Unique Holidays: November 28th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: November 28th, 2021. I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie says he would like to celebrate Make Your Own Head Day and I have no, clue why. Would you like to celebrate Make Your Own Head Day with Charlie?

French Toast Day– is always held on November 28th.

Today is your opportunity to enjoy French Toast, a tasty breakfast meal but you need to hold it right there! French toast can be enjoyed for anytime including lunch or dinner.

Try French Toast with Maple Syrup, Powdered Sugar, Cinnamon, or even Whipped Cream, and Fruits. Or you could use a combination of these ingredients..

Don’t forget to make plans to celebrate this Holiday, eating French Toast for one meal today.

French toast has other names in its History and they include: American Toast, German Toast and Spanish Toast.

Recipes were common back in Medieval Europe, where Eggs and Milk were used to soften stale Breads, then cook the Bread. Often, other leftovers were added. French Toast real origin dates back to at least ancient Roman times, and probably before.  

Origin of French Toast Day:

There is very little Historical information written about French Toast Day and in our research, we did not discover the creator, nor the origin of the Holiday. We suspect the Holiday was created by a Chef, or a restaurant.

Similar Holidays:

Melba Toast Day

Make Your Own Head Day– always November 28th.

Make Your Own Head Day is today and the only rule that we can think of, is that the head must be your own. Get started, so we can see how good of an Artist you are!

This is a crafty day and it is very popular in grade schools, and Art classes. In class, you can make your own head. Any Art Supplies will do. You can use Clay, or Paper Mache, then you can draw or sketch your head. You can even create your picture with paint, charcoal, or crayons.

Red Planet Day– November 28th.

The planet Mars is referred to as the “Red Planet” because the Planet appears red in color. Red Planet Day honors our celestial neighbor, the fourth planet in the Solar System.

Is Mars truly red in color? Scientists debated this question, even after Mars Rovers landed and began to explore the planet. Why? Because the lenses used to take photos were tinted.

On Red Planet Day, take a few minutes to look into the sky, and gaze at our neighbor. Hopefully, you will have a cloudless night sky for viewing. You can recognize this day by reading up about Mars, and viewing pictures of the Red Planet. There are plenty of pictures online.

Red Planet Day commemorates the launch of the Spacecraft Mariner 4 on November 28th,1964 and the 228 day mission of Mariner 4 brought the spacecraft within 6,118 miles of Mars on July 14, 1965.

Facts and Trivia about Mars:

Mars is the Fourth Planet from the Sun

Did you know Mars gets it’s name from the Greek word “Ares”, the God of War

Mars is often visible to the naked eye

Distance from the Sun: averages 136,764,000 miles

Rotation around the Sun: 687 days

Rotation period: 1.026 Earth days

Gravity: 1/3 of Earth

Size: 7th largest planet, about 1/10th the mass of Earth

Moons: Mars has two moons. Deimos and Phobos.

Temperature range(F): -207 to +81 degrees

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates