Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: November 18th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why you choose that Holiday.

Have a Bad Day Day– always observed on November 19th

I wouldn’t want you or me to have a Bad Day but that is what holiday were celebrating today. Years ago, as we began to research Have A Bad Day, we expected to find that this holiday was intended to recognize that everybody has a bad day once in a while.
Believe it or not, have a bad day was created to encourage us to wish people to have a bad day. The intent is to have salespeople stop saying to their customers “have a good day” and replace it with “have a bad day”. Hopefully, they will do so with a smile on their face. I’m sure that will go a long way towards getting the sale.
At this point, we must remind you that we do not create holidays or their meaning. We only report to you those that exist. And, this is truly the meaning and intent of Have a Bad Day, stated by the creator.
How to Celebrate This Day
- Greet people with “Have a Bad Day!”, instead of a more positive greeting. We suggest you do so with a smile.
- Act counter to the title of Have a Bad Day and try your best to have a good day.
History and Origin of Have a Bad Day Day
Believe it or not, Have a Bad Day Day is a copyrighted holiday which was created and provided, courtesy of the great folks at Wellcat.com.
National Adoption Day – Saturday before Thanksgiving

National Adoption Day is today. A variety of childcare and adoption groups promote and sponsorNational Adoption Day. According to the websites of these sponsors, National Adoption Day was created to finalize thousands of annual adoptions, and to celebrate and give recognition to families that adopt children. National Adoption Day is also intended to raise awareness of the tens of thousands of children awaiting adoption. These children need a warm and loving home and family.
Does the idea of being adoptive parents interest you? Thousands upon thousands of children are waiting impatiently for you to take the step, that will bring them the love and happiness of a permanent family. Without a doubt, this is a challenging endeavor. But, it is also a rewarding one.
We hope you use National Adoption Day to take the first step in the adoption process.
How to Celebrate National Adoption Day
- Explore the possibilities of adoption
- Go to an adoption agency and apply to adopt a child.
- Encourage others to adopt children.
- Encourage and support parents who have already adopted a child.
History and Origin of National Adoption Day
A variety of childcare and child adoption agencies and organizations sponsor and promote National Adoption Day.
It wasn’t until 2006 that National Adoption Day was celebrated in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. We feel National Adoption Day is one of the more important holidays in the entire calendar.
National Adoption Day is described as a “National” holiday but we found no congressional records or presidential proclamation creating National Adoption Day as a national holiday.
Play Monopoly Day– always observed on November 19th

Today is Play Monopoly Day. Monopoly is the fourth most popular board game ever played. Only the Game of Life, Clue, and Candy Land are more popular. I have a question for you. Have you played Monopoly before?
Over 1 billion people in over 100 Countries have played Monopoly at least once. Many of us have played Monopoly far more than once. Gather family members and pull out the Monopoly Game from your closet.
Play Monopoly Your Way
For the first several decades that Monopoly has been on the market, which was a board game. Now, in addition to the game board format, you can play electronic versions, online, or use an App on your smartphone to play Monopoly.
The original Monopoly game has also changed over time. There have been many different editions and variations produced, with changes to the game itself. Some of the game pieces have been retired over the years and new ones created.
It doesn’t matter what edition or version you play today. What’s important on Play Monopoly Day, is that you have fun playing Monopoly.
History of the Monopoly Game
In 1903, anti-monopolist Elizabeth (Lizzie) Magie conceived and created the “Landlord Game”. In 1904 it was patented and hit the market. The Landlord game was originally intended as an educational tool to explain the rental market and the effects of monopoly in the marketplace. The game was popular among professors and students.
Modifying and building upon Lizzie Magie’s game, Clarence Darrow created the first Monopoly game. Clarence Darrow semi-copyrighted in 1934. Parker Brothers put Monopoly on the market on November 5th,1935.
Did you know in 1991, Hasbro Company bought out Parker Brothers?
Monopoly Game Trivia
- Life is not fair… Clarence Darrow, who is credited with creating the Monopoly game, became the first game designer to become a millionaire although Lizzie Magie, who created the original “Landlord Game” that Monopoly was modeled from, only made $500. This just isn’t fair if you ask me.
- In 2017, Hasbro held a vote for the public to choose their favorite game pieces. There were 64 choices. As a result, Hasbro retired the Thimble, Boot, and Wheelbarrow replacing these game pieces with T-Rex, Rubber Ducky, and Penguin. Did you know the dog received the most votes?
- Parker Brothers released the Monopoly game on November 5th,1935
- The Short Line is the only Railroad that was not a real Railroad company.
- The longest recorded Monopoly game lasted 70 straight days.
- $20,580 is in the Monopoly box.
- The man “In Jail” is “Jake the Jailbird”
- You should also meet Police Officer “Officer O’Malley”.
How to Celebrate Play Monopoly Day
- Gather friends together and play Monopoly.
- If you don’t have Monopoly what are you waiting for? Go purchase a game now.
- Download the app so you can play Monopoly anywhere.
History and Origin of Play Monopoly Day
Much is written about the Monopoly game and the history of Monopoly. However, our research did not reveal the creator of Play Monopoly Day itself. There is no information on when Play Monopoly Day was created. We did trace Play Monopoly Days origin back to at least 2016.
Our research found that this day began as “Play Monopoly Day”. A couple of years later, many internet sites began referring to it as “National Play Monopoly Day”. We did not find a congressional or presidential proclamation making Play Monopoly Day a true national holiday. As a result, we are referring to this holiday as “Play Monopoly Day”.
There also are a few references to “World Monopoly Day” being March 19th which appears to be a one-time event originated by Hasbro Company in 2016 to promote a new variation of the game.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates