Unique Holidays: March 22nd, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, I wanted to bring you our series sharing Unique Holidays: March 22nd, 2022. I would like to ask you to check out the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why. As for as young as you feel day, I wish I could say I felt young, but I don’t so I guess I will sit this Holiday out and celebrate National Goof Off Day with Charlie. Would you like to join us in goofing off this evening?

As Young As You  Feel Day– always held on March 22nd.

Image result for As Young As You Feel Day

All of a sudden, we wake up one day, and realize we are not a kid anymore. Lately, you’ve noticed that you’re acting more and more like your parents and you’re doing the things people your age is expected to do. But you feel great, and certainly not as old as the age on your driver’s license. Fortunately for you, As Young as You Feel Day has arrived on giving you the opportunity to change your attitude on life for the better. 

In our early childhood we look forward to getting older and each year we can’t wait for the next birthday to arrive. As we progress to our teens, we begin to look forward to being an adult and the freedom that adulthood brings. Reaching the legal drinking age is cause for a huge celebration. Our twenties are perhaps some of our best years of our lives. We’re young, healthy, energetic, adventuresome, and enjoying all the benefits of early adulthood. Then, we reach our 29th birthday and all of a sudden, we’re thinking “29 and holding”.  29 is the age when many of us want to stay right here forever. Time continues and all of a sudden, we reach that age when we begin to wish we were younger for a whole bunch of reasons. The years march on and pile up and we begin to act and feel our age. We no longer seek the exciting and carefree activities and behaviors of our youth.  Sometimes we act the way we do, simply because we feel “That’s the way Grandmas are supposed to act”.

Age is just a number, nothing more. Being a Centenarian is about chronological age. Being as young as you feel is not about these calendar benchmarks, it is a whole lot more and it’s breaking the stereotype of how a person your age is supposed to behave. Our hero and idol on this day is former President George H. Bush, who at the age of 90 years young parachuted out of an airplane. If President Bush can do that you can break the shackles of your inhibitions by going out and doing something exciting.   

With the arrival of As Young as You Feel Day, it’s time to lose your inhibitions and anything goes. Don’t limit your behaviors to how other people think you should behave at this age in your life. As the saying goes, “Sixty is the new Forty”. That means 80 is the new 60 and today is the day to start doing the things that make you feel younger. Go out dancing and stay out late. Have you always wanted to go on a zip line or scuba dive? Then today is the day to do these things.

Tom and Ruth Roy, the creators of this Holiday, got it right when they said “Now more than ever you are as young as you feel. So, stop acting your chronological age and get out there and start feeling peppy.”

Movie of the Day: “As Young as you Feel“, a 1951 comedy starring Marilyn Monroe

National Goof Off Day

Now here’s a Holiday that just about everybody can relax and enjoy. It’s a day to do anything and everything except what you’re supposed to do today.

Assuming you won’t get in trouble at work or school, go ahead and play Golf. Spend extra time surfing the net. Go out and spend the day window shopping with your favorite friend. Or, just read sit down and read a book or watch TV. This Holiday is set aside for you to do anything you enjoy doing.

A few years ago, a survey was performed to identify the most popular activity for goofing off. The top activity was playing video games. Who conducted the survey? Nintendo. No surprise. It kind of makes you wonder who might have had the brainstorm to create this Holiday. Nowadays, the most popular Goof Off Day activity is likely playing games on the internet, or on our Smart Phones.

Today’s News Alert: There is a suspicious email going around offering pork, gelatin and salt in a can. Do not open is. It’s Spam!

History and Origin of National Goof Off Day:

Monica “Moeller” Dufour of Davison Mi. and her grandfather created this Holiday. Here’s what she told us:

“My Grandfather, William D. Chase, created Chases’ Calendar. When I was 10, (1976) I was listening to him speaking on a radio station encouraging people to call with ideas. I disguised my voice and called with Goof-Off Day since I was goofing off by calling in. My grandfather said there wasn’t such a Holiday, but he thought it was a great idea. The next day, I confessed to him I called in about Goof-Off Day. My grandfather smiled and showed me a local newspaper that said there was a need for a Goof-Off Day. I guess the reporter got wind of the interview. Anyway, that is how the holiday began.

We found no information to suggest that this day is truly a “National” Holiday, but we did find references to this day as International Goof Off Day on the same date but there are no known records making it official. 


 National / World Agriculture Day – date varies

Image result for National / World Agriculture Day

National Agriculture Day is a salute to American Agriculture and everyone who plays a role in it.

According to the Agricultural Day website, the purpose of National Agriculture Day is to “celebrate the abundance provided by Agriculture”.

Every year, producers, associations, universities and other groups recognize and celebrate the contributions of Agriculture.

 National Agriculture Day is sometimes referred to as World Agriculture Day. Agriculture is a vital industry to feed the billions of hungry people on the planet.

On this day:

  • Today is the day to spend a little time better understanding Agriculture.
  • Learn about how food is produced and distributed
  • Encourage people to enter Agriculture as a career.
  • Eat well today and as you do, think about all that goes into bringing the food you eat to your table.
  • Plan to get involved in Agriculture this Spring, by planting a Vegetable Garden.

The date of this Holiday can vary, and it is often, but not always on the first day of Spring.

History and Origin of “National Agriculture Day”:

On February 29, 2012, Agriculture Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack proclaimed March 8, 2012, to be National Agriculture Day. This proclamation stated a specific date and year which can vary each year. The Agricultural Secretary annually proclaims the date of National Agriculture Day. In 2018, it was President Donald Trump who made the proclamation.

This Holiday is organized and promoted by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA).

This Holiday originated in 1973.

If you see it listed on a different date on other websites, those websites are probably not keeping up with the creator’s established date, which varies.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates