Unique Holidays: November 27th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: November 27th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which holiday you most want to celebrate and why you chose that holiday.

Unique Holidays: December 24, 2022
Unique Holidays

Advent Begins – Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas: November 27th, 2022; December 3rd, 2023; December 1st, 2024; November 30th, 2025; November 29th, 2026, November 28th, 2027; December 2nd, 2028

The Christian Advent Season is holy in the Christian calendar. Advent is the beginning of the liturgical calendar. Advent is a special time. Christians wait and prepare for the coming of the Lord, Jesus whose birth we celebrate on Christmas.

While Santa Claus’ arrival is a big event, we must remember Jesus’ birth on Earth is much bigger, and the reason for Christmas. The Advent Wreath symbolizes this with four Advent candles. Three candles are purple, and one is pink.

In the early days of the Church, Advent was a time of prayer and confession. Today, Advent is more a time of preparation and expectation of the coming of the Lord.

The Advent Wreath is an important symbol of the Advent season. The Advent Wreath usually sits on the dinner table and is a constant reminder of the Holy Season. The Advent Wreath is of German origin.

The lighting tradition – The fourth Sunday before Christmas is the first Sunday of Advent. The first Advent candle is lit at dinner and a short Prayer is said. The first candle is lit each night along with a short prayer. On the second Sunday of Advent, a second purple candle is lit. On the third Sunday, the pink candle is lit. Finally on the fourth Sunday of Advent, just a few days before the birth of Christ, the final purple candle is lit.

The Components of the Advent Wreath

The Advent wreath has two basic parts: the wreath and the candles.

The wreath is made of Evergreen, either real or artificial. The wreaths circular shape represents eternity, which has no beginning and no end. The Evergreen symbolizes growth and everlasting life.

There are four candles, three purple, and one pink. The candles represent the four weeks of preparation. As another candle is lit each week, it reminds us of the growing light of Christ’s presence.

The Meaning of Each Advent Candle

The first purple candle represents hope.

The second purple candle stands for love.

The third candle lit is the pink candle which represents joy.

The fourth and final candle lit is another purple candle which symbolizes peace.

The third Sunday of Advent, when the pink candle, is lit is referred to as “Joyful Sunday?”

Pins and Needles Day– always observed on November 27th

We understand how you can be on edge today which is because it’s Pins and Needles Day. The original intent of this holiday is to commemorate the opening of the pro-Labor play Pins and Needles on Broadway on this day in 1937. Over decades, people lost track of the original meaning of Pins and Needles Day on November 27th.

Today, most people look upon Pins and Needles Day, as a nervous anxious day. Pins and needles a day of eager anticipation, as we await an event to happen. One could argue that kids are on pins and needles from now until Christmas, as children nervously wonder if they have been good enough to receive a visit from Santa in a few weeks.

Of all the holidays on the calendar, this is a nerve-racking day. You are on pins and needles until that special future event successfully unfolds. If it doesn’t well we will just think positively.

We hope you have a happy, and calm, and relaxing Pins and Needles Day!

How to Celebrate Pins and Needles Day

  • Remain calm or attempt to.
  • Research the 1937 play Pins and Needles play/ show.
  • Identify the thigs that make you nervous or anxious and look to remove those things from your life.

History and Origin of Pins and Needles Day

The real origin of Pins and Needles Day goes back to the labor movement in the 1930s. The pro-labor Broadway musical Pins and Needles, opened on this day in 1937, at the Labor Stage Theater in New York City.

Pins and Needles was written by Harold Rome. Pins and Needles was produced by the International Ladies Garment Workers’ Union. Union members made up the cast. Pins and Needles ran for 1108 performances, once holding the record for longevity. 

Pins and Needles is recognized and celebrated by American labor unions and groups.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates