Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: November 4th, 2021. I would like to to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie said he wouldn’t mind learning and celebrating King Tut.

King Tut Day celebrates the date of the discovery of Egyptian King Tutankhamen’s Tomb.
Over 3,000 years ago, King Tutankhamen became the King of Egypt at the age of 9. King Tutankhamen died at the age of 19. King Tutankhamen is commonly called “King Tut”. The tomb of Egypt’s “child king” was discovered on November 4th, 1922. The tomb was discovered nearly intact in Egypt’s Valley of Kings.
King Tut’s rule lasted a short nine years, from 1333 B.C. to 1324 B.C. and the cause of his death is uncertain. Murder and or and innocent accident are the two main theories.
Spend a little time with your nose in Egyptian History books and learn more about King Tut, including the Culture and times of Ancient Egypt.
Origin of King Tut Day:
We know this Holiday celebrates the discovery of Egyptian King Tut’s tomb but we do not know who created the Holiday, or the date it was first celebrated
How’s your blood pressure? Do you have any idea? Could you be at risk for a heart attack or a stroke? The high stress Holidays are quickly approaching. Why not use Check Your Blood Pressure Day to find out what your blood pressure is? It will only go higher as the Holidays approach.
Dear Lord please don’t let this happen because I believe mine is high and not having Insurance there is no, way I can go to a doctor as we don’t have the money. Please let the medicine I’ve been taking Lower my Blood Pressure and Stress to stay away.
If your Blood Pressure checks out okay, you can charge into the Holidays, knowing that you can handle whatever stresses the Holidays bring. IF your Blood Pressure is a little high, or more than a little high, you’ve got time before Thanksgiving to check it out with your physician before real stress begins.
Blood pressure tends to increase with age which I didn’t know and today is my Birthday. Lord help us all. This does not mean it is normal or okay. If your blood pressure is high, see your doctor.
For most of us, checking our blood pressure is easy and free. If you already have a home monitor, just slap on the cuff and take a reading. You don’t have to go to the doctors to have your Blood Pressure checked. Drug stores and Grocery Stores have kiosks located near the prescription area, where you can check your Blood Pressure for free. Ambulance companies, especially the volunteers, will accept walk ins.
Low blood pressure, while uncommon, can also be dangerous or the symptom of a health problem.
History and Origin of Check Your Blood Pressure Level
Check Your Blood Pressure Day was created by Bob Matthews, of Rochester, NY. Check Your Blood Pressure Day was created in 2019. This Holiday was established in early November, to allow people to test their blood pressure, and if it is high, they can see their doctor before the Holiday period begins.
According to Matthews, “some people are working time bombs. They don’t know it. If people use this day to check their blood pressure, they just might be saving a life…. their own!”
Hindu Diwali Day – date varies – November 4, 2021; October 24, 2022; November 12, 2023; October 31, 2024; October 21, 2025; November 8, 2026
Diwali Day is the first day of a five day Hindu Holiday Celebration. Afestival of lights, one of the major Hindu Holidays of the year. Diwali Day originated in India as a Harvest Festival. It is now celebrated by Hindus throughout the world. It is also called “Diwali”.
Diwali Day signifies the victory of:
- Light over darkness
- Good over evil
- Knowledge over ignorance
- Hope over despair
Diwali Day Customs and Activities:
- Participate in family prayer.
- People clean up home, office and workplace.
- Dress up in new clothes. If you don’t have new clothes, dress up in your best clothes.
- Light lamps and candles.
- Celebrate with fireworks.
Men Make Dinner Day – first Thursday of Month
Date When Celebrated : First Thursday in November
It’s funny there is a Holiday for Men Make Dinner Day because in my home David is the one who usually cooks dinner and as a child my dad did as well. How about in your home does your husband or significant other cook dinner for you? Or how about your dad?
National Men Make Dinner Day was created for two reasons. First, National Men Make Dinner Day is to give the ladies a break from cooking chores. Secondly, the Holiday seeks to encourage men who do not cook, to learn to cook by making a meal on this day. Of course, even men who do cook, should celebrate this Holiday by making a meal. For the experienced male cook, we encourage you to make something challenging.
According to Sandy Sharkey, the creator of this Holiday, she recognized that most men do in fact cook, but her husband was not one of them. She said “This day is now dedicated to the men who do not know a spatula from a whisk.”. Did this cause her husband respond by cooking a dinner for the first time? He sure did! For ladies with husbands attempting to cook for the first time, Sharkey advises : “Just make sure the fire extinguisher is nearby”.
Some people call this Make Your Wife Dinner Day. But, this day is not limited to husbands. It’s for all of you guys out there in a relationship, married or not.
Okay guys, be a sport. Give the ladies in your life a break. Set them in their favorite chair in the living room, put a glass of Wine in their hands, and tune the TV to their favorite “Chick Flick”. Then, grab a beer, find a recipe and make dinner all by yourself!
Here are a few Do’s and Don’ts for making the meal:
- The Golden Rule: Women can not assist in the meal. Rookie male cooks need to prepare the meal all by themselves, to gain a sense of accomplishment.
- No take out or prepared foods are allowed.
- No grilling. After all, you’ve been telling yourself for years, that grilling is Man’s turf.
- If you’ve never cooked before, make it simple. If you like to cook, do something challenging.
- Prepare something that your lady likes.
- The meal must include a dessert. May we suggest easy to make Jell-O? Add a dollop of Whipped Cream and a Cherry.
- You must clean up the kitchen once dinner is over by yourself your wife isn’t allowed to help.
Why Should Men Cook Today?
- You love your wife or partner.
- To broaden your horizon.
Also See: Housewife Day – another opportunity to treat your soul mate in a special way.
History and Origin of National Men Make Dinner Day:
This Holiday was created in 1998 by Sandy Sharkey from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
According to Sharkey, she created National Men Make Dinner Day just for fun. She said “It was started as a joke. My girlfriend’s husbands were always cooking for them…. and my husband didn’t know how to cook , nor did he have the desire. Since he’s wonderful in every other way, and enthusiastic about challenges, I created the Holiday, and wrote rules for this event, then I presented him with a print-out of this Holiday and asked if he would consider participating. He did.”
There are no Presidential or Congressional proclamations making this an official “National” day.
Did you know its important that you think before you act today. Why, you ask!? Today is Use Your Common Sense Day. You can’t use common sense, if you act without thinking and it only stands to reason, that a little common sense can avoid many disasters.
There is a long history of failures and disasters because people simply failed to use common sense. Or they failed to think before they spoke. Have you ever seen someone charge into a situation, acting like the proverbial ” bull in a china shop”? With a little common sense, this would not happen. That leads us to the old saying “you can lead a thirsty horse to water, but you can’ make him drink (an example of common sense, or lack of).
It is oh so easy to celebrate and participate in Use Your Common Sense Day. All you have to do, is stop for a moment and use common sense before proceeding with whatever you are going to say or do. It’s as easy as that.
Origin of Use Your Common Sense Day:
Bud Bilanich, a career mentor focusing upon being the “common sense guy”, is credited with creating this Holiday. Bilanich believes strongly in the power of applied Common Sense (makes perfect sense to me). Bilianich selected this date, as it is Will Rogers birthday. A famous saying of Will Rogers was “Common sense ain’t that common.” — – ain’t that the truth!?
There is very little information on the creation of Use Your Common Sense Day but it appears to have begun somewhere between 2010 – 2015.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates