Unique Holidays: March 29th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: March 29th, 2022. Today is National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day and did you know my dad owned his own Typewrite Shop when I was a child. Not only that I own my own Marketing Business which makes me a Mom and Pop Business Owner. Are you a Mom and Pop Business Owner as well?

National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

Image result for National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day

National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day celebrates small business owners. These individuals spend countless hours growing their enterprises. The workload demands, and lack of a hired staff, translates into long and late hours. They miss family and personal events. Although they love what they do because they are their own boss.

New businesses have always been a vital, yet not fully appreciated, part of the U.S. Economy. On the retail side, they bring unique products to the marketplace. Mom and Pop businesses provide stellar and personal service support. When you call, you are more likely to get a real, live person and unlike national chains, Mom and Pop business owners know their products and they are outstanding performers in niche markets. In manufacturing, they create many new concepts and ideas, making them creators of new products.

Origin and History Origin of National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day:

” This holiday was created to honor the business that their parents started on 3/29/39 in Everett , MA. A Hat Shop called Ruth’s. Ruth’s later developed into a woman’s specialty clothing store and moved to Medford , MA , increasing in size to 10,000 square feet with over $2 million dollars revenue until Ruth’s closed in 1997.”  

Rick Segel, Poinciana, FL 34759

 Smoke and Mirrors Day

Image result for Smoke and Mirrors Day

Smoke and Mirrors Day is a day of illusions, and the term “smoke and mirrors” means something is not really as it appears to be. People often put-up smoke and mirrors to hide something.

This Holiday is also referred to as the Festival of Smoke and Mirrors. Many of us will use any excuse to have a party. Why not hold a Festival of Smoke and Mirrors? As a result, we were surprised that we did not discover an actual festival. I do have a question for you. Who needs historical facts to have fun on a special Holiday?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates