Good evening, welcome back to our series sharing Unique Holidays: March 23rd, 2022. Can you believe this month is almost over? In the meantime, take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which Holiday you most want to celebrate and why. As for Charlie and I we are going to celebrate National Chip & Dip Day along with National Puppy Day. Would you like to join us in our celebrations tomorrow?

Today is Melba Toast Day. But, just what is Melba toast? And, how did this special day come to be!?
Melba toast is a thin, dry slice of bread, that has been toasted to a crisp texture.
Melba Toast was originally named “Toast Marie”, by its creator, famous chef Auguste Excoffier. The name did not stick for long. Famous opera singer, Dame Nellie Melba, took ill and was on a limited diet, including dry toast. It was quickly renamed Melba Toast and became part of Nellie’s diet while she was ill. There are conflicting dates when this occurred. Most dated place it in 1897 or 1901.
Take a Guess: Who was Peach Melba named for? You guessed correctly!
It is very easy to enjoy Melba Toast Day. Simply spread any kind of jelly, cheese, or other snack spread on pieces of melba toast. Then, chow down!
Other Names: This special day has also been referred to a: Toast Day and variations, including reference to it as a national day in the title.
Similar Days:
National Chip and Dip Day celebrates America’s favorite snack duet. If you re holding a party, it is almost certain that chips and dips are on the snack list. The only possible exclusion would be for an Ice Cream party.
Important Note: National Potato Chip Day is on March 14th. For today’s celebration, the “chip” is more generic. It could be corn chips, or tortilla chips. And, the dip is any kind that goes well with the chip of choice.
Today is best celebrated in the evening with a bag of chips and your favorite dip.
Fun Factoid: Women spend more time wondering what men are thinking than men spend thinking.
History and Origin of “National Chip and Dip Day”:
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. This day was most likely created by the snack food industry.
This is referred to as a “National” day. We did not find any congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day.

National Puppy Day, also called International Puppy Day, celebrates puppies! It is a special day to recognize the unconditional love puppies give us, and the joy they bring into our lives. It should come as no surprise, that one of the goals of National Puppy Day, is to encourage us to adopt orphaned puppies.
How to Celebrate National Puppy Day
The top ways to celebrate this very special day, is to adopt a puppy and to play with your puppy. The list of ideas are almost endless. Do anything with or for your puppy, or further the welfare of abandoned and orphaned puppies. If your puppy is grown up, feel fee to extend these ideas for this day to your “big, grown-up puppy”.
Today’s Laugher:” If what you’ve done is stupid, but it works, then it wasn’t all that stupid.” – – David Letterman
History and Origin of “National Puppy Day”:
National Puppy Day was created in 2006 by celebrity Pet & Home Lifestyle expert, Colleen Paige.
Near Miss Day commemorates the day a huge Asteroid nearly missed hitting the earth.
On March 23, 1989, an asteroid the size of a mountain, came within 500,000 miles of a collision with Earth. In interstellar terms, it was a near miss. Had it collided with the Earth, it would have left a devastating crater the size of Washington, D.C. It’s affect on the planet would have been catastrophic. Since then, there have been other near misses.
Near misses with large, potentially life threatening galactic objects happens on an infrequent basis. It is believed a large asteroid collided with the earth and caused the extinction of dinosaurs. Scientists believe it is only a matter of time before another catastrophic collision with Earth. But, don’t worry. The odds are it will not happen for a long, long time.
Today’s Laugher: “Pretending to be courageous is just as good as the real thing.” – – David Letterman
History and Other Asteroid Near Misses:
- 2003 SQ222 – Approximately 10 meters in diameter, came within 54,700 miles of earth on September 27, 2003.
- Asteroid 2002 EM7 – Approximately, 70 meters long, this rock came within 288,000 miles in March, 2002.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates