Unique Holidays: March 31st, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: March 31st, 2022. I would like to ask you to take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. For me if I didn’t have everything packed, I would get out my crayons and coloring book and color.

Bunsen Burner Day

Image result for Bunsen Burner Day

Bunsen Burner Day celebrates the birthday of its creator German Chemist Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Von Bunsen who was born on March 31st, 1811, and Von Bunsen created the Bunsen Burner.

If you are or were at one time a high school student, you know about the Bunsen Burner or if you work in a Chemistry Laboratory, chances are you use the Bunsen Burner in your job. If it’s been a while since high school Chemistry class, the memory of the Bunsen Burner may have faded.

In case your memory has faded, the Bunsen Burner is a long, hollow tube and Gas and Air are combined to create a hot flame. Then the Bunsen Burner is used in a wide range of Scientific or Laboratory projects.

Spend a few minutes today to appreciate the value of this Scientific tool and I will let you determine how many minutes to spend in reflection. 

History and Origin of Bunsen Burner Day:

We know that the Bunsen Burner Day was created to honor the birth of Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Von Bunsen, but we did not discover who created this Holiday, or when this Holiday was created.

National Clam on the Half Shell Day– always held on March 31st.

Image result for National Clam on the Half Shell Day

Today is Clam on the Half Shell Day which the world really needs a Holiday like today. You must be elated that someone was smart enough, and had the insight, to create this Holiday for us to enjoy.

We hope that you like Clams because, the objective of the Holiday is to enjoy Clams on the half shell. If your like Charlie and I and you don’t like Clams, don’t be sad because you can celebrate other Holidays today.

National Crayon Day

Image result for national crayon day

Today is a colorful day, and a day truly worth celebrating because it’s National Crayon Day. A Holiday to celebrate the creation of crayons and the joy of coloring.

Did you know the origin of Crayons dates back to the17th Century/ In those days, the original Crayons were not made of Wax? The colors in those early days, were more limited, and not as durable. Wax Crayons arrived at the beginning of the 1900’s.

In 1902, the Crayola brand arrived on the scene and the world of Crayons has never been the same. Between 1902 and today, Crayola has come out with 120 colors. This Holiday can be a little bittersweet, because Crayola has retired 50 colors, most often on this Holiday.

Crayon Trivia

  • Crayola makes over 3 billion Crayons a year while other manufacturers combined are just a small fraction of total annual production.
  • The world’s largest Crayon was made by Crayola, and the Crayola was 15’6″ feet tall and weighed 1,352 pounds.
  • Did you know the smell of Crayons is the most recognizable scent for adults?
  • Over the years, Crayola has made over 237 billion Crayons.

Do you know what to do to celebrate National Crayon Day? Get out the coloring book and crayons and get to coloring.

How to Celebrate National Crayon Day

Get your crayons and coloring book out and start coloring and if you are an adult, coloring will bring back fond memories and make you feel like a kid again.

While we firmly believe this should be a National Holiday, there is no official act of Congress or Presidential Proclamation.

World Backup Day

Image result for World Backup Day

World Backup Day serves as a very important reminder to secure vital files, by making a back up copy.

In today’s world, nearly everything is on an electronic file stored in our cell phone or computer. At the same time, life is fast paced, that many of us do not take the time to back up our files. Imagine how you’d feel, if you do not have those precious photos stored in a backup file or up in The Cloud. If you don’t back up those important files and documents on your computer, a system crash, can cause you many hours in re-creating the files. When it comes to photos, you just can’t recreate those images.

This Holiday encourages us to stop and back up all of our files and before you ask, do it now because it only takes a few minutes.

History and Origin of World Backup Day:

Although there is a website URL worldbackupday.com, there is no person or company that claims responsibility for creating this Holiday or when. As of this writing, there isn’t even an email contact on the website for information.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates