Unique Holidays: March 18th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Did you do anything special to celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day yesterday? I spent it with David, Charlie and my sister reliving part of mine and Charlie’s childhood. Now, I need to catch up on work. Which is why I am here so early this morning sharing our series featuring Unique Holidays: March 18th, 2022. Take a look at the Holidays being celebrated today and let me know which one you most want to celebrate and why.

Awkward Moments Day

Image result for Awkward Moments Day

C’mon, admit it. You’ve had an awkward moment or two in your life. You know, the moments that make you say, “I’m so embarrassed”. Those weird and uncomfortable occurrences that we wish we could take back. I’m sure you’re no exception. Some are innocent little occasions out of our control, like a chance encounter or experiences that may not have even been your fault. Others are real whoppers, the kind that make you want to crawl under a rock, until the red fades from your cheeks. Years after the event, we can reflect back and usually laugh about it with others but when it happens we want to hide.

Being able to laugh about your awkward moments is good for you. As a matter of fact, being able to relate your past discretions is a big part of Awkward Moments Day.

We’ve identified the main objectives of this Holiday:

  1. You are encouraged to embrace your awkwardness today.
  2. Celebrate and forget past awkward moments.
  3. Share those memorable moments with a friend and laugh about them.
  4. Stop taking yourself so seriously. Life is too short to dwell on it or remain embarrassed for long. 

However, you decide to enjoy Awkard Moments Day, we hope rehashing those awkward moments, brings smiles and laughs to your day.

Awkward Moments Day was traced this holiday back to 2017.

Goddess of Fertility Day

Image result for Goddess of Fertility Day

Goddess of Fertility Day is today which celebrates Aphrodite and other Gods and Goddesses of Fertility. In ancient times, many cultures had multiple Gods and Goddesses. Each God or Godess represented various aspects of life. The ancient Greek Goddess Aphrodite was by far the most well-known Goddess of Fertility. People would pray and make offerings to Aphrodite when seeking to create a family.

If you are looking to get pregnant then, today might be the perfect time. However, if you are looking to avoid the unexpected pitter-patter of little feet, one might suggest today is a day of abstinence.

Several ancient cultures had a deity identified as the Goddess of fertility. They include:

  • Greek: Demeter Ceres) is the Goddess of fertility, harvest, and agriculture.
  • Roman: Venus is the Goddess of fertility, love, sex and beauty.
  • Norse: Frigg is the Goddess of love and fertility. The Norse God of fertility is Freyr.
  • Egyptian: Isis is the Goddess of fertility, magic, death, healing and rebirth.

Supreme Sacrifice Day

Supreme Sacrifice Day recognizes the ultimate sacrifice made by some for the good of others. History is filled with examples of  people who offered the supreme sacrifice for other people.

We offer these examples:

  • Jesus Christ gave the supreme sacrifice when he died on the cross for us.
  • Soldiers in battle gave their lives to protect our freedom, and to keep us safe.
  • Fireman and Police officers have given their lives in the line of duty.
  • More often than you think, a young man or a young women caught up in a love triangle, gave up the chase for the sake of their loved one.

Today is a day to reflect and offer thanks and appreciation to those who made a sacrifice for us.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates