Good morning, welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: May 18th, 2021. Take a look at all the Holidays this morning and let me know which one you most would like to celebrate and why.

International Museum Day is a good opportunity to visit, appreciate, and support your local museum. If your Homeschooling like we are its the perfect time to go on a Field Trip either in person or Virtually to a Museum.
The goals of International Museum Day is to give museum professionals the opportunity to meet the public. To make the public aware of challenges faced by museums. Each year, a different theme is promoted.
The largest museum in the world is the Louvre in Paris, France. Established in 1792, the Louvre is located in the Louvre Palace and is 782,910 square feet. It is a historic monument. The Louvre is home to the Mona Lisa.
Ways to celebrate International Museum Day:
- Visit a museum
- If you can’t visit today, learn a little more about your local museum
- donate to a museum
- volunteer to work at a museum

I can tell you Charlie and David aren’t going to want to hear It’s National No Dirty Dishes Day because there is a few dishes in the sink and I plan on insisting they wash those dishes.
Because now, that our kitchen and living room is all open I don’t like people walking in and seeing a sink full of dirty dishes. Do you? Before you ask if I couldn’t wash the dishes and yes, I could but I have to get today’s work done as well as Wednesday and Thursday since we will be out of town.
No Dirty Dishes Day is a reprieve from the daily pile of dishes to wash and dry. Day after day, we do the daily chore of washing and drying dishes, then put them away in various cabinets and drawers. We perform this task after each and every meal, and often after snacks. Even putting them in and out of the dishwasher and running it, can be a chore.
You deserve a break from this routine. And, today is that day. The objective of this day is to have no dirty dishes. It is not intended to pile them up until tomorrow.
We can think of two ways to avoid dirty dishes today:
- Use disposable plates, cups and silverware for all meals and snacks.
- Take the family out to eat all three meals. Then for snack, go out for ice cream!
We strongly recommend that you do not pile up the dishes to do tomorrow. This defeats the purpose of this very special day.

Visit Your Relatives Day encourages us to visit our relatives and loved ones. The day is intended to give us the opportunity to get closer to our relatives, and to build (or re-build) family ties and relationships.
I had thought about visiting my mother in law this morning but its Raining Cats & Dogs so I am not going out at all. Which stinks because today is my sisters day off and usually she will stop by.
But not today with this Rain and that stinks because Charlie and I miss her. Yes, we said it we miss our RELATIVES and its why I am going to see my brother this week. Do you miss your Relatives at all?
I know its easy to get out of touch with loved ones because we all lead busy lives. A visit with the relative, is sometimes relegated to Christmas or few other choice major holidays. For my family a lot of time the only time we see our Family is at a FUNERAL and it shouldn’t be that way….
If you can not visit your relatives today, then you should take the time to call them or send them a card. Both snail mail and online cards will do.
If you don’t get to visit your mother-in-law today, you will have another chance on Mother-In-Law Day. I didn’t know there was such a Holiday did you?
But unlike a lot of people I love my Mother in Law and she is one of my best friends. Not, only that I was blessed when David and I got Married because my mom and David also became really good friends.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates