Unique Holidays: November 15th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: November 15th, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today and ask you to let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why.

America Recycles Day always observed on November 15th

America Recycles Day, encourages us to recycle, and use products made from recycled material. Recycling is not difficult and recycling sends less material to the waste stream, and recycling results in consuming less of our precious and limited natural resources.

According to the National Recycling Coalition, America Recycles Day “is dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and to buy recycled products”.

Use America Recycles Day to create awareness of the importance of recycling, and to increase recycling. The world will thank you for it. Even if you practice recycling today, there is probably more you can do. We encourage you to look around at home to identify ways you can practice recycling. Take an active role in encouraging others to recycle, too.

Did you know the Boy Scouts of America have the right slogan for this topic: “Reduce, Re-use, and Recycle”.

 According to a presidential proclamation by President George W. Bush, each person in America produces about four pounds of waste every day!

How to Celebrate America Recycles Day

  • Reduce the amount of materials you put into the waste stream.
  • Purchase a composter or start a compost pile in your yard.
  • Encourage your local, State and federal governments to promote waste reduction programs.
  • If items you are about to throw in the trash have value, donate those items

History and Origin of America Recycles Day

President George W. Bush issued a presidential proclamation declaring November 15, 2004, as  America Recycles Day and the roots of America Recycles Day goes back to 1997.

“America Recycles Day was created in 1997 by Kevin Tuerff and Valerie Davis of EnviroMedia. America Recycles Day was based on the successful Texas Recycles Day program and brought together State recycling coordinators from throughout the Country, along with the US EPA, the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive, the National Recycling Coalition, the USPS, and the Steel Recycling Institute, among others. America Recycles Day was created to raise awareness of the need to recycle and to purchase products made from recycled-content materials.

Clean Your Refrigerator Day– About Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day is today. If your fridge is like mine then your asking what’s that in the back of the fridge!? We don’t recognize what food it was because it’s all dried out and shriveled. You don’t want to find out. Don’t open it the odor may overwhelm you!!! Hold your breath, scrunch your nose and proceed to the task.

Everything in your refrigerator was once a fresh, healthy food, ready for your consumption. Which might have been a tasty leftover, intended for later enjoyment. Over the course of weeks or more, things get pushed to the back of the refrigerator and transform into something impossible to identify.

We’ve all run across items in the refrigerator that once were tasty food, now, they are dried out, mold-covered nasty, that you remove and dispose of at arm’s length.

Do you know who wins the prize for the worst refrigerator surprise? Workplace refrigerators.

Use Clean Out Your Refrigerator to clean out your refrigerator, top to bottom. When it comes to food safety, we fall back to the old saying ” When in doubt, throw it out!”

How to Celebrate Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

  • Clean out your refrigerator.
  • Remove old refrigerator art and replace with new art
  • Organize what is in the fridge so you can see what’s in there and reduce food waste.
  • Now you can take advantage of holiday sales and start purchasing groceries for Thanksgiving.
  • You and your family can practice better food safety.

History and Origin of Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

We found references suggesting that Whirlpool Home Appliances was promoting  Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day. However, we went to Whirlpool Home Appliances website and performed a search of Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day and they made no mention of Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day.

Common speculation is that Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day was created just in advance of Thanksgiving, to allow room for holiday leftovers.

National Philanthropy Day– always observed on November 15th

National Philanthropy Day is today. Throughout history, Philanthropists have made great contributions to those in need, and to worthy causes. According to the official National Philanthropy Day website, this holiday is set aside to “recognize and pay tribute to the great contributions that philanthropy and those people active in the philanthropic community have made to our lives, our communities, and our world.”

Great philanthropists are known in history for their many and frequent monetary contributions, big and small. Many of them do so in a quiet way, not looking for recognition. Others get a hospital wing, or a building named in their honor.

While we commonly view Philanthropy as a monetary contribution, voluntary efforts at fundraising are also within the definition of philanthropy. If you have a little extra money to contribute, do so. If not, turn your labor effort into charitable cash contributions by participating in fundraisers, making you a Philanthropist!

How to Celebrate Philanthropy Day

  • Leave a great legacy and be known for your contributions to people and worthy causes.
  • If you have enough assets to support a charity, a cause, or someone needs, do so today. That makes you a philanthropist. You may not be giving millions, but you are doing your part.
  •  Contact a philanthropist, to seek a donation to someone in need or to a worthy cause. 

History and Origin of Philanthropy Day

National Philanthropy Day dates back to 1985 and it appears to have been created at that time, by the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

National Philanthropy Day is held annually.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates