Unique Holidays: March 2022: National Women’s History Month

The Mommies Reviews

Unique Holidays: March 2022: National Women’s History Month

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During the month of March, we should give a little extra attention to all of the amazing accomplishments of strong, determined women. Since 1987, the United States has formally recognized March as National Women’s History Month. Every woman has a story to tell and gifts to share with the world. Get ready, because March is about honoring ladies, and I’m ready to celebrate. How about you?


Women’s History Month celebrates the often-overlooked contributions of women in History, Society, and Culture. Women’s History Month has been annually observed in the United States and other Countries, including the United Kingdom and Australia, every March since 1987. Women’s History Month is observed in October in Canada. March is selected as the month for observing Women’s History Month to correspond with International Women’s Day on March 8th. Canada observes Women’s History Month in October in correspondence with Persons Day on October 18th. 

The month-long commemoration started with Women’s History Day in 1978, which was organized by the school district of Sonoma, California. Hundreds of students participated in the essay competitions, presentations were given, and a Parade was held in Santa Rosa. The idea caught on and, a few years later, school districts, communities, and organizations all over the Country were celebrating the day. In 1980, the National Women’s History Alliance championed for the Holiday to be observed as a national Week, and which was backed by President Jimmy Carter, who issued the first proclamation declaring the week of March 8th as National Women’s History Week. The following year, Congress forwarded a resolution establishing a National Observance. Six years later, the expansion of the event to the whole month of March was successfully petitioned by the National Women’s History Project. 


  1. I would like to ask you to think of a woman you look up to and admire. She can be someone in your personal life or a public figure then write her a letter describing the impact she has had on your life. Your gesture is sure to be appreciated.
  2. Lunch, breakfast, or dinner it doesn’t matter. Grab your granny, or great-aunt and grab a bite to eat. Having the chance to spend some one-on-one time with the ladies in your life is a great way to reconnect and remind the ladies how much they mean to you. They may even tell interesting stories you’ve never heard before.
  3. There are excellent Museums dedicated entirely to the accomplishments of women. If you don’t happen to live near one of these places, many venues set up exhibits during National Women’s History Month.


  1. Women have always been present in the Military, temporarily and voluntarily.
  2. The Army Nurse Corps was created in 1901 and the Navy Nurse Corps was created in 1908.
  3. sMarried women were allowed to own property in their own name and keep their own wages in the 1900s.
  4. The first college to accept women was Salem College, founded in 1772.
  5. More than 30% of all businesses today are owned and run by women.


  1. We haven’t given women their due attention and for many years, women weren’t acknowledged enough in Historical texts. This isn’t because women weren’t in the midst of important discoveries or helping out with important conquests. It’s mainly because men wrote the majority of Historical documents for thousands of years. In March, we dig deep to uncover the important roles women have played throughout history.
  2. Women are inspirational and learning about women who have stood up for their rights and fought for what they believe is fantastic motivation. We all have the power to influence the direction our World is headed in, and National Women’s History Month reminds us of that.
  3. National Women’s History Month recognizes the strength and power of women and it’s easy to get caught up in the grind of daily life, but this month is an excellent opportunity to put a spotlight on all of the major thing’s women accomplish each and every day. Including domestic chores, carrying babies to fighting wars and governing Countries. As you can see women are amazing.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates