Unique Holidays: November 20th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: November 20th, 2021. I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrated and why. Charlie and I picked out Have A Beautiful Day because we want everyone to have one.

Absurdity Day– is always held on November 20th.

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Isn’t this totally absurd? Crazy or not, Absurdity Day is today.

Some days are truly senseless, which is exactly the definition of Absurdity Day. So, by intent error, orsurfing the net, you’ve stumbled upon this, senseless Holiday.

Celebrate this Holiday in an absurd manner. Don’t sit back waiting for something absurd to happen, seek out things to do that are somewhat, illogical. Have fun with the Holiday but, whatever you do, don’t try to make sense with today.

Beautiful Day – always held on November 20th.

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Today is a Beautiful Day in every way, shape and form. The world is filled with ugliness. So, aday like today is refreshing, and eye appealing. Today is filled with beautiful sights, and smells.

Wait a minute. What was Beautiful Day created for? We have yet to find the creator. In addition to what we found in our research, we can only speculate as to the intent of this Holiday.

Here is our part fact, part speculative reasons this Holiday was created:

  • A song by the band U2 is titled Beautiful Day.
  • The Beautiful Day Monster appeared on Ed Sullivan and later Sesame Street. This Monster created mayhem and chaos, in his attempt to ruin a beautiful day.
  • It’s creator wanted to create and enjoy a perfect, beautiful day.
  • The Beach Boys song It’s a Beautiful Day

National Adoption Day – Saturday before Thanksgiving

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This Holiday is promoted and sponsored by a variety of child care and adoption agencies. According to the websites of these sponsors, this Holiday was created to finalize thousands of annual adoptions, and to celebrate and give recognition to families that adopt children. Its intended to raise awareness of the tens of thousands of children awaiting adoption.

Does the idea of being adoptive parents interest you? Thousands upon thousands of children are waiting impatiently for you to take the step, and adopt them.

Origin of National Adoption Day:

National Adoption Day is sponsored and promoted by a variety of child care and child adoption agencies and organizations. We have not yet uncovered the creator of this day, or when the Holiday was first celebrated.

This day is described as a “National” day but we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation creating this day as a national day.

It wasn’t until 2006 that this Holiday was celebrated in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Based on what we have discovered so far, this Holiday has not been celebrated for long. But, we do feel it is one of the more important Holidays in the entire calendar.

Universal Children’s Day

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If you ever want to get confused about when a Holiday is held, this is the one. We’ve done extensive research, and what we have found is there is really a number of Children’s Day observances around the world. Here is a recap of what we’ve found.

Universal Children’s Day– Observed on November 20th each year. In 1954, the UN General Assembly recommended that all Countries should establish a Universal Children’s Day on an “appropriate” day. Were not sure, but perhaps each Country did. At various dates during the year. The resolution was adopted on November 20th, 1954.

International Children’s Day– takes place on the second Sunday in December. This is a joint initiative between UNICEF and the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences. It’s a day when broadcasters “tune in to kids”.

World Children’s Day– Always November 20thth. This is a day McDonald’s uses as a fund raiser for the Ronald McDonald House Charities. The first official WCD was held on November 20th, 2002 and was celebrated around the world as a way to celebrate children and benefit RMHC chapters around the world. This is now a annual celebration which is officially held on November 20th each year. However fundraising opportunities often extend beyond this day.

Children’s Day in Japan– This is a National Holiday in Japan celebrated on May 5th. Started in 1948, Children’s Day is a festive day to celebrate your child’s life. The holiday is believed to have begun in China where they would hang Medicinal Herbs to ward off childhood diseases. In Japan the Holiday is often celebrated by giving children kites and hanging streamers.

In Japan, the Children’s Festival was originally called the “Boy’s Festival” while the girls had the “Doll Festival”.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates