Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: May 29th, 2021. It’s International Jazz Day and for our #Homeschool Music Class Charlie will be researching and finding 2 Jazz Singers to compose a report on for our Creative Writing Class.
International Jazz Day – Saturday of Memorial Day weekend.

International Jazz Day celebrates Jazz music and history, as well as Jazz musicians. Jazz music was born in America in the 1800’s. Over the years, it has become popular around the world. Everyone has their favorite style of music, and many say Jazz is tops. Some people have a type of music that they do not like. But everyone likes and/or loves Jazz.
The birthplace and home of Jazz music is New Orleans, La. Until you visit New Orleans and attend a real Jazz show in an authentic setting, you can’t fully appreciate the culture and beauty of this great style of music.
Enjoy International Jazz Day by sitting back and listening to your favorite Jazz tunes. Preferably, listen to them today as they are being played by a live jazz band

Learn About Composting Day is a great opportunity to “Go Green” helping the environment. Did you know Composting is easy and Composting makes you feel good, knowing your doing your part to keep our Environment a little bit cleaner. You may be surprised at how easy it is to compost and that everyone can compost.
What to compost- As you learn about composting, you will be surprised at all the things you can compost. Its common knowledge, that you can compost a Garden and Yard Vegetation, as well as kitchen (Vegetable) scraps.
But, you can also recycle many other things, including papers, untreated wood, and cardboard. Cardboard paper towel and toilet paper holders are great items to compost. Did you know that? I didn’t.
You can use compost around your plants, to feed them, and to keep the Weeds down, and to help retain soil moisture. If you don’t have a yard, you can give the Compost away to family and friends that Garden. Your reward will be Flowers, Vegetables or Herbs from thankful Gardeners.
Did you Know? You can make Compost Tea with your compost materials to feed your indoor and outdoor plants! Saving you $$$. I didn’t know that but this week in our #Homeschool Cooking Class Charlie will be researching how to make Compost Tea.
Here is more information on Compost Materials
As you learn about composting , you will see the wide array of ways you can Compost. You can start a simple Compost pile in your back yard. Or, you can select a range of composters, from compost bins and compost barrels, to compost tumblers. You can even use an indoor compost pail.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates