Unique Holidays: November 17th, 2022


Apple Cider Day– always observed on November 18th

For most everyone when it comes to food and symbols of the Season, Apples are a huge part of the Fall scene. The Apple harvest is in. People are making Apple Sauce, or Apple Pies, and enjoying a cup of Apple Cider mull.

Which makes today the perfect day to celebrate Apple Cider Day! If you like Apples, like millions of people do, you can’t go through Fall without enjoying a glass of Apple Cider,. When you look at this Nectar of the Apple, you know you’re in for a sweet treat.

 There are more than 7,000 varieties of Apples worldwide. About 2500 varieties of Apples exist in the U.S. Of these, 100 Apple varieties are grown commercially in the U.S. Just 15 of those varieties make up 90% of total production. Those apples are Red Delicious, Gala, Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, and Fuji.

The History of Apple Cider

Apple Cider Day has been around for just a short time. While apples have been around for thousands of years. As you know, Apple Trees were first recorded in the Garden of Eden. We don’t know if Adam and Eve ever pressed the forbidden Fruit into Cider which I doubt they would have done.

We do know that since the days of early civilization, Apples have been pressed to extract the Juice. However, those early civilizations Fermented Apple Cider into Hard Cider. Hard Apple cider has always been popular. At the same, Apple Cider has always competed with even more popular Beer and Wine. Apple Cider runs a distant third to these two Alcoholic beverages.

Outside of the United States, when people speak of Apple Cider, they are referring to the fermented hard Cider. In the U.S., it is defined as the Juice pressed from the Apples and is unfermented.

How to Make Apple Cider

There is just one ingredient Apples. To make Apple Cider, Apples are roughly ground up into a Mash. The Mash is then put through a press where the Juice is squeezed out. That’s all there is to it! the resulting Apple cider is then consumed as a drink either cold or at room temperature or made into Hot Cider Mull.

If you purchase Apple Cider from a grocery store, you will find consistent flavor. That’s because each manufacturer uses a certain variety of Apples, or a combination of varieties, to make the Juice. A consistent flavor is expected from Supermarket Cider.

Store-bought Cider has preservatives and is also pasteurized, which many say reduces the flavor. We believe the best Apple Cider is found at your local Cider Mill. There, it is pressed fresh and contains no artificial preservatives. If local laws allow, it is not pasteurized either.

The flavor from your local Mills may or not be consistent. They will often use the Apples that are ripening at the time that you visit. As the Fall Season progresses, different varieties mature, and the flavors are somewhat different. Some of the larger Cider Mills will press different batches, allowing you to select and buy it made from your favorite Apple. 

Apple Cider and Your Health

Not only does Apple Cider taste good, but Apple cider is good for you. Like fresh Apples, the Cider contains healthy antioxidants and polyphenols. This helps to reduce inflammation and lower your risk of heart attacks and other heart diseases. Apple Cider is a good source of potassium.

Apple Cider helps to prevent plaque build-up in Arteries and can even lower the risk of developing Type II Diabetes. Add Cinnamon, and the risk of diabetes is even lower. Cinnamon lowers Blood Sugar by improving the body’s sensitivity to Insulin.

How to Celebrate Apple Cider Day

Gather your family and hop in the car. Your destination is the local Cider Mill. Upon arrival, purchase your favorite variety of fresh Apples. Pick up a gallon of Apple cider. When you get home, have Apple Cider your way. You can have Apple Cider as a cold drink, at room temperature, or you can make Hot Apple Cider Mull.

History and Origin of Apple Cider Day

We did not find any information on who created Apple Cider Day, or when this holiday was first celebrated. We traced the roots of Apple Cider Day back to 2014. Based on our research, we believe this holiday was started in the United Kingdom. We also found a single reference to “Hot Mulled Cider Day” in 2010 which appeared to be a one-time, localized event.

There is not very much written about Apple Cider Day. Despite its lack of popularity up to now, we believe Apple Cider Day deserves recognition. Apples are a big part of the Fall scene and their popularity warrants this holiday. 

We found an occasional reference calling Apple Cider Day a “National” Holiday but we did not find a congressional or presidential proclamation making this holiday a true national holiday.

Related Holidays and Resources

Johnny Appleseed Day

Apple Trivia

How to Grow Apples

Occult Day- always observed on November 18th

Occult Day is a mysterious day, outside the realm of the normal and natural world. This holiday is a mystical day to experience strange and perhaps a little eerie phenomena. The Spirits will move you today. Paranormal activity is very active today just look around. 

Concealed, secret, hidden, mysterious, unnatural. These are all words to describe the world of the Occult. Astrology should readily come to mind. Alchemy, too. Many secret groups are occults.

How to Celebrate Occult Day

How to partake and enjoy Occult Day:

  • Join or start a secret Society.
  • Visit an Astrologer. Or, have your palm read.
  • Get out a Ouija board and use it with family
  • Visit a fortune teller.
  • Engage a Seer to contact someone in the other world.

History and Origin of Occult Day

We did not find any information on who created Occult Day, or when Occult Day was first celebrated. In true keeping with what an Occult is, the origin of this magical day remain a mystery.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates