Unique Holidays: March 15th, 2022

The Mommies Reviews

Good evening, welcome to our series featuring Unique Holidays: March 15th, 2022, Charlie says he doesn’t mind celebrating weird and unusual Holidays, but he draws the line at celebrating a Buzzard today. How about you do you plan on celebrating Buzzards Day today? If so how?

Buzzards Day

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Bizarre as it may seem, today we celebrate Buzzards and it’s not like Buzzards are cute or cuddly, for that matter. So, before we continue, let’s make certain we know what we’re celebrating. A Buzzard is also known as a Turkey Vulture, or simply called a Vulture. Buzzards are scavengers and Buzzards eat Roadkill. By definition, Buzzards eat the dead and putrefying Meat of animals. Aren’t you glad to know that we’re celebrating Buzzards?

How on earth did we ever get to the point of having Buzzard’s Day? Walter Nawalaniec, a Cleveland, Ohio Patrolman and Bird watcher, tracked the Spring Migration of returning Turkey Vultures to the Cleveland area each year. Walter Nawalaniec told local reporter Robert Bordner and Historian Eunice Morton that he had observed Buzzards had returned to the area exactly on March 15th for the past six years. History has since proven that Buzzards return to the Cleveland, Ohio area on March 15th most years.    

 Watching the Buzzards return each year became an annual event in the Cleveland area. Along the way, serving and eating Pancakes and Sausage became part of the tradition for this Holiday.

The Migratory Bird Act of 1918 protects Buzzards and Turkey Vultures perform an important role in the Eco-system, cleaning the environment of dead animals.

I suppose if people call you an “old Buzzard”, then this Holiday is for you, too!

Dumbstruck Day

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It’s no surprise that more and more people are dumbstruck on an increasingly frequent basis. The volumes of false information being printed in the media, and especially in Social Media, makes it all but impossible to sort out the truth from the lies. Therefore, we all have the right to be hopelessly dumbstruck.

Dumbstruck Day is a Holiday to be totally dumbstruck over the things you see, hear and read. You may easily be dumbstruck to read that someone created this Holiday. Some people are dumbstruck on a regular basis, day in and day out. The events in their lives and the world around them are overwhelming. I hope that isn’t you or I.

However, everyone has the right to be dumbstruck once in a while and if you are normally embarrassed to be dumbstruck, then today is truly a special Holiday. Today, you can be dumbstruck like the rest of us without guilt or embarrassment.

Everything You Think is Wrong Day

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Everything You Think is Wrong Day is a day when nothing goes right and it’s not just in your thinking, that things are going wrong. Things are indeed going wrong, literally. Everything you see appears to be all wrong. How frustrating! Have you ever had a day like that? A day when nothing was going right? Yeah, me too!

Well, today is a Holiday in recognition that everyone has a bad day once in a while which can even happen to you. We just hope you don’t think it happens all the time.

If you’re thinking everything is wrong today, just wait 24 hours. Tomorrow everything will be just right! All those things that go wrong today, will magically correct themselves at the stroke of midnight because everything is uphill from here. Tomorrow is Everything You Do is Right Day.

Ides of March

The Ides of March is the first day of the Roman New Year and this day also marks the first day of Spring on the Roman calendar.

On this day in History, Julius Caesar was warned by soothsayers to “beware of the Ides of March”. Apparently, Julius Caesar did not heed the warning strongly enough as he was stabbed by Marcus Brutus on the Ides of March in 44 BC.

Tea for Two Tuesday – third Tuesday in March- Third Tuesday in March

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Tea for Two Tuesday is established for two or more people to enjoy a cup of Tea together. I don’t know about you, but Tea is a very relaxing beverage and, how much more pleasant it is, when Tea is enjoyed with others. While the name of this Holiday, is Tea for Two Tuesday, we encourage you to have “a glass or cup of Tea” with any number of people. Make it a Tea party and invite everyone you can think of because the more, the merrier!

You can call yourself a “Teetotaler” if you like. Drinking Tea does not make you a Teetotaler. (Sometimes spelled Teatotaler, Tee Totaler. By definition, a Teetotaler is someone who has sworn off Alcohol, often turning to Tea as a substitute.

They say variety is the spice of life and we encourage you to try different types of Tea today and before you ask there is no shortage of Tea flavors, with and without Caffeine.

If your drink Tea, unlike Alcohol you can still drive. And don’t forget Tea is good for you.

History and Origin of Tea for Two Tuesday:

This Holiday was created by the Tea lovers at Holiday Insights, in March 2016.

Up to this point, we have not found any Holidays recognizing Tea.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates