Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: March 21st, 2022. Like many Americans I need to work on my Credit but one thing we do not have is Credit Card Debt because we do not use Credit Cards, we pay cash for anything we want. Which in a way has hindered our credit but once we move, I plan on changing that?
In the meantime, take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why. In the meantime, it’s all Fragrance Day and I don’t know about you, but I need to purchase perfume but first I need to decide which scent I want. Do you use perfume? What kind?

Credit Card Reduction Day– always March 21st
Credit card debt can have a devastating effect on our lives. Credit Card Debt keeps us from buying the house of our dreams, or a new car. Credit Card Debt restricts our ability to make purchases and it adds stress to our lives. Credit card debt comes with high, interest rates. As credit card balances go up, so do the minimum payments, which can put a real crimp on our spending.
If you only pay the minimum amount due each month, it will seemingly take forever to pay off the balance. That’s what credit card companies are hoping you do.
Increase your personal wealth and improve your quality of life because today is the day to begin doing something about reducing your credit card debt. You don’t need to pay off the balance today but today is a great day to begin whittling away at the balance.
Here are some ways to “celebrate” this Holiday, so you can eventually liberate yourself from the claws of credit card companies:
- First, make an extra payment on your credit card balance.
- Implement a plan to pay just a few dollars more each month
- Limit new purchase, until your credit card balance is paid in full.
- Double down….. Add the money you didn’t spend on #3 above to your next credit card payment. You will have a zero balance even sooner!
- Reduce the number of credit cards you have.
- Once you have paid off the balance, Pay the full amount due each and every month…no exceptions.
By participating in this Holiday, you are on your way to financial freedom!
History and Origin of Credit Card Reduction Day:
Holiday Insights created this day in 2016 and we feel that credit card debt takes a tremendous toll on the lives of Americans. Credit card debt causes many problems but by freeing ourselves of credit card debt, and high interest rates, we will be able to do much more, and our lives will be much happier.
Don’t put up a stink about today because it is Fragrance Day which is a great smelling day. The olfactory nerves in your nose, will enjoy the aroma of this Holiday. Ladies in particular, will enjoy today because they love perfumes and guys, you’ve gotta admit that your gal’s perfume attracts you to her.
Perfumes have been in use for hundreds of years and in ancient times, fragrances were used to hide body odors. At the time, baths were infrequent. After a few days, things began to smell less than ideal. Perfumes played an important role in making the atmosphere more palatable. Today, the daily shower eliminates the bad odors but we still like the smell of perfume.
Favorite Fragrance Day Movie: Scent of a Woman
Celebrate today by purchasing perfume for yourself, or to give as a gift for someone. Make sure to put on just the right amount of perfume because overpowering perfume ruins the value of the fragrance to the “sniffer”.
History and Origin of “Fragrance Day”:
We’ve been on the scent about the origin and author of this Holiday unfortunately, our research did not find the creator, or the origin.
World Poetry Day– always held on March 21st.
Everyone knows poetry makes the world go round. Making the world a better place in which to live. Poetry is an important and powerful art form. Humans have been writing poems for thousands of years. When we think about poetry, romance and love first comes to mind for most people. But poetry is so much more. Poetry is an expression of just about anything: feelings, emotions, dreams, and more. Poetry addresses, war, sickness, health, happiness, to name just a few. Poems are written about any subject you can imagine.
UNESCO declared World Poetry Day at their 30th meeting in Paris in 1999. UNESCO goal is to recognize uniqueness of poetry to capture the human spirit. According to UNESCO website the purpose of this Holiday is to “support diversity through poetic expression increasing the opportunity for endangered languages to be heard.”.
While we often think poems should rhyme, there are plenty of poems do not because there are over a dozen types of poems. The most well know are Sonnet, Haiku, Limerick, and free verse.
Famous U.S. Poets:
- Emily Dickinson
- Robert Frost
- Edgar Alan Poe
- Walt Whitman
How to Celebrate World Poetry Day:
- Read poetry by yourself or to someone.
- Join a poetry reading group.
- Try your hand at writing poetry.
- Introduce someone to poetry.
History and Origin of “World Poetry Day”:
In 1999, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared World Poetry Day to be celebrated annually on March 21st.
Poetry has been celebrated in verse ever since.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates