Unique Holidays: March 27th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series celebrating Unique Holidays: March 27th, 2022. Charlie wanted me to ask you if you knew today was National Joe Day and if you ever wanted to change your name. I didn’t want to change mine or Charlie’s, but I would have liked to change Suzzane’s to either Katherine Danielle or Danielle Rose, but my dad choose her name and it was easier to use it than create drama I would have had to live with all my life.

National “Joe” Day

Image result for National "Joe" Day

National Joe Day gives us a chance to change your name, even if it’s only for today.

Many people do not like their given name and they wish they could change their name and a few actually do change their name. On National Joe Day, it is perfectly okay to have everyone call you “Joe”. Why Joe, and not Bob or Mike or Radcliffe? Simply, because everyone likes the name Joe and if you are called Joe today, we know that you’re “Joe cool”!

This works well for the men out there but what about the ladies? We suggest you choose Joe as well because I have a friend named Jo. How about you do you know any ladies named Joe?

Oscar Night – date varies

Image result for Oscar Night

Future Years: TBD

The Academy of Motion Pictures, Arts and Sciences awards the Oscars every year for the very best in Motion Pictures over the past year. While there are many award ceremonies over the year, did you know the Oscars are the most coveted?

Many people have a television party for the evening, preparing foods and snacks, researching the nominees, and guessing and yes, betting who will win. Historical facts of past Oscars and winners become popular “Did you Know” conversations.

People watch the awards to see what the actors and actresses will wear as much as they do to see who wins. Did you know the next day there will be lists and people talking about the best dresses, the worst dressed, and the yes, the least dressed?

More Information:

Oscars.com The official site for the Oscars and Oscar nominations

Oscars.org The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

Hollywood.com Movies celebrities, information and more

Fun Stuff:

Pumpkin Oscars and your thought the Academy Awards were fun!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates