Unique Holidays: May 20th, 2022


Good morning, welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: May 20th, 2022. If only Charlie, David or I were millionaire’s we wouldn’t be struggling to find a new home. Since we aren’t we just PRAY and keep trying. While we wait and see what happens.

In the meantime would you take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As I looked through the list there is nothing on here I can celebrate today as I don’t work and even if I did I couldn’t bike to work as mine is in storage. As for pickintg Strawberries David is at work which means Charlie and I can’t do anywhere which stinks.

Be a Millionaire Day – a Holiday everyone can go for

Image result for Be a Millionaire Day

Be a Millionaire Day is a holiday everyone wants to enjoy and everyone wants to be a member of the millionaire club.

Okay, so a million bucks ain’t what it used to be but a million bucks is still a lot of money and I have no doubt everyone learning about Be A Milolonaire Day would like to join the Millionaire’s Club. Then, after reaching this status, you can work on your qualifications for the Billionaire’s Club.

If you are a millionaire, savor and enjoy the holiday if not, here is a number of ways to participate in Be a Millionaire Day:

  • Review your investments and look for ways to improve those investments.
  • Review your investment portfolio with a trusted investment or financial planner.
  • Increase your deposits to your savings accounts and before you say I don’t have the money even a dollar can add up.  
  • Starting a 401K or adding to your 401K is is always a good starting point.
  • Review your spending because many Millionaires get there by a combination of hard work, sound investment, and frugal spending.
  • If you have the time visit a casino.
  • When all else fails ,buy a lottery ticket.

To get you in the mood to be a millianoarie you might want to listen to this song: “I Wanna be Rich” by Calloway

History and Origin of Be a Millionaire Day:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this holiday.

National Bike to Work Day – third Friday of month

Image result for National Bike to Work Day

National Bike to Work Day is a t opportunity to get exercise, and to save gas. Especially when gas is over $4 a gallon.

Here is what National Bike to Work Day is all about and this information is straight from the League of American Bicyclists.

National Bike Month was started by the League in 1956 and the event was timed to coincide with the arrival of warmer weather. National Bike to Work Day has inspired countless bike rides, safety inspections, commuter challenges, ribbon-cuttings, “share the road” promotions, and other varied celebrations of bicycling in communities across the Nation.

One of the most popular activities in Bike Month, is encouraging people to bicycle to work and forsake their cars for just one day. Bike to Work Week is the third week in May, and the third Friday in May is designated as National Bike to Work Day.

The League was founded as the League of American Wheelmen in 1880. Bicyclists, known then as “wheelmen”, were challenged by rutted roads of gravel and dirt, and faced antagonism from horsemen, wagon drivers, and pedestrians.

Related Holidays:

Walk to Work Day

World Bicycle Day

League of American Bicyclists create National Bike Month, Week, and Day.

National Endangered Species Day – third Friday in May

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National Endangered Species Day is a holiday to raise awareness about the many Animals that are on the endangered species list. It is a time of education and action and there are many ways we can help to keep Animals from becoming extinct. On this holiday the Endangered Species Coalition, the National Wildlife Foundation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Organization and may other conservation groups offer educational programs, seminars and events, to help us to appreciate the plight of so many Animals that are on the Endangered Species List.

The Animal kingdom is a very diverse list of creatures that roam the land, Sea and air of our planet and it includes land Animals, Birds, Fish and Sea Creatures as well as Insects. However, the list of God’s creatures is finite, and the number is decreasing. We all know that the Dinosaur and the Wooly Mammoth have come and gone millions of years ago. In more recent times, we have lost the American Buffalo, Barbary Lion, Great Auk, the Carrier Pigeon, Blue Whale and a large range of creatures of all kinds. Much of the lost species are due to the encroachment of humans on animal habitats, as well as environmental destruction and alteration of the animal’s environment. 

The endangered species list is filled with animals of all kinds and it includes different types of Elephants, Rhinos, Orangutans, Gorillas and Leopards. You will find  both the Giant and Red Pandas on this list. The list includes Dolphins, Turtles, Penguins and Whales. Plenty of Birds, Fish, and Insects have made the endangered species list as well.

Don’t you think it’s time to stop the disappearance of so many Animals? On National Endangered Species Day, Wildlife and Conservation Organizations hold educational programs and seminars to teach and inform people about the plight of these animals. They teach us about the need to do our part, to help maintain and protect their habitat. You can contribute to one of \ organizations, whose goal is to protect these Animals and their habitats. You can research ways to Go Green, and keep from doing things that harm the environment. After all environmental health is good for the animal kingdom. If you are one of the fortunate few, you might find an opportunity to work directly with efforts to save animals on the Endangered Species List.  

History and Origin of National Endangered Species Day:

The U.S. Congress proclaimed the first Endangered Species Day in 2006. The Endangered Species Coalition led the effort to get congress to pass the resolution.

Pick Strawberries Day

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Pick Strawberries Day is a tasty way to enjoy a late Spring day. If your mom or dad ever took you picking fresh Strawberries, then you have a wonderful childhood memory. That memory is what will draw you to enjoy today with your own kids. If you’ve never picked fresh Strawberries, you’ve missed out on the fun. Many of those Strawberries never make it out of the field they go straight into the pickers mouth.

For those who have picked Strawberries before, get out today and pick Strawberries and for those who have never picked Strawberries in the field, start a new tradition today!

 For Strawberry information on how to grow Strawberries, see More on Strawberries

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates