Unique Holidays: November 15th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: November 15th, 2021. Did you know that today is America Recycles Day and I don’t know about you but my family needs to recycle which we don’t do. Do you? Especially with today being clean your refrigerator day.

America Recycles Day– November 15th

Image result for America Recycles Day

America Recycles Day encourages us to recycle. Using products made from recycled material. Recycling is not difficult. Recycling sends less material to the waste stream ,and it results in consuming less of our precious and limited natural resources.

According to the National Recycling Coalition, America Recycles Day “is dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and to buy recycled products”.

Use this Holiday to create awareness of the importance of recycling, and to increase recycling. The world will thank you for it. Even if you practice recycling today, there is probably more you can do. We encourage you to look around at home, to identify ways your can practice recycling. Take an active role in encouraging others to recycle, too.

The Boy Scouts of America has the right slogan for this topic: “Reduce, Re-use, and Recycle”

According to a presidential proclamation by President George W. Bush, each person in America produces about four pounds of waste every day!

Origin of America Recycles Day:

President George W. Bush issued a Presidential Proclamation declaring November 15th, 2004 as America Recycles Day. The roots of this Holiday dates back to 1997.

Clean Your Refrigerator Day– November 15th.

Image result for Clean Your Refrigerator Day

Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day is today.

Do you know what’s in the back of the refrigerator!? I don’t want to find out. Don’t open the fridge because the odor may overwhelm you!!! Hold your breath, and scrunch your nose if you must, But get to the task and get to cleaning the fridge out.

Everything in your refrigerator was once fresh, healthy food, ready for your consumption. The food may have been a tasty leftover, intended for later enjoyment. Over the course of weeks things get pushed to the back of the refrigerator and slowly transform into something impossible to identify.

We’ve all run across items in the refrigerator that once were tasty food, now, they are dried out, mold covered nasty, food that you remove and dispose of at arms length.

Who wins the prize for the worst refrigerator surprises? Most often, it’s workplace refrigerators.

Use this day to clean out your refrigerator, top to bottom. When it comes to food safety, we fall back to the old saying ” When in doubt, throw it out!”

Origin of Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day:

We found references suggesting that Whirlpool Home Appliances was promoting Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day. However, we went to their website and didn’t find a mention of this Holiday. 

Common speculation is that this Holiday was created just in advance of Thanksgiving, to allow room for Holiday leftovers.

National Philanthropy Day– November 15th.

Image result for National Philanthropy Day

National Philanthropy Day is today. Over the course of History, Philanthropists have made great contributions to those in need, along with worthy causes.

According to the official National Philanthropy Day website, this Holiday is set aside to “recognize and pay tribute to the great contributions that philanthropy – and those people active in the philanthropic community – have made to our lives, our communities and our world.”

Great philanthropist are known in History for their many and frequent monetary contributions, big and small. Many philanthropists do so in a quite way, not looking for recognition.

While we commonly view Philanthropy as a monetary contribution, the voluntary efforts at fund raising is also within the definition of philanthropy. If you have a little extra money to contribute, you can turn your labor effort into charitable cash contributions by participating in fundraisers, making you a Philanthropist!

Origin of National Philanthropy Day:

National Philanthropy Day dates back to 1985 and it appears to have been created at that time, by the Association of Fundraising Professionals.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates