Good morning, how are you? I would like to ask you to check out our series featuring Unique Holidays: May 16th, 2021. As you look through the events leave me a comment and let me know which one you most would like to celebrate and why.

When I mentioned its Love A Tree Day Charlie said he have enough trees in our yard to do just that and he is right about that. I just wish the Climbing Roses we planted would have came up.
David thinks they died and even though I don’t want to admit it I am afraid he is right and I don’t know why they did. We did everything we was supposed to do including giving them Rose Food.]
Since I can’t give them love this morning I will get the Tree the Woodpecker I love a lot of love because without that Tree I wouldn’t have a Woodpecker or other Birds that come to visit from time to time.
It’s Love a Tree Day, go out and give a tree a great big hug. Or, climb up into your favorite tree, and share some quality time with it.
Trees are a good thing, they give us shade, comfort and warmth. Trees give off Oxygen, too. There are many, benefits provided by trees. Giving you a good reason to love a tree or two.
Everyone has a favorite kind of tree. Use today to identify a tree you love, and to pamper it. Give your favorite tree a trim. Eliminate competitors around the tree. Feed your tree a dose of fertilizer. Tree spikes work great. Don’t forget to, give the tree some water, if it is thirsty.
On Love a Tree Day, your attention must be turned toward trees. A bush or a shrub just won’t do.

As a child I remember children having Sea Monkey Kits but this is something I ever wanted. My sister and brother didn’t have a kit either. Did you?
National Sea Monkey Day celebrates an amazing pet that comes alive when placed in water. Children and adults are fascinated by Sea Monkeys, that almost instantly are born when placed in water.
Celebrate this day by spending some time with your Sea Monkeys. Watch them swim and play. Give them an extra treat. If you do not have sea monkeys, today is the day to go out and buy a kit.

Seems like I am always a day late or a day early. Yesterday and the day before I wore purple. Now, I need to find another purple shirt to wear today. Would you join me please as we Wear Purple for Peace Day.
The hard part is going to be to get David to wear purple because even explaining why were wearing it I don’t think would make him want to wear purple.
As for Charlie once he hears the reason behind Wear Purple for Peace Day I believe he will ask me to go to Walmart and get him a purple shirt. Would your children do this?
It’s Wear Purple for Peace Day and you’d think this day originated in protest of a particular war or conflict. Or, perhaps it should have been conceived by the UN, or another peacemaking or peace keeping group. Our \research found no evidence supporting the origin of this holiday stemming from these sources.
Rather, we found this day to be a stellar event. It seems some of you out there fear that aliens from outer space consider earthlings to be too hostile (you’ve got that right). As a result, they have yet to visit or make contact with us. So, some of you (originators unknown) decided to promote world peace by establishing Wear Purple for Peace Day.
The goal of Wear Purple for Peace Day is to make the world a peaceful place and, of course, encourage alien species to make contact with earth.
Would you like to meet aliens from another planet? Me, too! So, lets wear purple for peace today.

Song of the Day: One Eyed, One Horned, Flying Purple People Eaters. (1968)
I remember listening to this song as a child. I can’t wait to play it for Charlie. In Homeschool I want Charlie to write a song about the One Eyed, One Horned, Flying Purple People Eaters and to write a description of what the Monster is doing and why.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates