Unique Holidays: March 2022 Social Workers Month

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? Welcome to our series sharing Unique Holidays: March 2022 Social Workers Month. Did you know March celebrates Social Workers Month? David’s mom used to work at the Red Cross as a Social Worker, and I think Charlie and David should take Granny Sherry to lunch this morning to thank her for all she did for the Community.

Social Work Month in March

Social Work Month in March is a time to celebrate the great profession of social work.
The theme for Social Work Month 2022 is The Time is Right for Social Work.
During Social Work Month take time to learn more about the many positive contributions of the profession.

National Social Work Month, observed throughout March, uplifts the Social Workers of our country and celebrates their constant contributions to our Society. These professionals use Psychology and Sociology to solve Social issues and improve individual lives – and it’s no easy feat! Social Work can be emotionally draining, require long hours, and pay entirely too little. But these superhumans strive every day to improve many people’s quality of life. They advocate on these people behalf. We would like to ask you to take some time out this month to recognize Social Workers.


Though Social Work has not always been a formal profession, some practice of Social Work has long been in place in the form of charity work. However, the profession is quite Scientific and recent, originating in the 19th Century England and brought to existence by the Industrial Revolution. It is based on casework, Social Administration/poverty relief, and social action. Social Work is an exciting profession that requires a background in Psychology and Sociology.

Originally, National Professional Social Work Month was introduced by the National Association of Social Workers in 1963 – over 50 years ago. National Association of Social Workers aimed targeted ad campaigns on Television at the public to encourage public support and to generate interest in the profession of Social Work which was hugely successful in its beginning, earning over 35,000 letters of support.

In 1984, the United States Government formally recognized National Social Work Month in March which was introduced by Democratic Senators and was co-sponsored by a Republican. Ronald Regan then signed NATIONAL SOCIAL WORK MONTH into law, and the rest is history.

Something that makes National Social Work month extra fun is the yearly themes. Each year’s theme is based on a Social issue that NASW wants to bring to light. Some of the biggest past themes include HIV/AIDS, children in poverty, racial and ethnic harmony, and aging parents. The very first NSWM was themed “Listen To The Children.” These campaigns make every National Social Work Month more educational.

A single Social Worker can influence an entire life and generations of Social Workers have shaped all of us. The legacy of social work includes wonderful aspects of the Society we live in.


  1. The National Association of Social Workers provides a handy Social Media toolkit on their website describing how best to honor these heroes! From Gen Z through the Silent Generation, they’re hoping to blanket Social Media with the hashtags #socialworkers, #SWGenerationsStrong, #SWMonth, and more. If you know a Social Worker honor them, and post a picture of them on Social Media.
  2. There are more than 680,000 Social Workers in the United States. The odds are you know someone who does Social Work. Honor them with party, a thoughtful note or gift..
  3. It’s no secret that Social Workers are in their role for the outcome, not the income. The average salary for Social Workers is less than $50,000/year. There are several essential organizations that support them and help them make ends meet. Some of these include The National Social Work Association and The Social Work Disaster Assistance Fund.


  1. Social Workers attend to people in need at every stage of life including childhood adoptions to end-of-life care.
  2. According to the government, over 60% of Mental Health services are delivered by licensed Social Workers.
  3. Four members of the House of Representatives and two US Senators are Social Workers and over 170 total hold elected office at a National, Local, and State level.
  4. Social workers are employed by Veterans’ Associations, in hospitals, mental health clinics, and in corporations.
  5. It is projected that the number of Social Workers needed will grow 16% from 2016 to 2026, which is far more than the average.


  1. Few people work harder than Social Workers and Social Workers don’t have standard 9-5 workdays, but rather go where and when they are needed to support those in need. Not only in March but year-round let’s help Social Workers feel more celebrated and cared for. Social Workers need the relaxation as they continue to tirelessly serve our communities.
  2. Social Workers change lives. From helping someone plagued with Substance Abuse or Depression improve their Mental Health to helping place children in the right homes for adoption, your brush with a Social Worker might be one that sets your life on a totally different way.
  3. Social Workers often deal with meager salaries and buget cuts. For all Social Workers do for those in need and our Society we’re lucky to get the month to celebrate Social Workers and acknowledge their contributions!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates