities, assisting doctors, and working with other emergency medical professionals to help people that are in severe pain or are experiencing trauma that is potentially life-threatening.

Emergency nurses work as part of a team with healthcare professionals, including other nurses and physicians. In order to advise patients, perform minor medical operations, use medical equipment, administer medicine, plan long-term care needs, monitor health conditions, or provide care. Emergency Nurses also advise a patient’s family on the illness, as well as assisting with continued care after the individual’s hospital stay..

When you consider their typical day-to-day duties its not hard to see that we have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to the work of emergency nurses all around the world,. It’s only right that we have Emergency Nurses Day so that we can celebrate all of the work they do.

When it comes to allergic reactions, accidents, or other urgent medical care requirements, emergency rooms tend to be the first line of defense. Emergency nurses need to work quickly to make sure the patient’s needs are assessed and that their care is prioritized. Their first aim is to stabilize the patient. Once Emergency Nurses have done this, they are able to diagnose the problem and start working on a plan to bring the patient back to health. Emergency Nursing is a high-pressure job. There is a lot on the line. These incredible individuals are patient, calm under pressure, compassionate, and boast exceptional critical-thinking skills.

History of Emergency Nurses Day

Emergency Nurses Day has been going strong for many years now. In fact, Emergency Nurses Day first started in 1989. Has been honored ever since. Emergency Nurses Day was established by the Emergency Nurses Association, and it is part of Emergency Nurses Week. It is deemed as an opportunity for us to shine a light on and appreciate the outstanding commitment of emergency nursing professionals from around the globe.

Emergency Nurses Week came about in 2001, giving the Emergency Nurses Association the opportunity to really show the contributions that emergency nursing professionals make. Emergency Nurses Day is arguably the most significant date from this important week.

In order to thoroughly understand Emergency Nurses Day, we should shed a little bit of light on the Emergency Nurses Association itself. This was founded in 1970 and it is known as the premier professional nursing association that is dedicated to leadership, innovation, research, education, and advocacy for the purpose of defining the future of emergency nursing.

There are more than 44,000 members of the association across the globe. The Emergency Nurses Association advocates for a number of important things, including patient safety, as well as guiding emergency healthcare public policy and developing industry-leading practice guidelines and standards.

How to celebrate Emergency Nurses Day

There are a number of different ways you can celebrate Emergency Nurses Day. If you know someone who is an emergency nurse, you can use this day in order to make them aware of how much you appreciate all of their hard work and the effort that they put in. Send them a greeting card, thanking them for their work.

Or, send them a small gift, such as a box of chocolates or something that you have handmade yourself? If you do not know any emergency nurses personally, you may want to consider making a trip to your local hospital and delivering baked goods that is going to put a smile on everyone’s faces, letting them know just how much you appreciate everything they do.

A lot of people use Emergency Nurses Day as an opportunity to fundraise for their local hospitals or medical centers. There are different ways that you can fundraise. You could host an event. Fun runs and bake sales are very popular but you can get as creative as you like. So long as you have an idea that gets everyone involved and raises awareness.

You don’t need to host an event in order to fundraise, though. There are many things that you can do! For example, you may decide to do a bungee jump or skydive and get people to sponsor you. Or you may sell a product online and donate the proceeds to your local hospital?

We recommend spending a bit of time on Emergency Nurses Day learning more about the role of emergency nurses and why they’re critical. You can read up on the daily duties of emergency nurses, as well as the education and qualifications that are required to make it in this position.

You can also read up on amazing tales of emergency nurses who have helped to save lives. Browse around on social media and you are bound to find a lot of fascinating information and heartwarming stories floating around during this week, so you can share these with your followers to raise awareness.

International Skeptics Day

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Like most things, skepticism is good in moderation but, on International Skeptics Day, , go ahead and question some of your beliefs. The ‘investigation’ of your assumptions can be fruitful.


Research thus far has not revealed an inaugural year of recognizing International Skeptics Day, nor does skepticism itself follow a clear timeline that can be explained by specific events.

As a paradigm within which to operate, skepticism shows no loss of momentum, with periodicals like “The Skeptic” and “The Skeptical Inquirer” still in print, podcasts, TV documentaries, and meet-up groups all over the world. The Doubting Thomas who is reading these words should have no trouble finding like-minded people. Whatever his or her current location may be,

Did you know the word ‘skeptic’ comes from the Greek word ‘skepsis,’ meaning ‘investigation.’ The skeptics in the ancient period were actual individuals comprising a school of thought — in the literal sense of the phrase. The ultimate goal was ‘a life without belief.’ In written arguments, a skeptic would often be found debating with a Stoic, a Cynic, or an Epicurean — interlocutors whose main function in the writing would be to elicit the opinions of the skeptic for all to read.

In modern day, skepticism is considered a sign of intelligence. It indicates a desire to get at the real truth but skepticism in an individual can also stem from a feeling of insufficiency on their part — “That girl is asking me out for a dubious reason. She just wants something.”


  1. Question something you take for granted. Say you’re a believer in Science and progress, then, on International Skeptics Day, take a second to truly ponder whether the Moon landing of 1969 could have indeed been a hoax. Or, if you’re sure it was, give some thought to whether it did indeed happen. Giving yourself permission to step outside your firm beliefs and entertain a different idea, even if just for a moment, can be an exciting experience.
  2. Read Greek philosophy. We’re not Socratic scholars, but when we do find ourselves in front of ancient text — or more, the translation of one — it’s always an eye-opener. It’s generally recommended that you start with “The Trial of Socrates,” a good example of the interlocution method of setting forth a way of thinking.
  3. Play the ‘devil’s advocate’. This could be taken to extremes, but that’s not what we’re recommending. The next time you’re in a group that has to come to a consensus, be the dissenting voice. Exercise your skepticism. Not taking the status quo as the truth just because it’s generally accepted. It could be something as simple as choosing a fast-food joint for the crew. Why are burgers better? Why is chicken better? You could bring up a discussion a about something with your friends that makes them raise their eyebrows.


  1. Socrates was born into a humble family, his father a stonemason, and his mother a midwife.
  2. Before taking up philosophy and becoming a paid tutor for students like Plato, Socrates worked alongside his father as a stonemason and sculptor.
  3. It’s known that Socrates was far from handsome. Did you know he had bulging eyes, a flat nose, and limp hair falling from a balding pate.
  4. According to one of his students, Socrates suffered at home because his wife wasn’t satisfied with his ability to provide for the family on a philosophy teacher’s salary.
  5. Socrates rarely wrote anything down; we know of his teachings due to the diligent record-keeping of his students, like Plato and Aristophanes.


  1. Questioning things can be good in a way, because nothing would have ever been learned by mankind if it weren’t for skepticism. Take the curing of a disease, for example. Someone had to be skeptical enough — as in, unwilling to accept — the presence of the disease to begin thinking about battling for a cure. Scientific curiosity could be labeled as a form of skepticism.
  2. Think about the rumor mill around the water cooler at the office. Say you hear a juicy tale of two of your co-workers hooking up the night before. Try being skeptical. Instead of repeating the gossip, think of ways it could have been invented, through sheer malice. We think you should “consider the source which is” is a skeptical view, in a healthy way.
  3. Well, at least it’s fun for a while. You don’t want to come off like a two year old who answers “no” to every single question, but to mix up the pot a little and cause your family, to occasionally question their assumptions?

National Fossil Day – date varies

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Fossils aren’t just interesting and fun to look at. Fossils are proof of the existence of once-living things (like dinosaurs, animals, plants and even DNA remnants). Through fossils we’re able to learn a lot about life from billions of years ago. We can even take a look at animals and life-forms that are no longer on the planet! These fossils (and the education around them) deserve to be preserved and explored. That’s why we celebrate National Fossil Day annually on the Wednesday of the second full week in October, with this year’s celebration being held on  October 13. Show some appreciation for these incredible “time capsules” and the paleontologists who excavate them.


  1. Paleontologists are pretty incredible people who go through lots of schooling and training to be able to study the fossils of all kinds of organisms. It’s because of them that we know a lot about the last few billion years of our planet’s history. Show your appreciation by giving them a hug, and asking them to tell you more!
  2. Every year, the National Park Service partners with organizations, universities, museums and more to celebrate National Fossil Day. Through field trips, classroom instruction and outdoor activities, they’re spreading awareness about this Holiday.
  3. Many national parks are passionate about introducing future generations to the Science behind fossils and Paleontology. These may include scavenger hunts, to multi-day ranger-led activities. Visit your national park and discover all there is to know about this fascinating Science!


  1. ​The highest amount ever paid for a dinosaur fossil was $8.3 million (they named this fossil “Sue”).
  2. ​The largest intact fossil ever discovered was a whopping 4 square miles! ​
  3. The smallest fossil on record was just 2/10 of a millimeter and (it was of a 50-million-year-old parasite).
  4. Next time you’re feeling old, remember some fossils date back to 4.1 billion years.


  1. A fossil is evidence of past life that’s been preserved in rock. This helps us discover all kinds of shells, plants, animals, and more that existed long before our time. This information helps us understand what was happening during each part of our planet’s history.
  2. By looking at fossils, researchers have been able to understand how and when organisms appeared and disappeared throughout the passage of time. This is how they’ve been able to divide up the events in our planet’s history into different periods.
  3. Each fossil tells a story of the organism it encapsulates. The details of when it was on the earth. By examining fossils, we can use these stories to help inform us about the future. How environmental factors (as well as man-made ones) will help influence our planet for future generations.

National Take Your Parents to Lunch Day – date varies

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National take your Parents to Lunch Day is an event that occurs on October 14 every year and its a day when kids enjoy with their parents at there school.

Why National take your Parents to Lunch Day?

National take your Parents to Lunch Day is an event where parents go to their children’s school and enjoy lunch with there parents. Due to the busy schedule of children and parents, it can become difficult to share a bonding time. This Holiday offers the opportunity for you to enjoy a few hours bonding with your parents or children. The Holiday also presents a unique chance for parents and children to learn how they can have healthy meals. This is by learning together what is comprised in a healthy meal plan. You will gain insight into some of the things that you can add to your child’s meal. Parents can also learn more about their children by enquiring about what it is that they enjoy about school lunches.

How can we celebrate National Take Your Parents To Lunch Day:

Invite your parents to school

The main thing to do to commemorate this Holiday is to invite your parents to have lunch with you in school. You can sit with them in the school cafeteria. Then share your lunch with your parents. Make sure you tell your parents what you love most about school lunches as well as your favorite meal on the school menu. You can also use the time to bond with them and talk about some of the things you love about your school.

Join your children in school

As parents, you should mark this Holiday by joining your children in school. Join your children in the school cafeteria and partake in their lunch. This will show your children your willing to learn more about them. You can also liaise with the school to develop healthy eating plans that will help the students become better in their studies. If the school that your children attend does not mark this day, you can introduce the concept to them and be part of organizing the event.

Visit the school kitchen

Parents and children can use this Holiday as an opportunity of visiting the school kitchen and airing their opinions on a number of issues. You can give suggestions on how there school menu can be improved to make the food as healthy as possible. Parents and school administrators can come up with a better plan to improve the school cafeteria and the system.

Post on Social media

The other thing that you can do as you mark this National Holiday is to show your participation on Social Media. You can do this by taking videos with your children and sharing them on Social Media . You should also use your Social Media platforms to share some of the benefits that you have realized from participating in this Holiday. Using the hashtag #NationaltakeyourParentstoLunchDay and #TakeYourParentsToLunchDay will also go a long way in motivating people to participate in the Holiday.

Facts about National Take your Parents to Lunch Day

Some of the most interesting facts that you can learn about school meals include the following:

  • One in every three school-going children is overweight because of consuming a lot of calories in school. This means we need to improve the school menu.
  • Children are now having more fruits and vegetables in school cafeterias to help them improve their diet
  • Improved school guidelines have made sure parents are involved in planning for school menus
  • The new limit for calories in school meals is 850. Which is strictly obtained from healthy meals.

History of National take your Parents to Lunch Day:

National take your Parents to Lunch Day is celebrated on Wednesday in the second full week of October. The celebration was initiated by the Kiwi magazine, which also holds annual celebrations to commemorate the event. In as much as the history pertaining to the discovery of this day is brief, its still one of the most important days in the school calendar. It ensures parents can focus on other aspects of their children besides their grades. They will make sure that their children are maintaining healthy eating habits when at school because this has an impact on their performance.

Twitter Hashtags: #NationalTakeYourParentsToLunchDay #TakeYourParentsToLunchDay

Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day – Second Wednesday of month

Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School Day

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Teddy bears come in every shape and size. Teddy Bears protect us from the fear of the dark and comfort us in times of turmoil. Whether the Teddy Bear is fuzzy or wooly, old or new, cute or bold, Teddy bears are the childhood friend that never let us down. Where did these Teddy Bears come from? Why are they called “Teddy” Bears? Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School Day celebrates the origins of the Teddy, and where it’s going!

Learn about Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School Day

Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School Day is a Holiday that has been designed so that children (and adults) have the opportunity to bring their much-loved cuddly friend. Teddy bears provide comfort and a lot of us remember the childhood Bear that we took everywhere with us. When we were scared, Teddy Bears made us feel safe. When we were ill, Teddy Bears were there to cuddle and make us feel better. There is something magical about Teddy Bears, and this Holiday celebrates Teddy Bears/

Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School Day serves as a reminder that we all need a little bit of comfort from time-to-time. There is nothing wrong with this! Teddy Bear can brighten up your Holiday. There are other comforts that people have, which should all be appreciated and celebrated. We can also consider all of the famous Bears as well, from Paddington Bear to Pooh Bear. In movies, these characters are always cuddly, comforting, fair, and friendly, and that is exactly what a Teddy Bear is associated with. We think this is such a great Holiday to celebrate!

History of Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School Day

Let’s start with the History of the Teddy Bear. A popular legend says that it all started from a hunting expedition by Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt, President of the United States from 1901-1909. In 1902 he was on a hunting expedition with other hunters but had yet to bag himself a bear as the other hunters had.

His attendants hunted down a bear and had cornered the bear then clubbed it into submission. Then tied the Bear to a tree waiting for the President to shoot it. Roosevelt refused on the grounds that it was utterly unsportsmanlike, and it took no time at all for someone to come up with the idea of selling stuffed Bears called “Teddy Bears” to children everywhere.

But who first came up with the Teddy Bear? Believe it or not it was created in two places simultaneously by unrelated people, Richard Steiff of Germany, and Morris Michtom of the United States. Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work & School Day is your reminder that your childhood companion never abandoned you. They deserve to not be abandoned by you. Take your favorite childhood Teddy bear to work, or school, and let the Teddy Bear spend a day with you. As a adult you can show them that your no, longer a child.

How to celebrate Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work or School Day

Celebrating Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work or School Day is as easy as following the instructions in the name. Gather your childhood Teddy Bear and take them into school or work with you. Then trade stories of the life you lived with them.

Some people have lots of stuffed bears. Including Teddy bears made by beloved grandparents or ones they received as gifts. A few, people may have themselves a Teddy Bear from their cribs. Share your fuzzy friends with others today, and let everyone know you still love them.

There are different ways that you can celebrate Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work or School Day. Of course, you can do what the title of the Holiday indicates: bring a teddy to work or school. However, there are a lot of other fun activities you can do as well. Have you ever thought about building your own Teddy Bear?

If you are a crafty person and you love these sort of projects, this is something you could attempt to do yourself from the comfort of your own home. Of course, there are also build-a-bear factories that have cropped up all over the world. At Build A Bear you pick the customization options. Then they build the perfect Teddy Bear for you. This can be a lot of fun!

Another way to spend Bring Your Teddy Bear To Work or School Day is by watching films and television series that are related to Teddy Bears. There are a lot of shows out there. We’ve already touched upon Paddington Bear and Winnie the Pooh, yet there are many others.

Don’t forget not all of the Teddy Bears in the movies are friendly ones. We’re thinking of Toy Story here! In Toy Story 3, you have the Lots-O’-Huggin’ Bear. Pink and cuddly, he seems like the perfect toy, but he actually plays the villain.

Why not use the day to share memories of the First Teddy Bear that you had as a child? Maybe you even still have the Teddy Bear? Share your photos and rejoice in this age-old tradition!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates