Unique Holidays: March 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: March 2022. It’s time to celebrate the American Red Cross in the month of March. Interesting fact, David’s mom, Sherry, retired from the American Red Cross as a driver.

Red Cross Month

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In honor of those that turn compassion into action, Red Cross Month falls in the month of March. The Red Cross Society has been saving lives since the 1800s and is made up of volunteers who offer to help others in times of crisis. The American Red Cross came into being in 1881. Their first Congressional Charter was received in 1900. According to the statistics, the American Red Cross responds to an emergency every eight minutes. That means that in every 24-hour period, the Red Cross responds to approximately 180 emergencies. The Red Cross needs volunteers now more than ever. Would you consider donating time or funds to the American Red Cross.


The Red Cross is a committee dedicated to helping people affected by War and crises, as well as anyone else in dire need of help. The Red Cross is made up of fearless volunteers who make it their objective to put others’ needs above their own.

The International Committee of The Red Cross (I.C.R.C.) was founded in 1863 by Henry Dunant in Geneva, Switzerland, and called for improved care for wounded Soldiers in wartime. In August 1864, the first Geneva Convention was held, and Armies became obliged to care for wounded Soldiers. No matter what side they were on. A unified emblem the now-iconic red cross on its white background was implemented.

In 1919, following the end of World War I, the I.C.R.C. founded the League of Red Cross Societies. Later, in World War II, the Red Cross’s activities expanded hugely as the organization worked tirelessly to save the lives of Soldiers and Civilians on both sides of the conflict. The Red Cross worked tirelessly to ship relief supplies across the globe, reaching Prisoners of War and Civilians.

Since the early 1900s, the Red Cross has been giving training to Civilians. It is thanks to the Red Cross that the first U.S. Civilian Blood Program was launched in the 1940s. Today, that program provides more than 40% of the blood products in the Country.

Red Cross Month honors people like you who make the lifesaving mission of the American Red Cross possible. The celebration has been an annual tradition since 1943 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt announced that March would now be Red Cross Month.


  1. The Red Cross runs with the help of volunteers from across the World. Do a selfless act today by volunteering to help the Red Cross Society near you.
  2. The Red Cross organizes many bloods donation runs. Find out more information from your local Red Cross and pick a day to donate Blood.
  3. You never know when or where you can meet someone in need of help. The Red Cross conducts training on things including First Aid and CPR to help Civilians learn the skills they need to possibly save a life.


  1. Henry Dunant witnessed the Battle of Solferino, which inspired him to form the I.C.R.C.
  2. Nightingale originally thought the idea of the Red Cross was absurd and would relieve the Government of a responsibility that should be theirs.
  3. Islamic Nations use a red crescent as the symbol.
  4. The I.C.R.C. has won the Nobel Peace Prize three times in 1917,1944, and 1963.
  5. The Red Cross Societies are constantly monitoring for disasters, ready to dispatch at a moment’s notice.


  1. The Red Cross Society is geared at humanitarian activities and helping people in the Military, as well as Civilians. It’s a selfless humanitarian that should be celebrated.
  2. The Red Cross is geared at protecting and saving human lives and this selfless committee is saving thousands of human lives every year through disaster relief.
  3. In addition to protecting Civilian lives, the Red Cross protects the lives of our members of the Military. The Red Cross conduct War relief to help ensure that our Soldiers don’t die in the line of service.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates