Unique Holidays: March 30th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good afternoon, how are you? I would like to share Unique Holidays: March 30th, 2022, happening today. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for me I wish I could say I am in Control and celebrate this Holiday but that just isn’t the case.

I am in Control Day

Image result for I am in Control Day

On March 30, 1981, President Ronald Reagan was wounded in an assassination attempt and lots of confusion prevailed. In the White House, then Secretary of State Alexander Haig was taken a little out of context when he said, “I am in control here”. Instead of focusing upon the entire statement, people and the press focused upon these few words. Political uproar eventually led to his resignation. 

On that infamous day, I am in Control Day was born.

History sometimes fades with time and Alexander Haig’s statement was all but forgotten. Meanwhile, this Holiday continues on, and evolves. In the case of I am in Control Day, which is not a bad thing. People came to think about this day in a different, context. They personalized I am in Control Day into a day to get their life in control. In that sense, today is definitely a call to action.  I am in Control Day is your chance to get things in order and under control.

Most likely, the first step is to take a deep breath and relax then assess the situation and get things under control. Once you have accomplished this you can work on staying in control everyday. 

This Holiday is closely related to Panic Day (March 9th). Perhaps you went through Panic Day before getting things under control, if so, then now is the time to celebrate.

Don’t forget the real roots of I Am in Control Day, as spoken by Secretary of State Alexander Haig in 1981.

National Doctor’s Day

Image result for National Doctor's Day

National Doctor’s Day was created to show appreciation to your doctors because we all know doctors perform vital diagnosis, treatment and care for you and your family. When you are well, your doctor keeps you well. When you are sick, there is no one more important to you than your doctor.

Hallmark suggests you send your doctors a card of appreciation. Card companies have cards for this event which isn’t a surprise.

We suggest you simply tell your doctor(s) that you appreciate all that they do for you. If you don’t see your doctor today, make a note to thank them at your next appointment or you could send them an Ecard.

History and Origin of “National Doctor’s Day”:

Doctors’ Day observances date back to March 30th, 1933, and it was started by Eudora Brown Almond of Winder, Ga. The day marks the anniversary of the first use of general anesthesia in surgery. The first National Doctor’s Day was celebrated in 1991.

On March 30, 1958, the United States House of Representatives adopted a resolution commemorating Doctors’ Day. In 1990, the Congress and the Senate approved legislation establishing National Doctors Day and the resolution designating March 30th as National Doctors’ Day which was signed by President George Bush.

Take a Walk in the Park Day

Image result for Take a Walk in the Park Day

Don’t miss out on ” Take a Walk in the Park Day” which offers us an opportunity for exercise and relaxation. Are you stressed out then a walk in the park is just what the doctor ordered? Walking in the park is calming and therapeutic. Taken after a busy workday, walking in the park helps clear your mind and re-energize you. Or take the walk during lunch and you will find the afternoon goes by quicker and easier.

A walk in the park will likely be the most enjoyable part of your day. However, make sure to do so with a clear mind and with your eyes open. In addition to avoiding a fall, open eyes will allow you to take in the beauty of nature’s wonders.

We suggest you take a walk in the park with your family which will prove enjoyable.

Turkey Neck Soup Day

Today is Turkey Neck Soup Day and I suggest you follow the aroma coming from your kitchen if you make Turkey Neck Soup and pour yourself a bowl. People are certain you will gobble the Turkey Soup up, and even ask for more.

While some people are turned off at the thought of eating a Turkey Neck, I encourage you to get over your hesitation. Turkey Necks are very flavorful, and Turkey Necks makes an excellent Soup Stock. All you need to do is add your favorite Veggies and Spices.

Related Information:

Turkey Trivia

History and Origin of “Turkey Neck Soup Day”:

We have yet to find the author or any concrete information about the origin of this Holiday which appears to have originated around 2015.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates