Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: May 3rd. Take a look at all the things happening today and let me know which one you would like to celebrate and why.

In our Homeschool this morning I am going to have Charlie walk out to our garden to host PE Class this morning. I will be reminding Charlie he needs his Yoga mat and IPad and Earplugs.
Then we will roll out our meditation mat, and assume a yoga position, in Honor of Garden Meditation Day. Doesn’t this sound like a lot of fun? Would you like to join us?
Every gardener knows that gardening is good for the mind, body, and soul. Did you know that meditation gives us inner peace and tranquility. Meditation helps us to connect with ourselves, and even with nature. Garden Meditation Day is an outstanding merging of the values and benefits of gardening and meditation.
The creator of Garden Meditation Day is Per C.L, Fornari.
“Garden Meditation Day honors the fact that when we’re working in the landscape we have the opportunity, if we choose , to let the rest of the world fall away.
This is indeed what Meditation is: letting go of all thoughts, concerns, worries and focusing on just one thing…in this case, what we’re doing in the garden.
This is as calming as a Mantra, or focusing on the breath, to name two common forms of meditation. So those who seek a spiritual retreat, a calming Yoga experience, actually have that in their own backyards!” Did you know that?
Here is ways we can celebrate Garden Meditation Day?
Fornari suggest “Pick one thing to do which could be pulling weeds, planting seedlings, turning soil or spreading mulch. Go out with the idea that you’ll spend X amount of time on that task…it could be 20 minutes or two hours…it doesn’t matter but be realistic.
Leave your cell phone in the house. That’s right, leave your phone behind! (You can do it.) As you work, focus only on what your task at hand is. When you notice other things that have to be done, thank your mind for mentioning those but tell yourself you’ll think about those tasks later.
Gently turn your mind and body back to the one job at hand every time you’re distracted. At the end of your work, or when your time finishes, take pride in what you’ve accomplished. A deep breath, or a pat on the back or your favorite beverage and then return to the world.”
For those of us who are already gardeners, we know this feeling full well. For those of you yet to try your hand at gardening, use today to find the joy, serenity, and value of gardening.
If you do not have a garden, have no way of creating one but #Homeschooling your children like I am Charlie. Then you might want to go on a Field Trip:
Here is a few places you might visit:
- An Arboretum
- A Botanical garden
- A park

Lumpy Rug Day is intended to appreciate a good rug. A rug should be smooth, even, and definitely not lumpy. Many of us stretch out on a rug to watch TV, play games, and even catch 40 winks. If the rug is lumpy, you’ll know it.
Do you have rugs in your home I don’t but there is one on our deck for the dogs to lay out on and no, they don’t like when its bunched up or lumpy. In the next few weeks as I finish my office God willing I am going to get me a rug. Just don’t tell David or Charlie as they think its a waste of money.
I have a question for you. Did yo know there are a number of ways to enjoy Lumpy Rug Day:
- If you have a lumpy rug, toss it out then go shopping for a nice, lump-less rug.
- If you once had a lumpy rug, take a minute to remember the soft, comfortable feel of the new rug when it arrived. I know as a child my grandmother didn’t have lumpy rugs but she had a circle carpet that was rough. You sure didn’t want to lay down on it. In fact I would have taken a lumpy run over it any day of the week.
- Now if you have been BLESSED and never had a lumpy rug, count your blessings.

HOLD THE PRESSES!!! Today is World Press Freedom Day
World Press Freedom Day recognizes the value of freedom of expression, and the sacrifices journalist have made to attain this freedom. It was created, and is sponsored, by the United Nations.
While we enjoy World Press Freedom in the United States, freedom of the press, and freedom of expression, is not a given right in many countries. Thank your lucky Stars we live in a Country where it is.
Each year, UNESCO awards the UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize to someone who has made a major contribution towards journalistic freedom.
World Press Freedom Day activities include UN sponsored conferences and seminars on this issue. Teachers are encouraged to create lesson plans. If you are a teacher and have done this please share a link to your studies because I am not sure what to do for today.
As individuals, we all can learn more about the issues and, we can support efforts to further freedom of the press. Which is why I love #Homeschooling I can learn with Charlie.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates