Welcome to our featuring sharing Unique Holidays: November 2022: Aviation History Month, Did you know the one things I will never do is fly in a plane. Although as a child I have been in a helicopter which I will never do again. How about you. Do you fly?

Aviation History Month

Aviation History Month in November celebrates all the contributions America made to the field of aviation and its development. It’s safe to say the U.S. played a pivotal role in the field. November is all about reading up on the history of aviation, or watching documentaries that shed light on the brilliant individuals who dedicated their lives to advancing the aviation industry. It is the accomplishments of these men and women that make Americans proud, even to this day!
The history of aviation started in 350 B.C. when the Chinese began making kites using bamboo frames covered in paper and silk. This resulted in people wondering if there was a way for them to fly too. Thereafter, several inventors conceptualized ways to fly but it was Leonardo da Vinci who was responsible for designing parachutes and helicopters that our modern-day innovations are based on.
However, the first glider was not built until 1799 by Sir George Cayley and the very first sustained, controlled flight, which took place in December 1903, is attributed to Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright. The individuals who changed the aviation industry permanently.
While many men managed to excel in the field of aviation, it wasn’t until 1910 that the first woman received a pilot’s license. Another famous female aviator is Amelia Earhart, who is recognized for flying solo across the Atlantic Ocean. With time, aviation used to fight wars since it was the fastest way to attack an enemy. In 1941, the 99th Pursuit Squadron was formed at Tuskegee. The squadron comprised African-American pilots and became known as the Tuskegee Airmen.
Since aviation plays such an important role in modern society, it comes as no surprise that aviation is celebrated with great fervor. Apart from a month dedicated to the invention, National Aviation Day is also celebrated on August 19th. This holiday was established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1939. However, since the history of aviation is so detailed and exemplary, an entire month was eventually dedicated to aviation.
- Visit a aviation museum today to find out everything there is to know about aviation. See some of the first inventions up close.
- The best way to celebrate Aviation History Month is to take training and fly a private plane with a trained instructor.
- Watch a documentary on the history of aviation and discover how aviation led to space travel and other accomplishments that helped the world evolve.
- A pilot’s vision of 20/20 distant vision is essential in order to be a pilot.
- Black male pilots are scarce and they make up only 3.4% of the pilots in the United States.
- The captain is permitted to write passenger fines and even make arrests.
- It costs between $5,100 to $16,100 to study to become a pilot.
- Travis Ludlow is an 18-year-old pilot who is the youngest person to fly solo around the world.
- National Aviation Month reminds us of the American innovators whose brilliance and creativity led to the development of the first airplane.
- The holiday informs people of all ages about the history of aviation and we learn how it took decades to create the planes that we travel in today.
- The history and inventions of the past motivate the youth to strive to make a difference and to never neglect their dreams. Nothing is impossible.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates