Good morning, welcome back to our series were we share Unique Holidays: May 7th. I would like to ask you to check out the following Holiday. Then leave me a comment and let me know which ones you most would like to celebrate and tell me why.
International Tuba Day – first Friday in May

Today is International Tuba Day which recognizes musicians around the world who struggle with the weight and size of their big instrument. It’s truly an important musical instrument, that no concert or symphonic bandleader would want to be without.
The Trumpet is big, and provides deep sounds provide lots of character and “Oomph” to concert music. Can you imagine a Tuba-less marching band!? I can’t. How about you?
The tuba player has a big job he lugs this heavy instrument around. Tuba Players provide the big wind that makes a big impact in the musical world. If you see a Tuba player today, give them some well deserved recognition. If you are a Tuba player, then toot your horn (errr Tuba). We love ‘ya!
Here’s a few hefty Tuba factoids:
- Tubas come in varying sizes, weighing from a dozen pounds to 50 pounds!
- The Tuba was patented in 1835 by Wiebrecht and Moritz in Germany
- The number of valves on a Tuba is not standardized. A Tuba can have 3,4,5 or six valves.
In #Homeschool this morning I plan on having Charlie research famous Tuba Players and there Music which we will be listening to in Music Class. Would you like to join us.

In compliance with a law passed in the U.S. Congress in 1988, each year the President of the United States issues a statement proclaiming the first Thursday in May to be a National Day of Prayer.
The first National Day of Prayer was declared hundreds of years earlier. Religious roots in this country go back to its formation. In 1775, the Continental Congress set aside a time for prayer.
In proclaiming this very first National Day of Prayer, the Founding Fathers asked the colonists to pray for our fledgling country. Many immigrants to America, came here in search of religious freedom.
Our God fearing forefathers felt so strongly about religious liberty, that they wrote the First Amendment to the Constitution, specifically to protect the right to religious freedom.
Each year on the National Day of Prayer, there are over 35,000 prayer gatherings, by churches, temples and synagogues. Religious leaders across the country participate in some way. A national prayer broadcast can be found on GODTV, Facebook Live, and many other media channels.
We encourage you to spend a few minutes in prayer and reflection today. Start by giving thanks to your God. All too often we forget to say thanks to God for what he has provided to us.
Start by expressing your thanks to be living in a country that values and protects religious freedom. Think about what is good in your life, your community and the world.
As you pray, let God know you appreciate all he has provided. Then, consider how things are today. What is not going so well in your life? Do others around you need your prayers?
There is always something in the world, that we can pray for… Peace, or an end to disease. There never seems to be a shortage of things to pray for. There is no established amount of time to spend in prayer today.
Spend whatever amount of time you can, whatever amount of time you need. Make certain to select a time to pray, when you are not pressured to rush through your prayers. Don’t forget you can Pray anytime and anywhere and it doesn’t just have to be once.

Did you know today is a great day to be a tourist because it’s National Tourism Day! Municipalities and tourism sites around the country promote their area or region.
Municipalities and entertainment venues big and small, use today to let people know about activities and events in their areas. They will often do so in a big way.
A great way to promote your area is to hold activities and events on this day. Make it a weekend, or a week-long celebration. Along with advertisements, offering discounts and other promotions will work well.
If you own a tourist venue, use this day to really spread the word on what you are all about. As a tourist, use today in search of a new, exciting, and interesting place to go. Look for deals that may be offered today. Don’t just browse and dream. Book your travel plans today!
Space Day – first Friday in May

Space Day gives you the opportunity participate in the excitement and fascination of space. It’s a topic of interest to millions, old and young alike. It’s a topic as broad as the universe.
Former astronaut and Senator John Glenn expanded Space Day to International Space Day in 2001.
Space Day originally started to get America’s youth interested in math and science. Space Day focuses upon creating an interest and awareness of all kinds of topics and issues related to space. Space Day Holiday caught on quickly, and became wildly popular.
On this day all kinds of space relate organizations, groups and agencies hold celebrations, demonstrations, and educational programs.
Don’t miss the opportunity to celebrate Space Day by finding an event near you and …go! You could visit a Science Center, or Observatory. If your like Charlie and I get your telescope and view the heavens.
Charlie wanted me to remind you to watch television documentaries on Space. No, matter what you do ake this a fun day. Create your own celebration with your kids or in the workplace. Teachers… don’t miss creating a special lesson plan for today. The kids will love it.
Charlie and I will be studying Space in our #Homeschool this morning. As well as playing Board Games and doing Art Projects. Then in Cooking Class we will be making Cookies related to Space.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates