Unique Holidays: November 28th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: November 28th, 2021. Did you know today is Chia Pet Day and I was thinking of getting one for Charlie for Christmas and if I do I would like to find a Dog for Charlie. If you had a Chia Pet what kind would you want and why?

Chia Pet Day always held on November 29th.

In 1977, a new Pet arrived on the scene. This attractive, lovable, low cost and low maintenance Pet became the rage. Chia Pets are eco-friendly and people began buying Chia Pets by the millions for themselves and as gifts. Especially for the Holidays. Chia Pets are the perfect gift that keeps on giving…. and growing. . Today is Chia Pet Day, a perfect day to celebrate your Pet and spend quality time with it!

As you probably already know, a Chia Pet is a Terracotta figurine a form of a planter that grows Chia plants in the grooves of it’s outer surface. You don’t need a green thumb to grow your Chia Pet which are easy to grow. All you have to do is pre-soak the Terracotta Figurine and the Seeds. Apply the moistened Seeds to the grooves on the surface of the figurine. Keep the Seeds moist, and in one to two weeks the Chia Plants will Germinate and begin to grow. Over time the plants can be trimmed, to keep the figurine in a shapely form.

Did you know Chia Pets originated in Mexico. Joe Pedott of San Francisco, CA negotiated the rights to the Chia Pet and marketed them in the United States to great success. Did you know the first Chia Pet was a Ram? Which was manufactured on September 8th, 1977. Pedott filed for trademark registration on October 17, 1977. Sales growth of the of the Ch-ch-ch-chia reached over 15 million in 2019 alone. Chia Pets are sold as Holiday Gifts because they make a great gift for Gardeners and for people who are home bound. 

Chia Pets were originally manufactured by Joseph Manufacturing Company in San Francisco, CA. Chia Pets are now made in China. Over the years, Chia Pets have come in dozens of designs. The designs include forms of Fame and wild Animals, from the original Ram, to Puppies, Kittens, and even Unicorns. Presidents and Historical Figures are very popular. Cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, Shrek, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sponge Bob and Garfield. Garden Gnomes are also a popular choice. New characters are created regularly.  

Celebrate Chia Pet Day by spending time with your Chia Pet. There is a lot you can do with your Pet. If you live in a warm climate, take your Chia Pet out on the deck then you can catch rays together. Watch a television show together. Take your Chia Pet for a walk. You won’t need a Poop Bag. Before you go, give your Chia Pet a trim if needed. The only downside to your Pet, is you can’t teach Chia Pets new tricks. If you don’t have a Chia Pet, what are you waiting for?  Purchase one today!

Chia Seeds are edible and they are nutritious, high in Fiber and Gluten-free. But, don’t eat the Chia Seeds that come in your Chia Pet Kit because you need those seeds to grow your Chia Pet. If you want to try the Seeds, you can order Organic Chia Seeds online.

History and Origin of Chia Pet Day:

This Holiday was created in 2021 by Bob Matthews of Rochester, NY. The Holiday was created to celebrate the Chia Pet, a popular Terracotta Planter covered with live, growing Chia Plants. Several dates for this Holiday were considered. Matthews said because the majority of Chia Pets are given as Holiday Gifts, it is only fitting that the date to celebrate Chia Pets is at the beginning of the Holiday Shopping Season, and right after Thanksgiving.

Related Information:

How to grow Chia Plants

Square Dance Day– Always November 29th.

Today gives you a chance to get out and “Dosey Do” with your partner because it’s Square Dance Day!

English, Irish, and Scottish Settlers brought Square Dancing to the U.S. As it evolved in the U.S., a caller was added, to help dancers stay in step. Square Dancing remains popular among Southern and Western Rural Areas, and with Senior Citizens.

Couples Square Dance in circles or square formations and Square Dancing is lively, quick, and lots of fun.

Square Dancing is both fun, and great exercise. Medical sites and journals speaks to Square Dancing’s health benefits for people of all ages.

The origin of Square Dance Day is unknown and our research did not uncover the roots. But, don’t miss the opportunity to “Swing your partner” to the lively beat!

Are you looking to Celebrate Square Dancing for a whole month then you will want to check out September which is International Square Dance Month.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates