Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: November 27th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for me I’m sitting Cyber Monday out as I went Black Friday Shopping.

Cyber Monday Monday after Thanksgiving

Cyber Monday in the U.S. is always held the Monday after Thanksgiving. What began as a small marketing promotion quickly grew into a many-billion-dollar event. Black Friday is geared more toward brick-and-mortar retailers.
Cyber Monday originally began as an aid to smaller businesses, through increased sales on their online Etail stores. Consumers, always looking for a bargain, eagerly turned to online holiday shopping deals.
As Cyber Monday grew, retail giants and Amazon.com gained an increasingly larger share of online holiday sales. Since Cyber Mondays creation in 2004, Cyber Monday has experienced an annual double-digit increase in sales. Cyber Monday is now an international term and Cyber Monday has grown into an international event.
Most Countries now have Cyber Monday circled on their November calendars, despite not celebrating Thanksgiving Day. For example, Thanksgiving Day in Canada is in October. But, they celebrate Cyber Monday on the day after the U.S. Thanksgiving, just like us. Other Countries hold Cyber Monday around this period, but on a different Monday.
The bottom line is marketers want your holiday shopping dollars.
The Lines are Blurring
The lines are blurring between Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and to some degree Small Business Saturday. Black Friday promotions have swelled into an event that begins as early as late October and can last a week or so after Thanksgiving. Nowadays, the deals are offered both in brick-and-mortar stores, as well as online.
Likewise, Cyber Monday deals are now offered on the days before and the days after the actual day. And, the deals are usually valid both online and in stores. Making shopping more convenient for everyone since the Weather can be bad.
While Black Friday continues to be the biggest shopping day of the year, Cyber Monday has become a huge day for holiday sales, too. Increasingly faster internet speeds, growing public acceptance toward purchasing online, and the impact of COVID-19 are driving an even larger growth spike in online sales.
Did you know Cyber Monday sales in 2020 were $10.7B. This trend is only expected to continue in the years to come.
How to participate in Cyber Monday Online Holiday Shopping
- Do an internet search for online holiday shopping deals.
- Make notes of when the online shopping deals will begin and end.
- Perform online comparison shopping which is easy on the internet. Helping you to get the best deal.
- Bookmark the shopping sites you have selected. Now your ready for Cyber Monday to begin.
Related Holidays
Black Friday
Small Business Saturday
History and Origin of Cyber Monday
The term “Cyber Monday” was coined in 2004 by Ellen Davis of the National Retail Foundation and Scott Silverman of Shop.org. Cyber Monday was first held on November 28th, 2005.
An earlier effort to promote online sales preceded this shopping event. In 2003 Tony Valado, who worked for 1800flowers.com, created “White Wednesday” on the day before Thanksgiving which never caught on, and quickly gave way to Cyber Monday.
French Toast Day– always observed on November 28th

Aren’t you glad that today is French Toast Day your opportunity to enjoy French toast, which is a delicious and tasty breakfast meal. French Toast is not just for breakfast. You can have French Toast for any mealtime. Even as a snack.
Have French Toast with Maple Syrup, Powdered Sugar, Whipped Cream, or other toppings of your choice. Or you can use a combination of these toppings or others of your choice.
Make plans to celebrate French Toast Day, eating French toast for AT LEAST one meal.
Did you know French Toast has other names in its history including American Toast, German Toast, or Spanish Toast.
French Toast is quick and easy to make. It’s inexpensive, too. Recipes were common back in Medieval Europe, where Eggs and Milk were often used to soften stale Bread, then cook the Bread. Often, other leftovers were added. French Toast Day real origin dates back to at least ancient Roman times, and probably before.
How to Celebrate French Toast Day
- Have French toast for breakfast, lunch, dinner or even as a snack.
Related Holidays
History and Origin of French Toast Day
There is very little historical information written about French Toast Day and in our research, we did not discover the creator, nor the origin of French Toast Day which we suspect French Toast Day was created by a Chef or a restaurant.
Make Your Own Head Day– always observed on November 28th
Today is Red Planet Day. Did you know the Planet Mars is referred to as the “Red Planet” because Mars appears red. Red Planet Day honors our celestial neighbor, the fourth Planet in the solar system.
Mars is sometimes called the “rusty planet”. The red color comes from the iron oxide rust that covers it. Is Mars truly red in color? Scientists debated this question, even after Mars Rovers landed and began to explore the planet. Because the lenses used to take photos are tinted.
On Red Planet Day, take a few minutes to look upwards into the Sky, and gaze at our neighbor. Hopefully, you will have a cloudless night sky for viewing. You can also recognize red Planet Day by reading up about Mars and viewing pictures of Mars. There are plenty of pictures online. NASA’s website is an excellent place to see high-quality pictures.
Red Planet Day commemorates the launch of the Spacecraft Mariner 4th on November 28th, 1964. Mariner 4 was the first Spacecraft to visit Mars. The 228-day mission of Mariner 4 brought the Spacecraft within 6,118 miles of Mars on July 14, 1965.
Mars Trivia and Facts
Mars is the fourth Planet from the Sun
Mars gets its name from the Greek word “Ares”, the God of War
Mars is often visible to the naked eye
Distance from the Sun: average 136,764,000 miles
Rotation around the Sun: 687 days
Rotation period: 1.026 Earth days
Gravity: 1/3 of Earth
Size: 7th largest planet, about 1/10th the mass of Earth
Moons: Mars has two moons. Deimos and Phobos.
Temperature range(F): -207 to +81 degrees
How to Celebrate Red Planet Day
- Look to the Sky tonight and see if you can spot Mars.
- Use a telescope or a pair of binoculars to see Mars better.
- For a really good look, go to your local Planetarium.
- Read a book on Mars.
- Watch a movie about Mars.
History and Origin of Red Planet Day
Red Planet Day commemorates the launch of the Spacecraft Mariner 4 by NASA on November 28th, 1964. While we know why Red Planet Day was created, we do not yet know who created it or when.
always observed on November 28
Today is Red Planet Day, a November 28 holiday. The planet Mars is referred to as the “Red Planet” because it appears red. Red Planet Day honors our celestial neighbor, the fourth planet in the solar system.
It is sometimes called the “rusty planet”. The red color comes from the iron oxide (rust) that covers it. But, is Mars truly red in color? Scientists debated this question, even after the Mars Rovers landed and began to explore the planet. Why? Because the lenses used to take photos are tinted.
On Red Planet Day, take a few minutes to look upwards into the sky, and gaze at our neighbor. Hopefully, you will have a cloudless night sky for viewing. You can also recognize this day by reading up about Mars and viewing pictures of it. There are plenty of pictures online. NASA’s website is an excellent place to see high-quality pictures.
Red Planet Day commemorates the launch of the Spacecraft Mariner 4 on November 28, 1964. Mariner 4 was the first spacecraft to visit Mars. The 228-day mission of Mariner 4 brought the spacecraft within 6,118 miles of Mars on July 14, 1965.
Mars Trivia and Facts
Fourth Planet from the Sun
Mars gets its name from the Greek word “Ares”, the God of War
Often visible to the naked eye
Distance from the Sun: average 136,764,000 miles
Rotation around the Sun: 687 days
Rotation period: 1.026 Earth days
Gravity: 1/3 of Earth
Size: 7th largest planet, about 1/10th the mass of Earth
Moons: Mars has two moons. Deimos and Phobos.
Temperature range(F): -207 to +81 degrees
How to Celebrate Red Planet Day
- Look to the sky tonight and see if you can spot Mars.
- Use a telescope or a pair of binoculars to see it better.
- For a really good look, go to your local planetarium.
- Read a book on Mars.
- Watch a movie about Mars. There are plenty to choose from.
Red Planet Day commemorates the launch of the Spacecraft Mariner 4 by NASA on November 28th, 1964. While we know why Red Planet Day was created, we do not yet know who created Red Planet Day or when.
Make Your Own Head Day– always observed on November 28th

Make Your Own Head Day is today, the only rule that we can think of, is that the head must be your own. Get started, so we can see how good of an artist you are!
This is a crafty day which is very popular in grade schools, and art classes. In class, you can make your own head. Any medium of art supplies will do. You can use clay, Paper Mache, draw or sketch your head. You can make a picture with paint, charcoal, or crayon. Be creative and add a hat to your head. It’s near Halloween, so making a Frankenstein head is appropriate.
How to Celebrate Make Your Own Head Day
- Grade school teachers – make your own head day a fun project in class today.
- Paint a face on a Pumpkin. Then, put the Face on a strawman for a Halloween display.
- Use makeup to make a unique face and then, stroll around the neighborhood.
- Play with Mr. Potato Head.
History and Origin of Make Your Own Head Day
We did not find any information about the origin of Make Your Own Head Day. When Make Your Own Head Day began, or who originated Make Your Own Head Day. We believe Make Your Own Head Day originated in an art class or a grade school. Make Your Own Head Day a neat and fun project. Once it was created, it caught on quickly.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates