Hello, and Happy Mothers Day to you and yours. As we move through the day I wanted to share Unique Holidays: May 9th, 2021 with you. Take a look at all the Holidays and let me know which ones you most would like to celebrate and why.
Birth Mother’s Day – Saturday before Mother’s Day

Did you know Birth Mothers Day recognizes the biological mothers of adopted children. This day is celebrated primarily by Mothers who for whatever reason, gave up their child to be raised by someone else.
If ever there was a CONTROVERSIAL HOLIDAY, this is it. The day was established by birth mothers to educate, to remember, and to cope. But, many mothers who gave up their children have feelings of remorse, and often guilt.
Many of these moms don’t want a special day and, of those mothers who want to be remembered, they don’t necessarily want a special day, aside from Mother’s Day. because feel they should remember, and be remembered, on Mother’s Day.
From the child’s perspective, adopted children have a high level of anxiety over this topic. A fair number of them don’t want a relationship with their birth mother, adding more controversy to this day.
If you celebrate this day, we suggest you use it to promote education and facts about the iissues, and to show compassion and understanding to birth mothers.
International Migratory Bird Day the second Saturday in May

Bird Day is always May 4th
National Bird Day is celebrated on January 5th
International Migratory Bird Day observed on the second Saturday in May
People love birds and Bird watching which is a favorite pastime of millions of people. Did you know Bird Watching is the most popular of hobbies, and can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of age.
With this popularity, it comes as no surprise that there is more than one day established to recognize, appreciate, and enjoy birds. I would like to suggest you celebrate all of these days just like my family does.
Now, let’s help to take some of the confusion around a number of distinctly different “bird” days:
Bird Day is the oldest of the days set aside to recognize birds and according to the U.S. Library of Congress, Bird Day was first observed on May 4, 1894.
This day was started by Charles Almanzo Babcock, superintendent of schools in Oil City, Pennsylvania. By 1910, Bird Day was widely celebrated, often in conjunction with Arbor Day. Bird Day and Arbor Day events focus upon conservation training and awareness.
National Bird Day was established by bird activists and this Holiday calls upon people to recognize the plight of captive birds drawing attention to exploitation of birds in the U.S. pet industry. On this day, organizers suggest we reflect upon the conditions of birds held in captivity.
International Migratory Bird Day celebrates the incredible journey that migratory birds take each year. Traveling thousands of miles between breeding grounds in North America, and their winter homes in Central and South America.
Organizers say this is a day to both support, and to increase awareness of conservation efforts in support of migratory birds. They also suggest a field trip into a woods to look for and enjoy migrating birds.
On each of these Bird Days, we encourage you to take a few minutes to watch and observe birds, as well as to feed them.
Did You Know? Hummingbirds are the smallest migratory birds. More on Hummingbirds
More Bird Holidays, see Feed the Birds Day
Lilac Sunday second Sunday in May

It is perhaps the most fragrant of all flowers. It makes a popular and sought after perfume. Many say its beauty is second only to the rose, and more than a few people see it as better than roses. So, it is only fitting that people around the world honor this beautiful flower on Lilac Sunday. Lilac bushes are native to cool mountainous hillside areas, from southern Europe to Asia. Lilacs were introduced into the United States in the 1750’s. Their popularity quickly soared.
Lilac Sunday is celebrated with hugely popular springtime festivals and special events. Annual Lilac festivals have been held for over a hundred years. The oldest and biggest lilac festival of them all, is held at Highland Park in Rochester, NY. This festival has been held every year since1905. The 10 day festival is centered around the world’s largest collection of lilac bushes, attracting over 500,000 visitors annually. The Arnold Arboretum at Harvard University in Boston, Ma. is also world known for its annual Lilac festival, held every year since 1908.
Celebrate Lilac Sunday by attending a Lilac festival near you, or just strolling in a park among a the blooming lilac bushes.
Lilac Sunday Resources:
Lilac Festival sites and dates
Buy and plant Lilacs in your yard
About the Date:
Lilac Sunday is celebrated on the same day as Mother’s Day. I wonder if this this out of design, or coincidence? The date of Lilac Sunday is established to ideally occur when the flowers are in full bloom.
Lilac Sunday used to be the third Sunday of May but over several decades, Spring has come earlier due to the effects of global warming perhaps? Now Lilac Sunday is celebrated the second Sunday of the month.
Even by moving the date up, Mother Nature does not always deliver on schedule. Sometimes, the Lilacs hit their peak before or after the second Sunday in May.
To celebrate this Holiday and Mothers Day why not pick up Lilies to plant in your Garden to remind you of your mom. Which is what I would like to do with Charlie.

Lost Sock Memorial Day recognizes our drawers full of unmatched socks. Each unmatched sock represents a missing sock and we never throw away our unmatched socks. One day the lost sock may show up.
On Lost Sock Memorial Day, we suggest you spend a little time (as little as possible) searching for missing socks. After a (very) brief search, and in good “Memorial” spirit, spend a minute reflecting upon how warm and comforting the missing socks. Then, by all means, get on with your life.
I would like to encourage you to use this special day, to toss out all of your unmatched socks. Let’s face it, you’re never gonna find the missing one. I will be tossing mine and I hope Charlie and David follow me. If not I may just throw there’s away when there not around.
Mother’s Day second Sunday in May

Everybody has a mother and no one is more special than our mom. Although, dad is really important. And, grandparent’s too. But moms, well they’re the greatest.
Moms are often taken for granted, but they are always our strongest supporter. You can’t do wrong in Mom’s eyes. When your hurt, or not feeling well…. there is no one else that can help you more than Mom.
Go out and celebrate Mother’s Day but first and foremost, spend time with her. If you absolutely can’t be there, take time for a long phone call. Flowers, cards, candy and gifts are all part of the day but, mom wants time with you more than anything else.
The first Mother’s Day was May 10, 1908 in Philadelphia
Did you know today is National Babysitters Day which is a time to give recognition and appreciation to those whom you entrust your kids. Parents turn to babysitters to go on the occasional date night to dinner and a show, when parents need a break, or when they have somewhere to go and can’t take the kids.
I would like for you to ask any parent what is the most important thing in their lives. They will tell you their children and they’d give anything to assure the health and welfare of their kids. Choosing a reliable babysitter isn’t something taken lightly. Hiring a babysitter is as important a decision as it gets..
The need for a sitter can be short notice and a list of potential babysitters should me out in place in advance. Babysitters are often grandma and grandpa, a brother or sister.
Babysitters are usually the first “go to” sitters. Neighbors and fellow parents are often good choices, too and ever teenagers can be a good choices if you know them and trust them.
When your selecting teenagers to watch your children, you should find those who have taken child care classes, or first aid training, including CPR.
Parents are understandably picky when it comes to selecting a babysitters. Safety, security and reliability are tops on the list when making a decision about who will watch your children.
Babysitters are often called upon to do more than just watch the kids. The babysitter’s tasks could include changing diapers, being a tutor, or helping with homework, organizing play time and activities, as well as providing snacks and meals.
Did You Know? The going rate for a babysitter today, ranges from $12.00 – $20.00 per hour! Let me tell you something it sure wasn’t like that when I was a child and babysitting.
Babysitters are important people in ours and our children’s lives, take time today to express your appreciation to the babysitters you use. If your a babysitter, we offer thanks for taking great care of the kids you sit for.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates