Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: November 3rd, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie and I are going to research Cliches in our Homeshcool Reading Class, Do you have any cliches you can share with us?
Cliché Day– observed on November 3

What are we supposed to do with Cliche Day? There is no information or documentation on Cliche Day. The creator of Cliché Day is not known. As a result, we do not know whether to celebrate clichés and use them often, or whether this is a holiday to refrain from their use. The most likely intent is to celebrate tired, old, worn-out clichés. It certainly is much more fun to celebrate things, than to abstain from them. Ltt’s use Cliche Day to celebrate clichés!!
A cliché is a phrase that is used repeatedly, over and over again. Cliches are often spoken to the point that people are tired of hearing them. In this sense, just about any phrase or saying can become a cliché over time, especially if its use becomes irritating and bothersome.
Common Cliché’s
- If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
- Better safe than sorry.
- Better late than never.
- Cat got your tongue!?
- Don’t get your panties in a bunch.
- Don’t cry over spilt milk.
How to Celebrate Cliché Day
Now that you know what a cliché is, it’s time to have fun today. Try to insert clichés into every conversation whenever you speak. Use multiple clichés in the same sentence if possible. If someone seems to catch on, that’s great! Clue them in to Cliche Day and encourage them to participate in Cliché Day.
History and Origin of Cliché Day
Cliche Day seems to have been created around 2015, possibly a year or two earlier. We found no factual information about the roots of Cliche Day. Nor did we find the originator of Cliche Day, or why it was created.
Some internet websites refer to this as “National” Cliché Day. We found absolutely no documentation confirming this as a true “National” Holiday. There have been no congressional records or presidential proclamation creating this holiday as a national day.
Housewife’s Day – always observed on November 3rd

Housewife Day recognizes the importance of stay-at-home wives and moms. November 3rd holiday is also referred to as “Retro” Housewife Day. These wonderful, caring creatures, build and enrich strong family environments. Housewife help to instill family values and good character. Today, we celebrate and thank all of the ladies who choose to stay home and tend to the house and family!
Housewife is an old term which hails back to the days when one income could support the family in a manner of comfort. It was also a time when women did not have equal rights. While these days are long gone, women’s views of working or staying at home, fall on both sides of the fence. The decision to be a “housewife”, or stay-at-home mom, is still preferred by many. Unfortunately, income needs often means ladies need to go to work.
How to Celebrate Housewife Day
I will celebrate Housewife Day, by honoring my beloved wife and thanking her for staying home for the family during the child-rearing years. Without a doubt, our children grew up much better for it. I benefited from the many sacrifices she made by staying home.
Housewives should kick back and enjoy the pampering that you receive today. You truly earned it.
History and Origin of Housewife Day
We did not find the originator of Hiusewife Day. Nor, did we find any factual information.
We suspect Housewife Day was created by a housewife. By their very nature, housewives tend to stay out of the spotlight. If a housewife indeed created Housewife Day, it would be typical of her not to take credit. The other likely creator is a husband. In this event, he simply wants to tell the world how lucky he is to have his wife.
Men Make Dinner Day – first Thursday of the Month

National Men Make Dinner Day was created for two reasons. First, it is to give the ladies a break from the cooking chores. Secondly, it seeks to encourage men who do not cook, to learn to cook, by making a meal on this Holiday. Of course, even men who do cook should celebrate this holiday by making a meal. For the experienced male cook, we encourage you to make something challenging.
According to Sandy Sharkey, the creator of National Men Make Dinner Day she recognized that most men do in fact cook, but her husband was not one of them. She said, “This holiday is now dedicated to the men who do not know a spatula from a whisk.” Did this cause her husband to respond by cooking dinner for the first time? He sure did! For ladies with husbands attempting to cook for the first time, Sharkey advises: “Just make sure the fire extinguisher is nearby”.
Okay guys, be a sport. Give the ladies in your life a break. Set them in their favorite chair in the living room, put a glass of Wine in their hands, and tune the TV to their favorite “Chick Flick”. Then, grab a Beer, find a recipe and make dinner all by yourself!
How to Celebrate National Men Make Dinner Day
- Guys, cook an elaborate meal while your wife is in the other room relaxing.
- Ladies, sit back and enjoy a glass of Wine.
- Guys, after dinner, you do the dishes.
Dos and Don’ts for Making Dinner
- The Golden Rule: Women cannot assist with the meal. Rookie male cooks need to do it all by themselves, to gain a sense of accomplishment.
- Take-out and prepared foods are not allowed.
- No grilling. After all, you’ve been telling yourself for years, that grilling is Man’s turf.
- If you’ve never cooked before, make it simple. If you like to cook, do something challenging.
- Prepare something that your lady likes.
- The meal must include a dessert. May we suggest easy-to-make Jello?
- You must clean up the kitchen
Why Should Men Cook Today?
- Because you love your wife or partner.
- To prove you can cook.
- To broaden your horizon and skill set.
- To score point
History and Origin of National Men Make Dinner Day
We invite you to bite into your favorite Sandwich, for today is Sandwich Day. This is a day you can sink your teeth into. The Sandwich is truly a great creation. They are a daily luncheon staple for millions of Americans. As a matter of fact, Sandwiches are so popular, that there are endless varieties for you to make. There is a huge choice of Bread and condiments. Then, the things you can put in between the Bread offers countless variety.
Creation of the Sandwich
The annals of English history report that John Montague was the 4th Earl of Sandwich. John Montague was born on this day in 1718. Among other things, John Montague was a heavy gambler. Montague often spent many long hours in London’s gambling parlors. In 1762, John Montague created the Sandwich, by putting Meat between two pieces of Bread. This allowed him to remain at the gambling table for long periods of time. Obviously, the Sandwich was named after John Montague.
How to Celebrate Sandwich Day
- Celebrate Sandwich Day by eating Sandwiches at every meal! Breakfast, too. Egg McMuffins are a good breakfast choice.
- Try a new Sandwich today
History and Origin of Sandwich Day
A lot is known about the Sandwich, its creation, and who the Sandwich was named for. We did not find any information on who created Sandwich Day, or when this holiday was first celebrated.
We are certainly grateful for the Sandwich, and agree it deserves this day of recognition!
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates