Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: November 11th, 2022. Would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today. Then let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. For me I think I will just sit I will sit on the couch with a bowl of Campell’s Chicken Soup and Celebrate Chicken Soup for the Soul Day.. Would you like to join me? If so bring us a Chicken Soup for the Soul book to read.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Day – always observed on November 12th

Chicken Soup for the Soul Day is today which is a celebration about you. A warm, feel-good about yourself day, even if the Weather is cold, rainy, or snowy.
According to the creators of the book series of Chicken Soup for the Soul Day, this holiday is a celebration of who you are. Where you’ve been. Where you’re going.Who you will be thankful to when you get there!”
We suggest you take this holiday as a celebration of the value and healing of Chicken Soup, especially mom’s Chicken Soup. Did you know Chicken Soup has long been seen as remedial for colds, flu, and just about anything that ails you. You can’t find that healing in a can. You can only find it in Mom’s Homemade Chicken Soup.
Everyone deserves a feel-good day. We hope you have a happy Chicken Soup for the Soul Day.
How to Celebrate Chicken Soup for the Soul Day
- Read the book Chicken Soup for the Soul.
- Spend a few thoughtful moments thinking about your past, present, and future. As you reflect on your life, focus on the good things which will lift your spirits.
- Doesn’t matter if your sick or well have a bowl of Chicken Soup.
- Have a party with your family and tell them about the Nature of Chicken Soup for the Soul Day and let them know that you are serving Chicken Soup.
History and Origin of Chicken Soup for the Soul Day
Chicken Soup for the Soul Enterprises, Inc. created Chicken Soup for the Soul Day. Quite obviously, they created Chicken Soup for the Soul Day for commercial reasons. Nevertheless, we all get to enjoy the benefits of Chicken Soup for the Soul Day.
National French Dip Day– always observed on November 12th

National French Dip Day is going to be a delicious day. French Dip Sandwiches are enjoyed by dipping the Sandwich into Au Jus for a few seconds until the Bread is wet and mushy. The French Dip Sandwich is a little bit messy, but, oh what a great treat. The Bread literally melts in your mouth.
Most of us think of French Dip as being made with Roast Beef and the creator of the French Dip Sandwich originally used Roast Beef. That’s the way most of us enjoy a French Dip Sandwich. Surprisingly to many of us, French Dip can also be made with Roast Pork or other Meats. First, to be a true French Dip Sandwich, it must be made with French Bread. Au Jus is always served on the side. Often, the French Dip Sandwich includes Mustard. You can have Cheese on your French Dip Sandwich, too. To many of us, melted Cheese is a requirement. As for the Meat, it’s your choice!
The Creation of the French Dip Sandwich
There is a little controversy around who was the original creator of the French Dip sandwich. Two restaurants that opened in the 1890s both claim to have created the French Dip Sandwich.
Cole’s Restaurant in Los Angeles, CA. claims to be the creator. One day, a man with sore gums asked for a moist Sandwich. Chef Jack Garling put together the French Dip and placed a dish of Au Jus on the side. The customer loved this recipe, and word got around quickly. Soon, more and more customers were asking for it. Philippe’s Restaurant, also in Los Angeles, claims its owner Philippe Mathieu created the French Dip Sandwich. Both restaurants are still in existence and they each make their claim on both store signage and advertising.
How to Celebrate National French Dip Day
- Make French Dip Sandwiches for the family for dinner tonight.
- Go out to a restaurant for lunch or dinner and order a French Dip Sandwich.
- Try a French Dip Sandwich with Meat other than Roast Beef.
History and Origin of National French Dip Day
Cole’s Restaurant in Los Angeles, California created National French Dip Day in 2018. Cole’s is one of two restaurants to claim to have created the French Dip. The creators selected this date, as they opened their existing store on November 12th, 1908. That’s right, they have been serving French Dip Sandwiches for over one hundred years.
This relatively new Holiday is called a “National” day but we did not find a congressional or presidential proclamation making this day a true national holiday.
World Pneumonia Day– always observed on November 12th

Today is World Pneumonia Day, and is not a holiday. Rather, as mentioned, it is an observance. Created by The World Health Organization (WHO) of the UN, the goals of World Pneumonia Day are to raise awareness, promote prevention, and promote treatment of Pneumonia.
Pneumonia is a common and very serious ailment. World Pneumonia Day can be deadly. Pneumonia is an infection in your Lungs, that makes breathing difficult. This in turn puts stress on your heart and other organs of your body. Just about anyone can get Pneumonia. Did you know a cold can turn into Pneumonia. Pneumonia is most serious for the very young, the very old, and people whose immune system is weak or compromised. Anyone with a cold can find it turns into Pneumonia. If you contract Pneumonia or suspect you do, see your doctor immediately. Medicine is effective in most cases. Take medicines as prescribed. Get plenty of liquids, plenty of rest, and very importantly, get up out of bed to take short, frequent walks. Lying in bed allows Pneumonia to “settle” into your Lungs. That’s when Pneumonia can become deadly.
Did you know Pneumonia is the largest single cause of death for children under 5 years old.
There’s good news in the fight against Pneumonia. There is now a vaccine to help protect you from Pneumonia which most people can take the Vaccine. Now, you can protect your children, elderly parents, and yourselves. Do what the UN’s WHO want you to do. Talk to your doctor about getting the vaccine for every member of your family.
How to Celebrate World Pneumonia Day
- Get your Pneumonia vaccine today!
- Vaccinate your kids.
- Help to get the elderly to a Pneumonia vaccination site.
- Donate to organizations working towards vaccinating people in impoverished Countries.
History and Origin of World Pneumonia Day
UN WHO is who created World Pneumonia Day in 2009. Without a doubt, this effort is saving thousands upon thousands of lives. World Pneumonia Day is raising awareness. It’s educational, as well as a call to action to get your whole family vaccinated now.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates