Unique Holidays: November 14th, 2021

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: November 14th, 2021. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why. Charlie says we should celebrate Loosen Up Lighten Up Day. Would you like to join us?

Loosen Up Lighten Up Day– the Holiday is always held on November 14th.

 I have a question for you. Are you feeling tense and edgy? Do you have trouble on the job? Have the kids got you frazzled? Are the upcoming Holidays causing you to freak out a little bit. The Holidays have you more than “a little bit” tense. Stress of the Holidays is certainly enough to get everyone freaked out. All that tension, and stress is not good for anyone. Today is Loosen Up Lighten Up Day which has come at a good time. You can use this Holiday to do exactly what this Holiday was created for loosen up and lighten up.

 Stress and tension can come from an amazing array of things and can be something small that just sets you off. Or, it could be a problem that you are facing, or anything in between. Today is the perfect opportunity to spend time mentally identifying the stressors that are currently in your life. Only after you have identified them, can you take steps to eliminate those nasty stressors. A big way to loosen up and lighten up, is to increase your sense of happiness. Think about things that make you happy and focus upon them. That includes surrounding yourself with happy people, that elevate your happiness and lighten up your day.

Remember what mom told you when went through trying times: “God will never give you more than you can handle”. Mom’s right. Use Loosen Up Lighten Up Day to help you to live a happier and longer life. No one wants tension and stress in their lives which leads to unhappiness. Tension and stress can cause health issues including High Blood Pressure, Strokes and even cause a Heart Attack.

One quickly realizes there is plenty we can do to make the best of this Holiday. First, don’t take life and events so seriously. Then, take a two prong attack of eliminating stress, at the same time, adding things and people that make you happier.

Tips To Loosen Up Lighten Up Day:

Stay out of heavy traffic, especially rush hour traffic.

Go to a Spa for a massage.

Do Yoga or Meditate.

What else to do on Loosen Up Lighten Up Day. Help someone else today. If you come across others who are stressed or “wired” help them to loosen up a little. when you do this, you just might find it loosens you up, too!

History and Origin of Loosen Up, Lighten Up Day:

This Holiday was created by Stephanie West Allen and we have not yet identified why this date was selected, or why it was created. However, we certainly know it is destined to be a relaxing and pleasurable day

National Pickle Day– always celebrated on November 14th,

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Do you feel like you’re in a Pickle today? It’s no surprise today is National Pickle Day. To celebrate and savor this Holiday. Add Pickles to your diet today.

Pickling has been around for a long, long time. Pickles are made by taking Cucumbers and fermenting them in a brine, including a variety of Herbs and Spices. After the fermentation process is complete, Pickles are canned and stored for later use. Pickled Cucumbers are native to India. Pickling can be traced back to 2,400 B.C. in the Indus Valley Civilization of India. They preserved Cucumbers and Vegetables by pickling. European merchants brought this food preservation technique from the Far East to Europe. Pickling was unknown in Americas until Christopher Columbus arrived in the New World in 1492.

Pickling provides a means to preserve a variety of Vegetables. Cucumber Pickles are by far the most popular. Pickling other Vegetables is common, too. You can pickle a wide variety of Vegetables, including: Beans or Cauliflower. A special variety of small Cucumbers, called “Pickling Cucumbers” produce the perfect size. Over hundreds of years, the process of pickling Cucumbers spread across the globe. Each culture used some of their favorite Herbs and Spices, to create new varieties of Pickles. These include: Dill Pickles, Garlic Dills, Sweet Pickles, Gherkins, Kosher Dill and more. 

Home gardeners often Pickle and can Cucumbers and Vegetables grown in their gardens. In addition to preserving their crop for later consumption, they are often creative, producing unique flavors.

There’s great news about eating Pickles. They’re good for you! In addition to providing the health benefits of most Vegetables, they contain Pro-biotics.

History and National Pickle Day:

National Pickle Day has been celebrated since 1949. Our research has not yet identified the creator of this day or why it was created. The Holiday is currently sponsored by the Pickle Packers Association.

Operating Room Nurse Day– always celebrated on November 14th.

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Operating Room Nurse Day honors those important Nurses, who care for patients before, during and immediately after Surgery. It’s a very important role, during a period where a patients life is in another person’s hands. Show your thanks and appreciation to Operating Nurses you know. You can send them cards or Ecards. However, just a simple, spoken “thank you” will do.

Also see Nurse’s Day

History and Origin of Operating Room Nurse Day:

The roots of this Holiday trace back to Iowa. On November 14th, 1989, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad established  Operating Room Nurse Day.

World Diabetes Day– always November 14th

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Diabetes Awareness Day : March 25th??

World Diabetes Day is held each year.

Diabetes has two forms. The first is Juvenile (Type 1) Diabetes. The second is Adult Onset (Type 2) Diabetes.

Diabetes is a growing problem in children and adults. Many see Diabetes as a looming crisis in America, due to our diets. More sedentary lifestyles. In the case of Type 2, it usually can be avoided or delayed with diet and exercise.

Ways to celebrate today:

  • Raise awareness of Diabetes -causes, effects and complications.
  • Provide conferences and educational programs about Diabetes, treatment and management.
  • Promote fund raising for treatment and cures. Bike hikes are a popular fund raising event for this Holiday.
  • To encourage people to make life style changes to fight this onset of this disease.
  • To seek a cure.

History and Origin of World Diabetes Day:

World Diabetes Day on November 14th of each year, is a well recognized Holiday which is celebrated in many Countries around the World. and the Holiday has been celebrated globally since 1991.

Diabetes Awareness Day, on March 25th, is not well recognized and we found many references to a Diabetes Day and varying dates. and we suspect, that this Holiday evolved from a more local event. We do not know who originated this special day, nor when it was created.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates