Unique Holidays: November 3rd, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: November 3rd, 2021. Did you know today is Cliché Day ? I can’t wait to see what Charlie comes up with for Cliché Day Holiday. Although, David and Charlie are more interested in celebrating Sandwiches while I want to celebrate the Housewife. How about you which of these Holidays would you want to celebrate and why?

Cliché Day

Image result for Cliché Day

Today is Cliché Day. I have a question for you. What are we supposed to do with this Holiday? There is no information or documentation on this Holiday and the creator of Cliché Day is not known. As a result, we do not know whether to celebrate clichés and use them often, or whether this is a day to refrain from using cliché . The most likely intent, is to celebrate worn out clichés and it certainly is much more fun to celebrate things, than to abstain from them. So, let’s  use this Holiday to celebrate clichés!!

A cliché is a phrase that is used repeatedly, over and over again. Clichés are often spoken to the point that people are tired of hearing them. In this case just any phrase or saying can become a cliché over time, especially if the saying becomes irritating and bothersome.

Here are a few clichés which you might be familiar with:

  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Better safe than sorry.
  • Better late than never.
  • Haste makes waste.
  • Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Now that you know what a cliché is, it’s time to have some fun today. Insert clichés into every conversation and whenever you speak. Use multiple clichés in the same sentence  If someone catches on, that’s great! Clue them in to this Holiday, and encourage them to participate.

Origin of Cliché Day:

This Holiday seems to have been created around 2015, possibly a year or to earlier. We found no factual information about the roots of this Holiday. Nor did not find the creator or why the Holiday was created. 

Internet websites refer to this as a “National” Cliché Day but we found absolutely no documentation confirming this as a true “National” Holiday. There has been no congressional records or presidential proclamation creating this day as a National Day.

Housewife’s Day

Image result for Housewife's Day

Housewife Day recognizes the importance of stay at home wives or moms. Also referred to as “Retro” Housewife Day. These wonderful, caring creatures, build and enrich strong family environments. Housewives help to instill family values and good character.

Housewife is an old term which hails back to the days when one income could support the family in a manner of comfort. It was also a time when women did not have equal rights. While these days are long gone, women views of working or staying at home, fall on both sides of the fence. The decision to be a “housewife”, or stay at home mom, is still preferred by many. Unfortunately, income needs often necessitate moms going to work.

Today, we celebrate and thank all of the ladies who choose to stay home and tend to the house and family! 

I will celebrate this Holiday, by honoring wives, and thanking them for staying home for the family during the child rearing years. Without a doubt, our children grew up much better for it. I benefitted by the many sacrifices my mom made by staying home.

Origin of Housewife Day:

We suspect this Holiday was created by a housewife. By their nature, housewives tend to stay out of the spotlight. If a housewife indeed created this Holiday, it would be typical of her not to take credit. The other likely creator, is a husband. In this event, he simply wants to tell the world how lucky he is to have her.

Sandwich Day

Image result for Sandwich Day

We invite you to bite into your favorite Sandwich, and celebrate today which is Sandwich Day. The Sandwich is a great creation and they are a daily luncheon staple for millions of Americans.

The Creation of the Sandwich:

The annals of English history report that John Montague was the 4th Earl of Sandwich. John Montague was born on this day in 1718. Among other things, the 4th Earl of Sandwich was a heavy gambler. Montagu often spent many long hours in London’s gambling parlors. In 1762, he created the Sandwich, by putting Meat between two pieces of Bread. Allowing John Montague to remain at the gambling table for long periods of time. Obviously, the Sandwich was named after John Montague.

Celebrate this Holiday by eating sandwiches at every meal! Consume your favorite sandwich. Better yet, be bold try a new sandwich!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates