Good evening, tomorrow I am having lunch with my best friend and I didn’t know if I would have time to share our series on Unique Holiday: May 12th, 2021 with you.
So here I am this evening sharing all the Holidays for tomorrow. Take a look through them and let me know which one you most would like to celebrate and why.

Fatigue Syndrome Day can be quite a tiring day.
Today recognizes the fact that sometimes life is just too tiring. Perhaps you’re tired because your not getting enough sleep. Perhaps, you’re stressed out.
People experience chronic fatigue from worrying, or due to problems there facing. Aall common causes of persistent fatigue. Whatever the cause, use today to identify the fatigue, and correct it.
Did you know Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disorder. If your always tired or fatigued, perhaps its time to visit your general practitioner!? Use today to place that call, and to make an appointment.
Suggested Activities for Today:
- Go right back to bed
- Take a nap
- Take a siesta
- Use up a vacation day
- Cancel activities for the day
- Get the picture, get into the day!
I have a question for you. Did you know a lack of exercise can contribute to fatigue?
Do you suffer from fatigue because I do. No, matter how much sleep I get I am always tired. I can take a nap at the drop of a hat. Riding in a car or watching TV a lot of times I find myself drifting off to sleep. Do you do this?

Date When Celebrated :
- May 7-13: National Nurse’s Week
- May 8: National Student Nurses Day
- May 6th: National Nurses Day
- Wednesday of Nurse’s Week: School Nurses Day
- May 12: International Nurse’s Day
- November 14: Operating Room Nurse Day
National Nurses Week, and a number of specific Nurses Days during this week, provides recognition to nurses for their contributions and commitment to quality health care.
International Nurses Day brings awareness to the importance of nurses in the care, comfort, and well being of all of us, and especially our children and the aging, and those in poor health.

Limerick Day celebrates the birthday of Writer Edward Lear (1812-1888). Which also, celebrates Limerick poems which were popularized by Lear in 1846 in his Book of Nonsense”.
Limerick Day is a time to get your fill of Limerick poems. Were so glad that Limerick Day came along to brighten up our lives. You can Celebrate Limerick Day by writing a Limerick or two of your own. Or, sit down and read a Limericks whichare guaranteed to make you smile.
If you aren’t sure what a Limerick is its a humorous verse or poem. They are five lines longs. Limericks name comes from the city of Limerick, Ireland. The first two lines rhyme with the fifth line. The third and fourth lines rhyme.
I have a question for you. Did you know Limerick is the third largest city in Ireland.
National Receptionist Day the second Wednesday in May

Don’t confuse National Receptionist Day for Administrative Professionals Day or even Secretary’s Day. Receptionists, this is your day! Okay, maybe it’s not a day off, but, this is a day to recognize and appreciate all the things that you do!
The purpose of Receptionists Day are two-fold. First, it gives recognition to receptionists. After all, they’re the first person customers see when they walk through the door of your company. The great first impression is molded in large part thanks to your cheerful receptionist.
The second reason is to promote pride and professionalism in the position. On this day, treat your Receptionist with flowers, candy, or a lunch!
Note: There is also a “Receptionist Week which is celebrated the Second week of May.
School Nurses Day the Wednesday during Nurse’s Week

If Charlie was still in Middle School you can bet your bottom dollar we would have gotten his school nurse Mrs. Janie something because she wasn’t just the best nurse but the best friend a student or parent could have.
Since I homeschool Charlie and I am not only his teacher, but the principal, janitor and nurse does this mean I get Gifts today? If so I could use a Glass of Sweet Tea from Sonic and a Doughnut from Krispy Kreme please.
Date When Celebrated :
- May 7-13: National Nurse’s Week
- May 8: National Student Nurses Day
- May 6th: National Nurses Day
- Wednesday of Nurse’s Week: School Nurses Day
- May 12: International Nurse’s Day
- November 14: Operating Room Nurse Day
National Nurses Week, along with a number of specific Nurses Days happen during this week. Providing recognition to nurses for their contributions and commitment to quality health care. School Nurses Day brings awareness to the importance of nurses in the care , comfort, and well being of all of us. Especially our children and the aging, and those in poor health.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates