Unique Holidays: March 6th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, Unique Holidays: March 6th, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. Charie and I will be celebrating National Frozen Food Month with a Pizza this morning. Would you like to join us for lunch.

Dentist’s Day– always March 6

Image result for Dentist's Day

Would you please open your mouth and say “Aaaah” because Dentist’s Day has arrived? Which is a Holiday to display a big, toothy grin. Our Dentist plays a role in that smile and the dentist is an important person in keeping your smile bright, and our teeth and mouth healthy. Therefore, it is only fitting that we have a Holiday to celebrate the Dentist.

Celebrating our dentist is one thing and going to see the dentist, is another thing entirely. If your Dentist is an important person, then why are we scared of the next dental visit? Is it perhaps the fear of discovering a cavity? Or because the dentist might find the beginnings of gum disease? The fear of the dentist ranks right up there with the fear of pulling teeth! 

Among the ways to celebrate today are:

  • Giving our dentist a big “Thank you”
  • Sending your dentist an Ecard or Greeting Card in the mail
  • Making a dental appointment
  • Start using dental floss daily
  • Improving your daily dental care routine
  • Showing off your great smile

Also see Tooth Ache Day and Tooth Fairy Day.

Namesake Day – first Sunday in March

I would like to ask if you know if who you were named after? Why were you named after that person(s)?

These are all excellent questions to explore and find the answer to on Namesake Day.

Your parent selected a name to give to you for very good reasons and as parents-in-waiting, we spend countless hours poring through baby name books. We seek names that sound good, or we choose names that honor someone we love or respect. We read up on what the meaning of the names on our short list represent.  Then, on the day you are born, we bestow a first and middle name for very good and purposeful reasons.

If you don’t know why mom and dad named you Billy, or Susie, Mason or Carter? Maybe, mom and dad anointed you Alex or Erica, simply because it was on the Top 10 list of names the year you were born.  If you don’t know why you were given the name that you have, don’t you think it’s time to find out!? Contact your mom and dad, to get the answers. If mom and/or dad are no longer around, perhaps a grandparent, Aunt or Uncle can offer the insight to this question.

 Related Special Event Days: Middle Name Day

National Frozen Food Day

Image result for National Frozen Food Day

On March 6th, we celebrate subzero sustenance with National Frozen Food Day. The Holiday was established by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 with Proclamation #5157: “Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim March 6th, 1984, as Frozen Food Day. I call upon the American people to observe this Holiday with ceremonies and activities.” Get to the frozen food aisle and stock up your freezer to celebrate National Frozen Food Day.


  1. This is the month to appreciate the diversity of the frozen food industry by enjoying frozen food for every meal on this Holi. Start the day with a frozen Waffle or Pancakes. Then for lunch how about a frozen Burrito? Diner for everyone can be a variety of frozen Pizza. For dessert, enjoy a slice of Pie or piece of Cake with Ice Cream.
  2. Have a TV dinner party filled with a complete meal with a main and sides made for eating in front of the television? Which are the quintessential American frozen food. Invite your friends over for a dinner party where TV dinners are the order of the day. Make sure to purchase a variety of TV Dinners and let your friends choose what they want for dinner Or set the dinners out family style and everyone can share.
  3. National Frozen Food Day was established in support of the frozen food industry, but you can also celebrate the wonder of the freezer by making your own frozen food!


  1. Thanks to frozen food, we may never have to have to cook because we can keep all kinds of meals in our freezers that are ready to go with just a few minutes in the microwave. This could be Indian curry, Thai Noodles, or a Pot Pie.
  2. A lot of us love Vegetables but it feels like we are always throwing out produce that has gone bad before we have a chance to use the Produce. With bags of frozen Kale and Spinach in the freezer, you can always get your greens.
  3. Ice Cream is one of the most delicious foods in the world. Thanks to the wonders of the frozen food industry, we can have Ice Cream in our homes at all times.

National Oreo Cookie Day– always March 6th.

Image result for National Oreo Cookie Day

Oreo Cookies are one of America’s favorite Cookies. However, it doesn’t stop there. Oreo Cookies are one of the most popular Cookies in the world. Therefore, it is only fitting that today is designated as National Oreo Cookie Day. On this Holiday, we celebrate the creation of the Oreo Cookie and take a few minutes to savor this Holiday. As you continue to read about this day, we encourage you to pour a glass of Milk, grab Oreos, and relax for a bit.

For over a Century, Oreos have been a favorite Cookie of children around the world. The same goes for men and women. In 1912, Sam J. Porcello invented the Oreo Cookie while working as a Scientist at the National Biscuit Company. You’ve probably already guessed National Biscuit Company company would go on to become Nabisco Company. In 1912, it was originally called the “Oreo Biscuit” which was sold in a tin for 25 cents per pound. Over the decades, its name was progressively changed from the “Oreo Biscuit” to “Oreo Sandwich”, to ” Oreo Creme Sandwich”, and finally to “Oreo Cookie”.

How to Eat Oreo Cookies:

There are several ways to eat oreo cookies and no, wrong way

  • Just pick up an Oreo and eat it
  • Dip the Oreo Cookie in Milk and then eat it.
  • Take the top cookie off and eat it. Lick off the icing, then eat the bottom cookie.
  • Any or all combination of the above.
  • Crumble up a couple cookies and put them in Ice Cream.

History and Origin of “National Oreo Cookie Day”:

The creation and history of Oreo Cookies is well known. However, we have not yet identified who created  National Oreo Cookie Day or when and our research tracked the origin of this Holiday to around 2016.
March 6th was selected, as this is the date that Oreo Cookies were invented.

It is also obvious why this Holiday way created. To celebrate and enjoy delicious Oreos.

What is surprising, is the creator chose to call this a “National” day. Given the Oreo Cookie’s world-wide renown, we think it has earned the right to be called a “World” or “International” day.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates